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Award on my Shadow Shot Sunday #6

Another Sunday of February (Saturday in EU) and time for our game Shadow Shots Sunday!!!
Yeah, I was hoping the whole week that the northern sun will peep awhile for me when my cam came to handy, but to no avail (again?).

As I told you before that some archives are friendly to me, so I can share some of SS... The shots that I share today are from the island of Mindanao, where I came from. Such a nice shots that no one thought of the reflection of the shadows. Cool, huh?
This is a Tboli dance. Tboli are an old indigenous people living in South Cotabato
Young native dancers during the Koronadal Day Celebration...
Fishing Celebration, showing the abundance Dance...
Kadayawan Celebration during summer in Davao City where I came from
This was taken in the street of the city where the school children joined the dance to celebrate the
week celebration...

This a mini tulips "krukos" in swedish. You think "spring" is on the air?
Well--- am hoping it anyway! Now, head over to our host ...

and visit the universal SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY... Thanks a mill "hey harriet"
What is my Sunday w/out Award, too!

"The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming. This blog invests in proximity in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be new friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandisement. Our hope is that when ribbons of these awards are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give your kind attention to these writers."
I recieved fantastic awards from*Debbies English Treasures*
and to follow the rules I'll pass this award to all who come and leave a comment. This is just showing the friendship we have in our "bloglandia"
Have a wonderful week-end to everybody...ENJOY & CHILL OUT


  1. Du är för underbar med alla Dina härliga bilder, njuter av all färgprakt, har Du sett krokus nu??

    Ha nu en skön Helg!

    Kramen /annette

  2. Hello Tita!

    Congratulations! You have created a very nice blog! ....Proud to be a Filipino!

    I never knew that you're very creative and I really appreaciate the effort you exerted.

    Way to go! I'm proud of you!

    I miss you Tita! Take care!

  3. The dance photo series at the top are marvelous ... very colorful and dynamic.

    Thanks for your frequent visits and comments on my SSS post Richie.


  4. oj, våren vill visst komma fram där! ha en fortsatt skön helg!


  5. Hey Richie, I am sure you miss Phillipines a lot. Those dances are amazing..I've not seen them here. Tulips springing out so soon, I sure hope so. Have a great weekend :p

  6. Loved the dancing photos.

    Tulips in the snow...pretty

  7. Whenever we get snow and things are getting ready to bloom..My mom would always call it "poor man's fertlizer"..What a happy picture of flowers..Love the beautiful pictures of your homeland..Just wonderful and so colorful. Happy SSS..and much hugs..Rosebud..
    Love the award..another beauty.

  8. Such an interesting collection of shots! Especially love the shadowed reflections in the floor! They add depth!

  9. A very interesting post and pictures. They are really mini tulips? Wow.

  10. I would love to be in the sunshine right now, watching the dancers and making a shadow too. ;-)

  11. What a very pretty and happy SSS post! So sweet of you to pass on the award too!

  12. I love the shots of the native dance, what beautiful customs you have.

    The tulips are a sign of things to come...let's hope very soon SPRING!!!


  13. Beautiful pics Chie! Love the dancer's much colour and the tulips peeking through the snow are so lovely! Happy Sunday :D

  14. A cool collection of shadows! Loved the tulips in the pretty! Congrats on your award!

  15. G'day, congrats on the award and beautiful pictures too, love the flower in the snow and the way the shadows on the floor of the dancers. Thank you for sharing :)

    Today cool, 24degcel.

    Yesterday saturday, scorcha, 46degcel, many lifes and properties lost in the heat wave, they call it Hell in Victoria's History, worse than Ash Wednesday in 1983. Wind was so hot. Victoria still burning and today NSW.

    Hopy your friends in aussie land are alright.

    Have a great day and treasure all you have... :) MOnikaROse

  16. Glad you were able to find these shots in your archive. They are priceless. Congrats on your award and thanks for passing it along to us.

  17. We can only hope! What a nice thought of spring!
    Love your colorful pictures....this helps us think of warmer days ahead!!

  18. I love the crocuses! Spring is most assuredly on its way to you. I wish mine would start poking up.

    Your SSs are very nice. I love all the colorful dancers!

    Congrats on your award!

  19. Lovely vibrant costumes!
    Spring isn't far - I hope!

  20. Congratulations on your award. The shadow shots are lovely... and those crocus look just beautiful popping out of the snow. Spring IS coming! It IS! Yippee!

  21. Thanks for sharing pics from your hometown. It is amazing that those tulips can bloom in the snow.

  22. I love those dancing shadows especially the 3rd photo with the motion blur, great captures!

  23. hejsan
    ja det var tur jag inte slängde dom=) nu är man tillbaks i blogg världen igen, ha ju slitit med kaklet hela helgen*suck* de där gör jag aldrig om;) ha en fin kväll och en bra start på nya veckan. kram

  24. The dancers are so exotic looking and you're right, I had to stop and think about the shadows.
    Happy SSS!

  25. Yes...your blog is beautiful! Your SSS photo is nice.

  26. Your blog is always such a pleasure to look at! I'm digging the Valentine theme... love is in the air! Your yellow crocus are the envy of my eyes. Have a wonderful week!

  27. Grattis till din award.
    Sköna bilder du visar.
    Visst är det härligt med lyxiga produkter. Har du provat V. Secrets vanilla body lotion? Underbar!


  28. Very cool shadows, love the reflection shadows on the glossy floor. Congrats on your award too, well deserved :)

  29. Great pictures - thanks for sharing!

  30. Yes Richie.. spring is in the air!!
    The photos with the dancers are so nice♥♥
    Have a nice week Richie, hugs!!

  31. Haha så härligt sprakande bilder som vanligt:) man blir glad här...!

    Ha en skön kväll vännen//Kram

  32. Men iallsindar....
    Krokus redan? Det ser ut som små solar som sticker upp ur snön.
    Dina bilder ger mig glädje i vardagen.
    Kramen synne.

  33. Thanks Richie very much! I love receiving an award!


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