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Wonderful Sunny Shadow Shot Sunday #12, 2009

At last! sun shone for us TODAY!
Hopefully, this will last but I admit, chasing shadows in a poor sunlight is kinda cool & am enjoying it.
It makes me very creative in a way. Anyway...

My variety shots today are from home & OUT

All photos are pressable for a larger variant...
I didn't realize till hubby told me to check my dinner table ---
The silver candle holder flashes round rings
Also in the dining area. These house shots were taken b4 we left home for a Saturday promenade
Lil L showed a pivot showing she can dance §:-) while am taking a perfect shot
Catches our eyes the recyclebin in the train station
Yes! this is the station I used to come every day 5 days a week

Yes! you heard it. I prefer to have a poor sunshine, though while chasing my shadow shots. You know why? Well, I feel a bit stress, seeing all the shadows around me §:-))
I feel like taking million shots to all shadows that surrounded me and wanted to post them all directly, but "DÓH!"
"It's only Tuesday, my hubby reckoned"---waaahhh... that's another story... BUT---
Am enjoying the sunlight so much... can't wait to sit in my porch just wearing shorts & tees, walking barefoot... refreshing!

About you, Ladies? do you feel like what I feel while chasing the perfect shadows? Anyways, don't forget to drop by at our host ---
"hey harriet"
She's been very good in her meme and more ladies joined us this fun stuff, why ain't YOU?
So, c´mon!!! To see the universal Shadow shot Sunday... Visit---->>>


  1. Fascinating range of shadows! Especially loved the pool of light and shadow from the candle on your dining table!

  2. What a great collection of shadows! I love them all, hard to choose a favorite! But I do really like the first one. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love the reflections of your glasswork on the wall in the second photo.

    And little Anna Pavlova in the third picture FAB!

  4. You are having way too much fun and so is little 'L', what a wonderful dancer she must be!

    Enjoy that sunshine anyway! Have a great weekend!


  5. Love your shadow shots! Lil makes a fun pivot but my favourite picture today is the first one with those round rings made by the silver candle holder!

    Oh yes I understand your feelings because with a lot of sun and so many shadows it's hard to make a choice!

    Enjoy your Sunday and have a nice week!

  6. Lots of interesting shadows posted today. Love the one of your daughter and presume you taking the photo.

  7. Love the pic of your daughter doing a ballet move! The shot is full of life:)

  8. You always have so much fun on your outings and your home is so beautiful. I don't know which one I like the most. Happy SSS!

  9. A nice variety of shots here...

  10. what beautiful sunny shadows! love them all!

  11. g'day, love your shadow shots Chie, great lighting on the pics, thank you for sharing...have a fantastic day and the week ahead...monikarose...come on over and i will be happy to teach you crochet, you are right, practice is perfect. i am still learning new stitches every day...check out Teresa website, fantastic teacher of crochet...

  12. Great shadows Richie! I guess you are right about having too much sun means too many shadows to choose from. That can be a bit overwhelming to us shadow shooters ;)

  13. Beautiful shots - I particularly love the pivot!

  14. nice shadows!

    greetings from Cairo, Egypt!

    jag ar fran Helsinki, Finland och ny i Cairo, expat liv...
    jag kan inte skriva svenska, hoppas att du forstar..hahahh

    ps. please give me some of your shoes - you have too many!!! :-)

  15. hejsan
    hoppas ni haft det fin i helgen=) såg ut som ni haft fint väder oxå=) kram och ha en fin start på nya veckan

  16. the candle rings are beautiful

    and the dancer is lovely!!

  17. Vilka underbara ocjh livgivande bilder du bjuder på, ja igår visdade sig solen lite men idag SNÖAR det i Norrrköping!!

    Ha en bra start på veckan!

    Kramen //annette

  18. Hej min vän!

    Snygga skuggbilder du visar.

    Tack så mycket för grattishälsningen.

    Under helgen har jag legat lite efter med att gå in och hälsa på andra, jag har haft fullt sjå med att fira ;)

    Vi började redan i torsdags bara älsklingen och jag, med en liten räkafton. På fredag som egentligen var den stora dagen, var vi hos min svärson och ett barnbarn och firade dom som oxå fyller år i dagarna. I går ville min äldste son med familj att vi skulle komma ut till dom, för att bli firad.

    Och i dag har vi varit nere på vår odlingslott och nu på kvällen var det årsmöte i odlingsföreningen.

    Så nu får jag pusta ut och gå in och hälsa på mina kära bloggvänner som till min stora glädje, har blivit så många.

    Må gott och lev väl

    Kram från Irene

  19. Hej Snuppa.
    Bara komma det vet du :D
    Hoppas det är bra med dig.
    Här är man lite snuvig just nu.
    Men annars är allt under kontroll.
    Ha det gott min vän.
    Kram Synne.

  20. Lovely photos with some very nice shadows. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Such dancing shadows -- then a dancer too

  22. Lots of great shadows here!! I really like the 1st and 3rd ones the best! The light ring is cool...and how can you not love dancing?!

  23. Hello Richie, bet you must be missing all those sunny times over here in Asia. It was 36 celcius yesterday and I was pottering around with a hat but not for long too, the heat and humidity was crazy...yeah, trying to make you jealous by reminding you of our sunny skies here. Wonderful collection of SSS, especially with the pretty young, i wish I could do that too..but then I'll need to lose some weight haha..big hugs for the week..its Monday now and I am way too busy, no time to upload new pictures too :D

  24. Perfect reflections - so beautiful to see the sun shining! Have a lovely day. Amanda x

  25. Fina skuggfoton!! Kram på dej =)

  26. Neat them all...especially the table....

  27. Very nice shadow shots! I love the round rings and the pivot.Thank you for visiting my blog!


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