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Absolutely Swedish --- IKEA with LUV

Funny said than done!!!

Absolutely! Many of my Swedish readers might think I am a nosy kind but actually I am not. It's just I don't have time to visit Ikea, although the world's largest Ikea store is just a 5 mins drive from where I live.  MOTH & I, don't like the chaos, which most Ikea stores are.  

I like knick-knacks, frills, blings, name it, what men hates... therefore he preferred to drive me and let me visit an unusual stores. I always find interesting pieces and not just like them, I LOVE them.

Last Monday, me and a dear heart friend from Florida (a flight attendant of United Airlines) , visited me and that day, was pouring, so we decided to stroll IKEA store and ended our whole afternoon in there. It was fun together with someone, like me, --- looooove shopping.

Carol knows I am crazy of all table blings. We critized everything we wanted to see, however, we ended to love some pieces in there. We bought most of what we both love and the reasonable prices we both can't resist and of course the simple style.

IKEA finds with some vintage touch...
A placemat... don't you think this is pretty?
Vintage salad plate from SIL
Napkins were placemats too, but it's too soft for a placemat, so it's ended  in there
Vintage coffee cups gift from SIL, green glass IKEA
Candle centerpiece--- they are from IKEA but not the cakestand
Vintage coffee set joins as they fit with the pink roses theme...

Monsieur Baker wants to join too! For a bling sake... he reckoned
.Mr. & Mrs vinegar & soya shakers with P&S shakets

Candle glass, Ikea
Drinking glass, Ikea

Lit the candles... sun still shining eventhough it was already  8.30pm
 After nearly 2 hrs... sun still shone subtly

Hoping to feel the coziness...
Hope you all have a blissful pre-week-end. Don't forget to visit All BNOP's players, so we have more enjoyable game and see what other have to share.

Press the logo for an easy link to see all the participants who are playing along with Susan...


  1. Så många fina saker du visar idag. Visst är det fint med rosa och grönt vid denna årstiden, det känns så somrigt. Ha en skön kväll.


  2. Hi darling, what a beautiful romantic table you've set. I love all the beautiful soft colors. Then you kick it up with your fun baker joining the table. He made me giggle.. enjoyed your table. hugs ~lynne~

  3. I cannot believe you have never been to IKEA until now when it is only 5 min. away, lol. Love your table, so charming and romantic!..Christine

    1. Been there for quite sometimes and bought tables and bookshelves and I found too crowded. I don't like chaos, so I always visit the smaller one. ANd to tell you the truth, I don't how to drive §;-) that's one reason. 2nd, GH hate chaos too, so we both prefer to visit somewhere else.

      Our neighbour gave us a tip, visit Ikeas 2 hrs b4 it closes... and the store is all ours, YES...

      Thank you for dropping by.

  4. Your table is lovely and it is fun to shop with a friend

  5. Hi Again, Chie! Come visit my classmate group's blog! Love your china. Are they bavarian?...Christine and D'Spooks

  6. Hi Chie! Oh, what a beautiful table! I love your pretty china and those are some cute little funny salt and peppers. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Oh darling Chie...can I go and drive you to the 5 min. away Ikea store, lol..I'd be there every single day knowing me!!! You have such a WILL POWER my friend, lol..Your table is gorgeous, I love the entire teaset and the beautiful finds. Hugs PARA MI LINDA MUCHACHITA!,

  8. I love the placemats, Chie!!!! They're beautiful!!!! I like how there is just that one single touch of pink. Beautiful! You did a great job with this table. I have never been to an Ikea store. There are none close by. The closest one is either in Illinois or the newest one in Colorado. Both would be about an 8-hour drive! I hope one comes to the Kansas City area someday. It would probably be chaotic like you describe, but it might be fun to give it a try. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my dear friend. Take care!

  9. What absolutely beautiful placmats.. Perfect for your lovely table. The baker is a charmer! I wish we had Ikea here where we live. I used to go all the time when I lived in Europe. xo marlis

  10. Chie, what beautiful finds!! I love those placemats and the pretty vintage dishes. I have an Ikea about 10 minutes from me and I haven't been there in ages!! I guess a need to make a trip.

  11. I've never ben to Ikea either, but I really like the new placemats and the green glasses. I may have to make a trip the next time that I go to Dallas. The delicate plates are so pretty. You've created a beautiful tables cape. Thank you for inviting us for a peal. Cherry Kay

  12. Roligt och gå runt på Ikea med en väninna, dom
    har så mycket somrigt fint nu. Jättefint med
    alla pastelliga saker.
    Trevlig helg och kramar

  13. Your table is so soft and colorful. It would be a true joy to have a meal at that setting. Thank you for coming over and commenting on my junk finds and my little cart redo at Quirky Vistas. So sweet. That's how I found you. It's too bad that people put the junk right into the huge containers right away where you live. I would be devastated if they started doing that here. Come by and visit again any time. I'm your newest follower.

  14. I love the napkin in the bowl. It looks like a delicate rose. Your table is so pretty!


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