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Sunny Random SSS # 27th

Unmotivated week-end or Not!

After hearing the bad news from a very good friend in the US, informing that our childhood friend is very ill, I was really devastated. This young man is a very good radio announcer in the Philippines. My heart pumps faster than ever. May God send His blessings & miracles for Rockie & his quick recovery after a month in ICU.

Well, from the sad part to a good part, today, Saturday I had a good morning. I started to run for an hour while my laundry was on ... §;-) & when I came home, I had a healthy breakfast, oatmeal and a cuppa make my day, then, I decided to replace some autumn plants/flowers to my entrance pots. I am a bit busy de-weeding before chilly & frosty nights comes and even pick some apples for a new experimental apple pie. It was very delicious whilst forgot to take a photo as D´Nics grabbed without thinking. It's fresh fresh apple pie & healthy.

A nice day on the way to chase my shots... and...
... our train came the best way to commute, no chaos on traffic jam...
Infront of me, a lady was too busy doing her crochet
Then, we were starving, look for a cozy place near the bay & this was a summer snacks, Scandinavian style...simply!
Vanilla Ice cream w/ vermicelli on a hot summer day, as dessert
These guys are real doctors in their summer garden party, sweet nurse toke this pix, who's working with them. I ♥♥♥ this nurse...
The nurse I love , having a wonderful laugh on the way home...
Opppsss!!! who's this ad girl? know her? BTW, thanks for dropping by!

Now, head over at "hey harriet" to see all her participants..



  1. Love the last shot hehehe, ad girl ka na pala ngayon. Ingat lagi kabayan!

    Hanover Park shadows.

  2. These are wonderful shadow photos, I enjoyed viewing them all.

  3. No, really?! Is that a photo trick or are you really up these on that wall?
    Great shadow shots!
    The ice cream looks delicious.

  4. to bad about your friend, I hope he will recover and you will be able to embrace him in the near future... last days of summer indeed little miss chi ;)
    Good night my dear friend have a good Sunday.

  5. It must get colder and sooner in the Nordic lands. Such a shame, as the sunny look at the train still feels warm - a train can be artistic too!

  6. You are too funny girl, love the posters...sooooo you!!! You always have the best food, remind me to have lunch with you!

    Boy, and all too soon we'll be taking pictures of snow, where did our summer's in Australia...Tracy, give it back...just for a little longer...please!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday friend...try to stay outta trouble...OK...have a great one!!!


  7. Hej min vän.
    Länge sen, jag vet.

    Hoppas din vän blir frisk snart. Det är så tråkigt att vara långt borta när någon man är glad i blir sjuk.

    Din dag var fin ser jag. Vilken glass du hittade. Vet du, att jag har ätit 2 glass under hela sommaren. TVÅÅ???
    Det är för lite. Men det finns ingen god glass här.
    Då avstår jag den heller.

    Nu får du och familjen ha en härlig söndag och jag hoppas du får goda nyheter om din vän.
    Kramen Din vän

  8. Tittar in och önskar dig en fin söndag.
    Varm kram

  9. Are those posters of you for real? You are funny! Oh and that icecream looks delicious! I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I hope everything goes ok.

    Enjoy the week ahead :)

  10. Hi! I'va sent my address bye mail ;)

    And I didn't make that tablecloth, I just liked the thought of somebody putting a lot of work into it ;)

    Love reading your blog!!

  11. What fun shadows you found! I think that you make a wonderful model for an ad!

    Sorry to read about your friend. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog ;-)

  12. all great the one of the food especially!! hope you have a great week!!

  13. I have been lazy visiting everyone..This summer went by too fast and it is getting chilly here too..Woe is me..not a fan of winter..but here we go again.
    Wonderful blog and love the last shot..Beautiful..
    Missed you, even though I am slow to are always in my thoughts..Much love/Rosebud/Carolyn

  14. Sorry to hear about your friend...I hope he is doing better. Lots of wonderful SSs!


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