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Shadows With Clochés...Loving IT...


These 2 lovely ladies are the most important persons in my bloggie world §;-) Isn't it great Australia joins USA on my lazy day? LOL... loving it!

If you ask me who are these ladies? Well, Tracy is from Downunder, I knew her since I started my bloggy activities since July 2008. She is one of the first bloggy friend I have that stays till now. Sometimes, I wonder curiously, why I stuck to bloggy world but then, I realized that it´s quite fun joining meme's and know someone far afar. While, Marty, I knew her late last year when I joined BNOP's TS every Thursday. However, I found out Marty's meme is more friendly. Her participants are cool and those who visited me are so friendly. Seems, we know each other b4- that's one of the reason that I keep blogging, although not so active these past few months. May I excuse? Hopefully, I will be more active soon...

Now, here my shots GO!!!... Shadow's With the Clochés!
Good day, World... taken when I got down in the kitchen this a.m.
On the table top...2nd biggest...
On kitchen top, they want to join too...
Then, I passed by on my Guardian Lady on the way to the laundry...
A blurry one but, you can still see what your looking for...
1 of the clochés I have, uses when serving Gruyeré Cheese...
Another Gruyeré cheese clochéBiggest of ém all, layin on the mantel...
And the tallest of ém all too §;-)
Can I join? Do you count me as a "Cloché"? Shadow is here
Lil Missy poses for us with todays's shadows...
Another pose for us w/ a cloché & a glimpse of shadow, right?

If you find this post is a bit bubbly and long, so sorry... it's just Australia went to The US but b4 that Tracy passed by Stockholm, Sweden first, so long way to gooooo....

What a mixture....

Visit Tracy:
if you want to see her participants pressing the button
Marty's gorgeous blogg here...

God Bless Us All...


  1. Your home is always lovely. The decorations are beautiful in subject and shadow, too. Your lady looks beautiful, your kitchen a place for wonderful food and relaxing conversation. A lovely view of a cheerful place...

  2. Very pretty collection of pictures! Your cloche's look great! I agree Marty's web page is friendly and full of lots of inspiration!
    I'd love to see pictures of anything to do with Sweden! My father's family (Swanson) migrated to the States from Sweden. I don't know the name of the city they came from. Someday I hope to visit Sweden and see some of my ancestral heritage!
    Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog!
    Have a great week-end.

  3. Ho.y macaroni! I've never seen so many cloches in one place before! You decorate very well. And i've always enjoyed seeing photos from your home. Have a great week!

  4. So many cloches!! Love the shadows in the first photo!

  5. Some lovely, colorful shadow shots for the day!! Hope you and your family are enjoying a wonderful weekend!


  6. Thank you so much for your visit and the very nice and sweet comment and here I am pretty girl from Sweden visiting your beautiful clochès! I love your view of the kitchen. The cake stand with the steep finish is gorgeous! I love all of your clochès, what a nice collection, I like your style too and please come over when you like-
    Have a nice weekend.

  7. Wow! You always have so many beautiful things to share with us! Blogging is fun. The amazing people we meet from all over the globe is amazing. But I understand about not being able to be so active all of the time. Never enough hours in the day to keep up with everything. Although if more hours were magically added to the day it would likley increase our workloads rather than giving us some extra free time! Have a great week!

  8. Oh they are all pretty and your Missy is adorable. Happy SSS!

    mine is here

  9. Hi and thank you for stopping by. I love your blog and your clochs are beautiful. I especially like the table top one with the tin that has a shield and two little swords. Most of the decore in my home is rennaissance style with shields, daggers and such. One of these day I will take pitcures and post them.

    Have a great weekend

  10. Roligt och ha bloggvänner över hela världen, du har många. Och jättefina arrangemang i glaskuporna, ishinken med vapnet på är jättefin. Lite skotskt tema där.
    Ha en skön söndag vännen, här har tyvärr det fina vädret försvunnit.
    Ps, vet inte vad besticken heter, har köpt lite olika av en arbetskamrat.

  11. Wonderful cloche shadows...but my favorite---especially Missy...she is gorgeous.

    My Shadow Shot Link BOARDWALK along the wildlife refuge

  12. I love all your photos! I would love to be there when they are all full of cheese and a party is going on. VBery nice indeed. Thank you for a view inside your home and your life. Also, thank you for your visit to my blog. The photos at my blog were from a trip South over the Winter. I am home now, in Wisconsin, USA. It is still very cold and snowy where I live. There is a small town near me named Stockholm! Really!


  13. Beautiful decorations. I just love it.

  14. oh nice pictures!! your models are all gorgeous!!!

  15. You have such a variety of cloches for this party! I really have to say the one I am taken with is the wire one covering the candle! I am so enamored with the metal cloches these days. Thank you so much for your visit. I'll be back to see what you're doing again. :-)

  16. Cute post! Love your cloches, Ritchie and you have quite a collection. I love your St. Therese statue also....Christine

  17. LOVE the chartreuse sofa...SWEET, as well as your lil' mini-me, she looks so sweet!!!

    Been working outside while the sun is shining and I can get some rearranging ready for the open house, so I been slow to get back to everyone. Hope you don't have much snow left, supposed to be in the upper 50-60's next week...BRING IT ON!!! I am SOOOOO over winter, how 'bout you!!!

    Have a great week little crazy one, sure hope I can find where I hid my heart gloves for the winter, I could sure use them today...try to stay out of trouble and stay more colds!!!

    The other crazy one...sharon

  18. A very pretty collection of cloches. You have some creative ideas to decorate them.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  19. Lovely photos. Hope you are having a great day today

  20. Awww ganda naman ni Little Missy hehehe.

  21. How fun is this. You are the greatest cloche ever. Love them all. You really do have some beautiful things. The wire one is so unusual and pretty. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  22. You have so many beautiful and unique cloches! I like the ways you have them displayed! Thanks for sharing!


  23. Fun! I learned something new-I didn't know what a cloche was! What a beautiful collection you have that made for great shadows!

  24. such lovely shadows in your beautiful home!

  25. You have some lovely cloches!

  26. Hi Chie ... you and me both! I love Tracy and Marty too, and those are two memes that I won't miss. You have so many cloches ... and I don't even have one. I subsituted a copper breadbox and canisters instead. But, I seem to specialize in shadows. If you visit my blog, please make sure to click on my home page and see the ones from this week.

    Best and God bless, and have a wonderful week!


  27. Oh my goodness. I love your cloches. What a beautiful way to display them. Thank you so much for visiting My Cozy Corner.


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

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