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A Chilly & Sunny SSS # 26

Yes, you heard right!

Today, Saturday is a chilly though sunny. Me & hubby were on our old track again. Rushing to IKEA's parking lot, to see the largest flea market in Sweden.

What a lovely morning awaited & met us... view from my kitchen...
Looks so cloudy but this was the view of sunrising & see the shadow from d roof?
This is the Stockholm International Fair & glimpse of Ericsson Globe...
Railroad track & my poor duffel bag
Swedish parlament & a glimpse of the Royal Castle...
It wasn't what I was expecting, so it was just a quick look at the flea market & then, we drove around in our neighbourhood as usual
Before we headed to Eken house (interior shop)to look for new kitchen floor, wallpaper & all those stuffs that we needed to re-model our poorman's house.We know what we want so, grabbed things & rush back home again.
This was my great rusty crown welcoming us home... HOME SWEET HOME
Hey! don't forget to head over to Tracy, k? She have all her avid players showing their
SSS for this week-end.



  1. Lovely shadow shots and it looks like you had a fun day. It also looks like there are some signs of autumn! Enjoy your weekend, Chie!


  2. You live in a wonderful neighborhood! Neat and with nice houses, all kept up well in a spirit of pride. Your home is nice, perhaps 'poorman' is a bit tough...

    The photographer leaves a shadow that dwarfs the duffel! The gray sky looks like Autumn, and you need a sweater and scarf in September? Winter seems close by...

  3. IKEA...don't you have too many people shopping there on Saturday? If I have to go there never on Saturday - too full! :)
    It seems autumn has arrived...
    Here in Casa summer still on...+29
    Happy Sunday!

  4. Chie...where's all of the flea market stuff??? Too big to shoot "eh??!! Loved seeing the town & all of the buildings...especially loved your crown welcoming you home :) Enjoy your weekend!!

  5. Look at you, beautiful's always so much fun to tour your neighborhood and's always such a whirlwind adventure following you all over the place...what a wonderful neighborhood, everything looks so neat and clean!

    It's starting to get quite cool here too in the evening, with crisp mornings as well, soon we'll be seeing frost on the pumpkins, then it's all over but the whining...I do not like winter!!!

    But then it gives us time to dream about our next season's gardening...have fun with your new floor!!!


  6. Great shots. I liked the shots of those buildings.

  7. Godmorgon.
    Så fint du fotat resan rill Ikea, och du bor i en mysig del av stan. Min faster och en kusin bor kanske i närheten av dig.
    Har varit en solig fin helg, fast kallt. Lite väl kallt för och vara början av september. Jätteroligt att du skrev hur halsbandet kom till, det är så roligt och veta sånt.
    Ha en bra söndag
    Stor kram

  8. Thanks for the little tour. That was fun! I hope you manage to enjoy some nice weather for your last days of summer! It looks cold already! Happy weekend Chie :)

  9. Hello there : )
    I so wish my city would bring IKEA in for us to have adventures in. We used to go to the one where we lived in Holland and we loved it!
    It looks like you have a grand adventure that day .. I hope your homesickness will not be so painful .. I understand it must be such a change for you there .. but you sound like you will come to terms with it all : )

  10. Oh I thought you found a duffel bag laying around hehehe. Great shot sis.

    My sahdow shots, have a safe labor day!

  11. I enjoyed being out and about with you through your photos and loved the glimpse of your part of the world and seeing your shadows.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  12. Knowing what you want makes it so much easier when you visit scrumptious design shops ~ always so many lovely things from which to choose! Thank you for dropping by ~ lovely to see you again, Chie!!

  13. Fina fotografier av biografiska blogg. Titta på bilderna Teuvo bloggen www.ttvehkalahti.blogspotcom. Norska flaggan har stigit högt på min blogg, nostkaa svenska flaggan högre, till Norge åker fast. Kommentera gärna på min blogg också. Tack Teuvo Veckelax Finland

  14. Looks like you're in the beginning stages of remodelling? I look forward to seeing the progress.

    Hope you had a good weekend.

  15. I stumbled upon your lovely blog and wanted to tell you about a project that I have going on over at my Blog. The Happiness Project is a Tuesday blog hop that I host. All you have to do is post a photo of something that makes you happy, it's that simple. I'm trying to take over the blogosphere with happiness!

    Here is a link to last week's post if you would like to check it out.

  16. Belated Happy birthday, Richie! You got some wonderful presents. Your tablescape is so elgant with all the beautiful crystals and I love seeing the parliament square again. Thanks for posting that. It brings back happy memories!...Christine


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