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Look around & YOU find Me there #71

Just det! idag är en annan dag... titta omkring dig och jag finns där!

That's right! be my guest, just put autumn fruits or whatever you feel.
Am open for any ideas... as am laying in a wonderful table here...

Naturally beautiful, can you find me here or there?
Subtle, yet elegant in my own way. Do you agree?
Lovely dovey? or lovely hmmm! What can you say?
Wanna hear from you---

Gray, grayer, grayish? Dóh... what?
Well, sun shines adorably, that why!

They said, I got it all, shape, form and..." Whatevah"
Tell me the truth then?

That's very true. You don't need to chase the perfect shadows far away from home as I usually do. Just look around and they're waiting for your perfect shots.

LOOK at mine! They're everywhere at reach! No need to drive away today!
To watch the universal collage for last week's shadow shots?
Head over to:
*Thanks a MILL Tracey*
To all my bloggie friends outhere, I would love to see you bring this award to your room
and be proud for having your blogsite my inspirational and to all your readers.
Keep up your good work, peps! It's much appreciated, in my part!


  1. Marvelous collection of shadow shots! I love them all! Thanks as always for stopping by and for your comments! Much appreciated!

    Enjoy your day!


  2. I love all your shadows this week and I really like your faces painting. And congratulations on your award!

  3. Hope you are all recovered from the flu. I love the lamps, as well as the home shadows. Great selection.

  4. Love all your shadow shots! great job done! congrats on the award..

  5. Very, very nice. I especially love the first one.

  6. You always find so many great shadows!

  7. All these pictures have an item that throws a wonderful shadow, The basket with its shadow expands into a birds nest. The vas and bottle are much bigger with the shadow. The floor lamp expands the room, and so on. This group of objects ass beauty to the rooms, the shadows add a wonderful depth to the scene. Stunning!

  8. What a wonderful collection of shadow shots!


  9. Wonderful shadows in your beautiful home...I stayed right in mine for my shadow was glaring right in front of me, just waiting.

    Have a wonderful, sunny Sunday!

  10. Excellent collection of shadows. I like your furniture. I also know that it must be strange being at home in two places.

  11. Very nice shadows! I'm always amazed with your ability to capture so many super shadows around your house!!! Impressive! :)

  12. Love your shots, especially the bowl in the first pic, thanks for dropping by sis, good to hear from you. Hope you feeling better :) Great shots for this week. Loved your freaky Friday, all shades interesting :) Enjoy your day

  13. another wonderful collection of shadows! Love the bowl - really interesting design!! Happy Sunday to you Gxx

  14. wonderful shadows, specially the first one....

  15. Grattis till Awarden, den är du väl värd med din fina blogg. Jag tycker dina saker är lovely, gillar grått också, inte bara vitt. Ha nu en skön söndag vännen.
    Goa kramen

  16. Hej! jag igen. Glömde skriva att det låter spännande att du var hos Simon och Thomas. Ska bli kul och se, kanske du möblerar om nu.
    Ha det gott

  17. They all are wonderful. I don't know which one I like best. Perhaps the circular shadow. Well done!

  18. Dark shadows blossom
    where lamp and light and wall meet—
    what fruit will follow?

    My Shadow Shot

  19. Lovely shadow, lovely objects! The first one is outstanding.

  20. What great shadows..Beautiful job.
    Always fun to see what you will have..Have a great day..
    Congratulations on your award..well deserved.

  21. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  22. You have so many shadows at your place, Chie ~ or rather, you are very observant to notice them all! I especially love the nest-like fruit bowl. Enjoy what's left of your weekend, and congrats on your well-earned and lovely award!

  23. Congratulations on your award, you have a delightful blog.

    All your shadow shots are wonderful. Thanks for stopping by,

    Kind regards, Pam :)

  24. Thank you for visiting.Greeting from Bulgaria!Very good blog.

  25. What fantastic shadows you have this week Richie! Love the first one of that basket....but equally love the one of the bowl with the shadow of the light above!

  26. Mycket tänkvärda bilder !! JA en bild säger mer än tusen ord faktiskt!! hehe Tack för awarden o hoppas du tog den med dej fr min sida med !!kram vännen!!=)

  27. You've lovely sculptural shapes in your home to capture. Great idea & delivery.

  28. so true, shadows at your fingertips!
    Lovely too!

  29. Tack, vad glad jag blir.

  30. Lovely, lovely selection of shadows!! You have a terrific blog - I can see why you won that award!

  31. Hej! Tyvärr är korgsoffan såld. Det är minst tre stycken som frågat efter den också, så de är nog inte så vanliga :) Lamporna du visade var ju såå kul! Hoppas ni mår bättre nu. Kram, Tina

  32. So glad you left a message and I hope you leave many more, that's how I get to know you better.


  33. Shedows in the home, a good idea. Great shots and great interio decorating.

  34. Happy Monday! Hope you have had a beautiful weekend Chie! I love the bottles in your images. Hugs Ax

  35. Hejsan och Tack för din kommentar hos mig
    Vilken fin blogg du har .ska titta lite närmare på den senare i kväll .


  36. Ja testa dom! Dom är mumsiga:)
    Ha en bra vecka!

  37. WOW!! Some great shadow shots here! I especially like that first one!


  38. Richie, those are beautiful rooms that you've photographed. are they your rooms? Happy SSS! Thanks for the award I will put it up in my sidebar! :)

  39. Nice shadows and it's true they're everywhere :)

  40. Snygga bilder med fina skuggor! Ja, skuggor finns överallt, man behöver inte gå så långt... :-)
    Tack för din kommentar på min blogg!
    Har lagt till dig i min länklista. Vill du länka till mig blir jag bara glad!

  41. Hoppas du hittat rätt på din tvätt som blåste bort, helt galet ju med detta blåsande. Cyklade i motvind idag jobbigt värre.Hoppas du mår bättre från din förkylning.Ha en bra vecka du härliga bloggvän, kram Katta

  42. You are so beautifully creative. Love your site. It makes me feel so inspired.
    Your shadow pics are wonderful.
    Thanks for stopping by my site and leaving a comment on SS.

  43. Hi Richie, you've got lots of fantastic SSS everywhere. Happy week ahead ;P


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