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I wonder WHY??? Parcel!!! on my Tablescaping Day

So quite here at D´Precious BOX

The flu don't go from this poorman's house. I am still struggling to fight back the flu I had since the first week of December. The funny thing is that, all of us got this flu, on & off. Feels am thawing away this morning.

Anyways, I wonder WHY, Marty at " A Stroll Thru Life" didn't contacted me as I sent her a lil parcel b4 New Year. And you know why?

OH, YES! Lady M... this came back at home this p.m. 2/3-11

Isn't it sad? I was expecting her to get this small things from Sweden, so they can join on her TTT. Hopefully, I catch her up to sort this out.

As I wasn't feel so good GH & Lil Missy make dinner...Toasted mashed potatoes topped w/ sourcream & roe
Chicken filé stuff w/ feta cheese & dash w/ fresh veges
Seafood sandwich gateau
Having a cozy time together this time of the year... Cold!



  1. Men usch då, har du varit förkyld så länge .. stackare!!
    Min gubbe är förkyld sedan några dagar men jag har klarat mig än så länge .. men så dricker jag ju Aloe vera och äter Bee pollen tabletter med .. hi ih.

    Va tråkigt att få tillbaks ett paket du skickat .. =(

    Krya på dig!!
    Kram Patricia

  2. I'm sad that you have been sick for so long. I hope that you will allow yourself to go to bed and STAY THERE until this passes. Your tablescape is lovely. Thank you for sharing your design and for stopping by my post. Cherry Kay

  3. So beautiful, I loved your tablescape. You must rest to get better soon and drink hot liquids. So nice visiting you.


  4. Oh no! I wonder where your parcel traveled before it came back to you. It probably had an adventure somewhere.

    I hope you feel COMPLELETELY better from the flu soon.

    Still, you fixed a wonderful meal and set a lovely table. I love the different color charger plates.

  5. so sorry to hear you aren't feeling wel and so sorry to hear your package didn't go through. How frustrating!

    - The Tablescaper

  6. So sorry about the package! How awful. I am glad you found out though. What gorgeous food and such a pretty table too. Of course I am going to love the purple! Greetings from cold America! (maybe not as cold though!)

  7. Hope you shake that flu bug soon, Chie! Your table is really beautiful...I like the lavender charger plate with your white and pewter colored china. The food is making me salivate...yummy looking.
    A belated Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

  8. Richie,
    So sorry you have not been feeling well, but looks like GH and lil missy have been taking good care of you,
    with all that colorful and creatively served food, and beautiful table.
    Good for them, and good for you!!
    Hope you get to feeling better soon hon. and hope you get the package situation taken care of without too much trouble. What a nice thing to do for Marty, she is such a nice lady.
    blessings, Nellie

  9. I hope you are feeling better as it is no fun being sick! The lovely dinner and beautiful table must have cheered you immensely. Your tablescape is so lovely.

  10. Hi Chie ... Marty posted the other day that she is in Oregon right now. Her grandson was in very serious skiing accident recently. What is inside that mysterious package anyway?

    I hope that you will be all better soon. You have been sick for a long time. God bless you; I'll keep you in my prayers.


  11. I just caught up with this post. I am so sorry that the parcel didn't make it. You are such a sweet lady. So sorry to hear that you have been so sick. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Marty


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