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My Earth Hour Shadow Shots Sunday

Ikväll släcks miljoners lampor i mer 80 länder världen över och mer en miljard människor går sammans för en manisfestation för vår jords klimat. Många inte tror på denna handling, men vem och var ska vi börja då? Det är bättre att börja från små steg men säker, eller hur?

IAF, jag hade släckt alla mina lampor förutom frys och kylskåpet i en hel timme... Vill du se?

Hoppas Ni var med---
Stairs on d way to my SPA area in the basement
Where I put my loving dad's photos in my altar, right side from the stairs
Lady statue standing beside my couch in my reading area in Spa
More candles on the window pane beside my divanPut my high glass candle holder in the middle of the SPA area
Hanging Candle beside my toilet in the Spa area in the basement

Yes! another year of the world's EARTH HOUR manisfestation. A bit worried coz I didn't saw shadows the whole day today as we had a bad weather. Snowy & cloudy for my SSS... means no shadows at all. I supposed to go to bed for a rest coz I had a terrible headache but my head keep saying "look around and you'll find me there". 8.30pm we started to switch off all the lights all in Sweden. Me & hubby we're alone home coz lil L went out with friends. We lit many candles around the house. Lots in the Spa area. I suddenly realized that "Voilá"! there they are. Grab the cam and toke these photos.

An hour for Mother Earth isn't a big deal but a big difference to human kind!
I DID!!! Here's my shots to share for you tonight/today---
VISIT "hey harriet" for more shadow shots and enjoy!


  1. Lovely candle shadows! It is very gray here in Seattle as well and I had to find some shadow photos from last week! Thanks for sharing, hope you feel better soon!

  2. Hallo.
    Her var vi med og deltog i det här fantastiska som skedde. Jag hoppas bara att det gör någon nytta för vår planet.
    Hoppas det är bra med dig.
    Här är vi genomförkylda och mår urk både maken och jag. Men det går väl över någon gång får man hoppas.

    Önskar dig en fortsatt go kväll.
    Kram vännen.

  3. Hey Richie! Thanks for the cool shadows - quite nice by candle!
    Enjoy your week!

  4. Beautiful shots, Richie! And those alligators were NOT in a cage. I was standing right next to them! :)

  5. Hey Chie, hope you feel better after headache, love the candle lit photos, just beautiful, love candles myself, put them out too...thanks for dropping by...i am building courage to give pic of my cut hair..will show..i promise, give me time and i do look gorgeous and my hubby loves the hairdo as well, he cannot stop feeling my head.. ;)
    Have a great weekend, cya MonikaROse

  6. Candles an a spa definitely go well together. Hope your headache went away.

  7. Hello Richie, lovely candle and romantic shadows everywhere. Has spring sprung? I am sure you wishing to be near here, whereby I am wishing to be in a cooler was 35 celcius yesterday..just wanted to make you jealous with the weather haha!! Happy Sunday my friend :P

  8. All such pretty and clever Earth Day shadow shots. Sorry to hear about your headache. Hope you feel better now.

  9. Sorry to say I didn't think of Earh hour. But what great shadows you had around the house with all those candles. In a way no electricity makes life so much cosier!

    Here's wishing you loads of fun on Malta! Wish I could hop along. I love those islands! Enjoy yourself there and take lots of pictures! Have a good trip!

  10. Lovely Earth Hour shadows Richie!
    and thank you for your lovely words on my blog :)

  11. What beautiful, soft shadows..
    Love the altar and your dad's pictue there.What a wonderful idea.
    Happy SSS..xoxoRosebud.

  12. Hihi,

    THNX for the sweet comment.
    I am doing great had a really busy week! Thankfully today I can catch up with some reading!

    Jack loved the kitchen renovation.

    Have a lovely Sunday!

    gr. Mel

  13. I love your candle shadows! I started my earth hour late, but I did remember to do it at least... just 45 minutes behind schedule.

  14. jag va jag var inte lika klyftig som du och tog bilder..du e verkligen härlig..hihi...ha det gott

  15. Love candles and the shadows they make.

  16. Wow! Lots of wonderful candle lit shadows...beautiful!!

  17. Good girl!!! You help the world and at the same time you make lovely candle decorations!!
    Have a nice week!


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