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Dinner @ my place on my Shadow Shots Sunday #8 + Award

GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL WORLD!!! Howdy everybody? Hope you had a great Saturday and wishes you a wonderful Sunday. Before everything else, I would like to invite you for a dinner at my poorman's house, Ladies!

Have your sit and enjoy your meal while your looking at my shadow shots for this day...
Here are my share for our game every Sunday!!!
Welcome, my Ladies! Hope you enjoy your stay & don't forget to sign my "guestbook", k?
A snap this morning at my lil hall...

Have a sit, everybody? The sunlight catches into my dinner table
And gave me some nice shadows...
Hmmm... even in my stove, sunlight came thru too?
A lovely day!
These are the dishes I prepared for you today.
You can see a lil shadow in the left side down just the corner
Myself having a Saturday morning walk
A perfect shot, I guess... that's me, the nearest shadow!
The bus station at the back of my house w/c is the easiest way to my place.
Am not a rider but a wanderer walker §:-)
Am enjoying taking a walk from home to the train station. A sort of meditation!

Well, the dinner I prepared are sallad: Entrè consists wholemeal bread w/ shrimp mix toppings,
mango, zuccinni, roman sallad & peas sprout (grilled). Then I have a filipino beefsteak, egg noodles w/ chicken and chicken w/ peanut sause & vegetables. Dessert is a typical and simple cake: digestive biscuit topped w/ vanilla whipped cream and filipino sweet cola milk & sprinkled w/ raspberries (from my garden, frozen from the last harvest September 2008).


Thank You so much "TRACEY" for giving us this enjoyment every Sunday.
It's kinda addiction §:-) I always keep my cam handy, in thoughts that the sun might peep out!

This seems funny but I can't help it if some of my readers think that I am worthy to take an award of blogging. Thank you so much Mich... for your kind thoughts for giving me this award.
I now share this to all the ladies who pass by in here. I know that you all worth having my award too. This is the only thing I can give you ... "Sharing of appreciation of friendship online ".


  1. entire shadow shots of your home and food too! Hey, make that double coz I will be coming over soon :D Beautiful home Richie.

  2. Oh I'd love to come for dinner at your lovely home! The menu sounds fantastic! Beautiful shadow shots. :) Congratulations on your award and so sweet of you to pass it on. Happy, happy Sunday to you too!

  3. Dinner looks wonderful!!! I love those shadow shots :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog.. that basket on the fence is topped with snow, that's just from the snow falling!

    I'm going on to read the rest of your blog, looks intriguing!

  4. thanks for sharing many shadow shots.. my favorites are of people! Nice work!

  5. What a fun post!! Great shadows, touring through your home and surrounds, dinner looks beautiful, maybe sometime;0) Congrats on your award, have a great Sunday.

  6. Yum, yum! I want to fly on over and join you for your tasty feast! Love the house tour!

  7. Hello Chie, how are you?

    Fantastic shadow shots.

    Thank you for dinner, that was delicious, thanks for invite.

    Great award too, you deserve many times over.

    Have a fantastic and wonderful day :)
    Thanks for Sharing

  8. Another fun collection of shadows! That dinner looks so good! I'm very hungry now. Thanks for that ;) And congrats on your award. It's so sweet of you to pass it along to all of us :)

  9. You deserve a day off! Dinner looks wonderful! Richie, I must say that you have the most beautiful shadows in your home - lucky girl!
    Enjoy your week!

  10. OMG...all that food looks wonderful...thank you! Lots of great SSs!
    Congrats on your award:D

  11. I'll have a cup of tea please, it will be perfect with the dessert...very yummy looking, mmmmm raspberries, thanks for the invite, looks like a cool, crisp day...have a great Sunday!


  12. Ohhhh jag kommer GÄRNA. ;( synd att du bor sååå långt bort. Säg till din man nu att ni ska flytta;)
    GRATTIS till den fina awarden. Den är du värd.
    Förlåt att jag inte varit här så mkt men det har varit så mkt på sistone.
    Du är ändå en av mina bästa bloggvänner OCH Annette-vännen.
    Det är ni två som gör min dag här i bloggvärlden.

    Många söndagskramar från mig

  13. hi there little miss chie, would love to stop and have a sit at your table.. I go for the noodles please ;) Your shadow pictures are fun! I must check out that blog but I only see a picture while following the link! HAve a great sunday tooooooooo
    hugs from a windy amsterdam

  14. What a happy visit..I would sure enjoy breaking bread with all of you..Cozy home and done with so much love..beautiful shadows..Have a happy SSS...All the award are wonderful and you deserve them..I always save day I will figure out how to make a three column blog..and put them up. It is a miracle I have a blog.

  15. If I had known we were having a meal I would have brought a bottle of wine. Your dining room looks so serene and elegant.

  16. Hei Snuppa.
    Så flotte bilder du lagt ut idag.
    Håper det er bra med dere allesammen der borte. Her er det meget bra akkurat nå.
    Klems meg.

  17. Mmm that dinner looks delicious and I would like to give it a try.

    Didn'nt realise before you commenten that my PH post could have been an SS post too. LOL

  18. what lovely shots! thanks for the words of encouragement! I appreciate your feedback.

  19. Härliga bilder! Det är ett härligt spel, skugga/ljus.
    Tack för inbjudan! det säger jag aldrig nej till ;)
    Grattis till den fina awarden! den är du värd !
    Ha de gott min vän
    Kram Lily

  20. I am intrigued with shadows too, and find myself pointing my camera towards these fascinating distorted shapes. They have an extra dimention don't they?

  21. Your dinner looks great, mmmmm.... and the photos with shadows are so fine!
    Congrats for the award!!
    A nice week for you Richie!!

  22. Dinner looks lovely!
    Lots of lovely shadows today. My favorite is the fireplace shadow.

    When you're taking photos like the one of your shadow do people stop to ask what you're doing?

  23. Hi ... looks like dinner was FABULOUS! I love the Shadow shots ... all beautiful. Maybe I'll have to drag myself over to stockholme for some of that delicious food :)

  24. Hej!
    Det var så länge sedan jag var ute på bloggrunda och nu tänker jag ta tag i detta igen.
    Jag behöver vila ögonen lite på färg och form så jag hoppade in hos dig en stund.


  25. Yum ...Yum ... I am having seconds and thirds of the egg noodles w/ chicken and chicken w/ peanut sause & vegetables!

  26. Hej hej!
    grattis till din award. Härliga skuggor du visar.

    Och tack för matbiten, det var väldans gott =)

  27. The first one is my favorite.

    That food spread looks marvelous!


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