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Another SSS2

Another rainy week-end...

Yes, it's week-end (Friday today) and this is suppose a great time to enjoy after the hectic week, coz I have had planned for a BBQ in the open back porch and relax in a sunny day. BUT, graciousness... the Swedish summer is not appealing this year. I told you b4 that I am not complaining, however, this is unbearable now §:-( 

As I said, I can't blame Mother Nature. Que sera sera, she is the boss, but it feels so depressing when it's raining, Mother, right? Countryside in both North and South of Sweden are flooding. Jesus! where are we going, World? Sigh***

Lucky enough, I was in the mood of walking in the mornings on the way to the Metro to work and today, I did not forget my camera. It was so ready §;-) as it was forecasted that Friday evening and the whole Saturday and Sunday will be pouring as much as you can think, another sigh**

Good morning, SHADOWLANDIA.. greeted my kitchen curtains

Time to cross the zebra crossing...  still quiet 7am in the morning

I passed this recycle boxes along the streets, smart idea
I love the crisp shadows from the whole trees--- Lacey one

Entrance is cool with the lamp, chic, huh?

I use to run in this place when legs aren't the best in the asphalt jogging track

Parents rendevouz while watching footy 

Now, back home... UNBELIEVABLE, STILL sunny SUNSHINE

Subtle shadow from my ladle and a great reflection,, while I am making a raspberry jam
2 mason jars was the outcome, precious...

This was the dessert of our Friday evening... homemade choco mousse w/ cream & of course
Do I look like missing the beach?

Hope YÁll have a great week-end. Whether you have a sunny or a rainy day.

Linking to SSS2 hosted by Gemma & co...

TY again, ladies for hosting this funtime.
Keep going & GB my beloved SHADOWLANDIA


To All my readers and followers:
Thank you so much for visiting... if I didn't visit you last time, I surely did visit you this time.
Yours truly was just too busy these past 3 weeks.
Cheers to All...


  1. Oh such lovely pics. I love the jam too, how fabulous is that. Hugs, Marty

  2. Great pictures. I am glad you got some sunshine. I know the rain can get you down after awhile. Your raspberry jam looked delicious! How yummy to add a bit to chocolate mousse!!! De-lish!

  3. i can feel the fresh air.beautiful leafy table cloth and i love the blue flower on the plate.nice pictures.Enjoy your BBQ under the sun shine.

  4. In your header, you look quite relaxed in the hammock at the beach. Alas, vacations do have to end...Stockholm is a beautiful city, probably even in the rain. But with brilliant sunshine (sometimes), the look of lacy shadows is wonderful. Great jam, the starfish is a reminder of your holiday - and a cool decoration too!

  5. All that work over the hot stove for just two jars??? :)

    Meaning in Shadows

    1. Hi Mrs Teacher,
      2 liter of raspberries and a 4 mins boiling is all you need of making jam, so it wasn't that hard work §;-)

      Wish your just around the corner, so you can have the other jar and still lots of berries to pick up. I am making lemonade.

      Thank you for dropping by.

  6. sorry about the weather playing havoc with your plans...the jam looks very yummy!!!!!

  7. I'm sorry about all the rain, too! We've had much the same weather here in Seattle, but it is sunny today!!! I love your beautiful shadow shots! You made good use of the sun that you had!! The jam does indeed look yummy!! Happy SSS!

  8. It always pays to keep your camera handy. We would have missed seeing so many different shadows if you had left it at home.

  9. I used to help my grandmother can..lovely memories..thank you for bringing that back to me..Michelle

  10. A wonderful variety of shadows! So love the art of the lacey tree shadows on the wall!

  11. Loved spending the day with you... from your happy kitchen shadows to all around town to back in your kitchen for some yummy looking jam! The jam would go lovely with some of our tea and scones, would it not?

  12. Sama ako sa BBQ hehehe... dito naman maulan. Have a blessed sunday systah.

  13. Wonderful shots, nice variety.

  14. Thanks for the tour!
    We got some of your rain yesterday, now sun's shining, it'll be more or less +20 today...
    Have a good week ahead!
    ps. I love raspberries, yummy!

  15. Beautiful shadow shots from your kitchen....lovely, flowery decor at your table too. Mmmmmm, raspberry jam!!! You've displayed your jars of jam so beautifully.

  16. CC you captured wonderful shadows ! My favorite is the one with the trees against the building .. lacy is right .. the leaves give it such a fine texture look.
    That raspberry jam and desert look fabulous .. you have me craving it now ! bad woman ! LOL
    We have never ending heat and humidity with no rain for months now .. it is terrible .. so I will trade with you any time now !

  17. Vilken fin header du gjort, men som du skriver, det har
    regnat mycket i sommar. Har blivit alldelse för lite
    hängmatta och bad. Och så gott med chokladmousse och hemkokt

  18. lol, I thought you lived far from here but now I saw it is only an hours drive from where I live. :) yea, this sumemr is bad but you seemed to have one good day with shadows and all.


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