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RELAXING on my SSS #38


Jag var helt slut igår (fredag). Jag började tidigt med tanke på att sluta tidigt. Mitt jobb är krävande men har bra tidsförhållande. FLEX tid har jag. Men igår det var makalöst. Hade inte ens gått ut för lunch och hade inte tid för fika på e.m.

På kvällen, känns att jag kommer att bli sjuk. Jag frös som en hund och varmt i ögonen. Jag kände utmattad därför gick jag tidig till sängs. När jag vaknade på morgonen, jag hade ingen röst. Jag skulle säga ngt men, älskade mannen var inte på plats §;-) han själv mår inte det bästa heller. Alla vet ju att det är dax för influenza, tack och lov inget svin härjar hemma. Vi är verkligen noga... var man än går ser man alcogel... Jag är hysterisk pedant och allting måste desinfekteras.


Ha! hurry to fix my bed & I saw... Sorry! not the best of???
Gosh! even in shadow, U can see am chubby, huh?
I went to wash my hands at the guest BR, my soap holder said! HEY!
Ah! my hallway invites a lil sunshine 2d...
Gr8 Hubby prepared my breakfast! §:-( Detox time?
I can't find gr8 H! I check here, not either, curiocab gave me wink!
I turned around & found this--->there...gr8 H, not here!
Hmmm... backyard? climb roses gave me wink...
And sweet tomatoes asked if I can pick them now! Still no gr8 H!
There he go? doing the finishing touches infront... starts early!
Another project we started §;-)
You'll see on revelation time later, folks...giggles
B4 I 4got, ballerina shoes needs to tighten up. Lil L dance tomorrow...

I was so exhausted yesterday Friday. I started quite early at work as I was thinking to quit earlier. Yeah! my work is complicated (sorta!) but I am blessed with my time. We all have flexible time. So, I just feel free to come to work, as long as I keep my 7.70 hrs. But, hey! yesterday was enormous busy. I don't have time to do anything. I ate in my workstation and I didn't had my afternoon break!

So, I was home almost 8pm and I told gr8 hubby & lil L that I feel like having flu. My eyes are warm and am shievering like a poodle §;-) & went early to bed.

When I woke up, I was still very tired. I stayed in bed till 10am. When I turned to say something to gr8 H, he wasn't around. Where can he be this early Saturday? I hurry up!!!

FOLLOW MY HUBBY HUNTING *tji hii--- that's my day dear friends? Nothing much done. I did promised my doc I have to relax and "No Stress", me like!!!

Hey, before hence, head over to Mother Meme, huh?
Here's my fall nesting decor I done b4 sunset & want to say
"Happy FALLS to All in EU & US/CANADA"


  1. What a delightful collection of indoor and outdoor shadows! Hope you are having a great weekend :)

  2. Hey! What a beautiful bedroom you have...are you sue you were feeling sick or it was just an excuse to get in that lovely bed of yours???? Husband got some brownie points for working hard!! Try to make Junkin' Monday with us!!
    M & C

  3. I loved your hunt for your hubby! It gave you some beautiful shadow shots! Hope you feel a bit better!

  4. You took such wonderful pictures.
    Enjoyed every shadow. I think you look great. Hope you feel better today.
    Like the fall display, everything is just lovely.
    Have a happy weekend..xoxohugs/Rosebud.

  5. Shadows in my house—
    I can see them everywhere
    if I am alert.

  6. Beautiful collection of shadows. And, that bedroom is so nice. Have a nice weekend.

  7. Hey Chie, thanks for dropping in. Great shots for this week, love them all, especially the lamp shade shadow, fantastic. Your hubby is hard working man, Happy Father's Day to him and your family :). I cannot believe Spring is here, warmer days to come, great time for Gliding :) Have a Great Sunday :) cya MonikaRose

  8. Summer is still in full bloom in your little piece of the world...aren't we having fun chasing these sunny shadows, for we know what is just around the corner...brrrrr...!

  9. Richie - we just love your's always so welcoming!
    Sorry you weren't feeling well - hope you are on your way to recovery!

  10. Vilka underbara bilder Du fått till, kul jakt på Din gubbe Du!
    Ja, Du mäste försöka ta det lite lugnt och inte jobba så där.

    Hoppas inte influensan slagit till ordenligt, kan ju ibland bara bli lite känningar.

    Ha nu en skön söndag!



  11. Your posts are always funny! Thanks for the giggles! I'm glad you finally found your hubby because I was starting to get worried ;)

    Lots of nice shadows you shared here today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and take it easy :)

  12. Lovely sequence. What an inviting bed you have - so relaxing and comfortable. Pretty breakfast too from your lovely husband.

  13. Such sunny, pretty pictures Chie. Your hubby looks after you! He sounds lovely! A-M xx

  14. Great shadow shots! I sure hope you feel better soon! Thanks for stopping by the party :-)

  15. Oh förlåt att jag inte har svarat dig innan;/
    Idag mår jag bättre:)
    Så trist att ni är sjuka och samtidigt skönt att det inte var svinet;)
    jajamensan här har vi alcogel i massor med och vi är mkt försiktiga..hua vill inte ha detta..

    Hoppas ni kommer till oss när ni har vägarna förbi:) skulle vara sååå roligt.


  16. Det var många fina och roliga bilder. Hoppas inte du blivit sjuk nu. Ha en bra vecka.
    Goa kramen till dig vännen

  17. some fascinationg shots of shadows!

  18. A wonderful variation of shadows!
    My favorite is the breakfast plate and the shadows in the glass.
    Hubby gets up early to work and fix you breakfast - he's a keeper! :)

    Thanks so much for your visit and the welcome back.

  19. I enjoyed tagging along with you while you hunted for your Husband's whereabouts.

    Hope you are feeling better and that the poodle shakes have gone.

    Enjoy your week ahead.

  20. You rustled up a lot of shadows on your quest to find your gr8 hubby ~ and under the duress of a cold ~ well done! I hope you feel better soon. Spring's in the air here and the jasmine's blooming already. Mmm.

  21. Thanks for the wonderful tour of the home cum shadows :D Hey, love that sexy is amazing, where sweet dreams are made and hopefully fulfilled. Hope you recover from the flu up those vits :P

  22. Hoppas verkligen inte du håller på att bli sjuk igen. Vad roligt att se bilderna från ditt hem du har gjort så fint arr där i trädgården med.Tänk ändå att "down under" är det vår, härligt det låter även om jag också älskar hösten. Kram Katta


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