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3rd Advent & Sta. Lucia Day on my SSS# 43

Yes! 2 more weeks & it's Christmas Day...

Tomorrow 12th of December is the 3rd Advent but beforehand, Sweden celebrates Sta. Lucia Day (pronounce Italian) on December 13th. It's special day. Students from music schools, carols & visits hospitals, home for the aged, banks, public places & schools. And mind you, my friends, this day, our youths drink to death §;-) I meant, this is their day to try alcohol, and get pissed. Hope swedish parents advice their kids just to have a moderate intake, or else "your in trouble, kiddo!"

I don't know what will be the outcome of my participation today, as I didn't have so much sun today, although I was out early & out again mid-day but to no avail, so, as usual have some shots at my home & some from my office yesterday.

Before I left, I lit this candle for a cozy touch
On my window pane, in my washing sink, some subtle?
My candle holder is buried but both stood still giving me wink*
GH wants to shovel the snow that stuck the driveway b4 we left
Our gazebo during winter, a real pretty cloché
Sun this morning... at 07.30am while walking around vicinity
No shadow but I just want to share my fresh & calm morning §;-)
And the platform of our train station, cozy, huh?
We ended up to a square in town & this spotted my sharp eyes...
When we came back home, this is how our gazebo looks like
Another subtle, anyhow a glimpse of shadow, though?
Vignettes I love in my home...
My modified Nativity lays on a mirrored cake stand, you like it?

That's mine & GH day, after having our morning walked... then we had a great day preparing for dinner...
This was the day after lunch on Friday 10th of December
Ha! behind is where I hide, when don't hear from me...
Staffs cozy corner but I only took the thing I needed
Bar tables, far end of from the cozy corner...

WOW!!! I thought I ony have some shot, eh?

Before hence, don't 4get to head over to Tracy @
Just press the logo to see all her players...
Good NITE...


  1. I'll stay warm and cozy in side your home, if you don't mind, it looks to cold and slushy out there for me...warm candle light, soft music, a latte...ahhh...paradise, as the sleet fall down around me...snow they say for tomorrow. I got my fingers and toes crossed that it misses us...YEAH RIGHT!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend lil' friend, stay warm and well!!!

  2. You have LOTS of snow in Stockholm. Yet I notice that whether it is day or night, the snow is perfect for shadows! The fresh snow is lovely if somewhat inconvenient - who wants to sit on that snow covered bench while waiting for the train??

    The interior of your house is always lovely. And the soft shadows of the Advent angels are lovely, too!

  3. Here I thought you weren't going to have many shadows to offer with what you started out saying! I love all the vignettes in your home.
    Although I did not find that bench to be very cozy!
    I hope you have a great 3d Advent too!

  4. It all looks far too cold for me to even survive one day in your country at winter time! As much as I'd love to visit, I'll be sure to do so only in spring/summer I think! Apart from everything looking so cold, you did find some awesome shadows! Well done you! It can't have been easy to find them! Happy week to you :)

  5. Så vackert med alla ljusen i paviljongen, ser ut som ett sagohus ute. Så hemskt med bomb-mannen, riktig tur att du inte var där. Krya på dig nu, du får vila ordentligt så du blir frisk.
    Adventskram till dig vännen

  6. Visst är hon underbar mitt lilla barnbarn ... =)

    Visst är det tråkigt när barnen bara vill ha pengar, men skönt att slippa handla och leta rätt presenter.

    ha en skön 3:e advent!!
    Kram Patricia

  7. Interesting shots! Nice perspectives. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. FAB-U-Lous ShadowShotShunday photos!! Could look at them all day. Happy Santa Lucia Day to you.

  9. Beautiful! Happy Sta. Lucia Day!

    BTW, your daughter would love NYU. ;-)

    Have a great week!

    Paz xoxo

  10. Hej och tack för din hälsning hos mig! :-)

    Jag ska se efter om jag har två av lyckosymbolerna, om inte annat har jag kanske en till som är snarlik den som finns i inlägget.

    Ha en fortsatt fin kväll så återkommer jag till dig under morgondagen!


  11. Lovely touches for your Advent celebration. Thank you for sharing your charming designs. Cherry Kay

  12. Beautiful shadow shots sistah, winter wonderland na talaga dyan sa inyo!

    Thanks for peeking at the Shadows over Nostalgic Marveling

  13. Some very shadowy shadows there in the darkness!

  14. Everything looks so pretty, Richie, but it sure looks cold...Christine

  15. Hej igen!

    Jag har kikat i gömmorna och den finns bara i ett ex. Jag har en till som är snarlik så om du vill kan jag maila en bild på den till dig?

    Min mail är:

    Ha en fortsatt fin dag!


  16. Lovely pictures! I really enjoyed looking at them. My daughter bounced around excitedly talking about how beautiful they are.
    Love your SSS pic too!

  17. Once again your images are delightful! All that Winter snow makes for some shovelling hey. Our Summer Down Under is very late appearing this year, so I'm really looking forward to our days on the beach coming soon.
    Millie xx

  18. Thanks for stopping by my post. The Simpich Dolls are about 13 inches tall. Come visit any time. Thought of you today in your land of ice and snow. It's sunny and 60 degrees here today. Just finished the Christmas luncheon for the Garden Friends. Cherry Kay

  19. Hi lovely lady your home is Beautiful for the Christmas Holidays It is so Inviting and Cheerful for your family and friends. I put a Oriental Tablescape on did you see it ? I hope you have a Great Day.

  20. Hello Richie, been a while, just got back into ur shots as always, love the gazebo and lights. Lucky u have snow, for us we have to drive far to see the snow. Just bought some fairy lights, my first ones, just got to decide where to place them, they are for indoors and outdoors. Many great and happy wishes for family during Christmas and New Year. Happy Holidays :) ciao sis. :)


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