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Roses & peoniesses

Ready for another party!'

It's been so busy from my part of the world. Summer means for us more work who are not in holiday. So, been working like crazy again, with my 2 students helping. It's a kinda cool, though.

A very quick done coz it's raining soon §:-)
Started with some romantic bling
I so love the color lilac with a touch of green, right?
My centerpiece is a new 2 tier cakestand
Start drizzling, so my sandals are a bit slippery, *giggles
With some of my treasure = pretty

Pioness and roses are newly picked on the backyard

I love setting outside... falling leaves is a great outdoor settings
A glimpse of my treasures
Simple, cheap and yet elegant
   Wanna join?
Liting the candle makes the ambiance romantic
Going darker
More darker...
Hope you enjoy joining my simple setting.

Linking to Lady Marty's TTT...
Press her logo to link directly to her worldwide players.

Happy TTT and hope your enjoying the funtime...
Visit as many you can for a fair game.


  1. Your table is absolutely gorgeous! I love it all :)

  2. First of all, let me thank you for being so kind as to stop by Quirky Vistas and leave me your thoughtful words; you have such a kind heart. Then I came here and you have created a beautiful table and that lovely canopy. The colors are gorgeous and the gauzy fabric is so romantic. The dishes, along with the lovely flowers just round out the whole table. Even the chairs look like they have a romantic touch to them under those cushions. You have really made this so inviting. I sure hope you were able to enjoy it before the rain came along.

  3. Thank you so much for visiting me! I love your table, it is just beautiful! And so romantic in the evening! I am now following you, I would love it if you would like to follow me! Penny

  4. This is lovely. I like the purples and greens mixed together. Good job.

  5. So pretty! The purples & greens are beautiful!

  6. Oh goodness, I totally love this dear Chie!! Gorgeous colors, I adore this combo of colors and the two tier dish is lovely, so cheerful for summer, just perfect! I also love it at night, so romantic for you and dear Moth, who's been rebumping your home lately! Lots of hugs "mi guapa amiga"!

  7. Very pretty colors. Very whimsical and romantic.

  8. such a pretty garden scape.i love the mix of colors on the table.perfect for a evening.thax for this share.

  9. Vackra bilder och fint porslin. Du får ha en bra dag.


  10. Oh Chie, this is so gorgeous. I love the pretty floral dishes and all of your accessories are so beautiful. The sheer curtain and the chandelier are beautiful. The candle at night is totally stunning. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  11. So beautiful, ethereal, and romantic! I just wanna sit down and have some wine!

  12. That is anything but simple to me. Its elaborate and absolutely romantic...i'll dream of sitting there now:)

  13. I love the color combination nd the lavender in the napkins puts it over the top. Those kind of touches are priceless.
    I love Sweden and had a chance to visit about 15 years ago. Striking. I see it has not changed. Still amazing.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting on my little garage door bench! I truly appreciate it.

  14. Oh my goodness!! This is totally amazing, I just LOVE the purple flatware and your dishes are so pretty. I really love your new tiered stand as well, it looks so lovely with your tablescape. I would be delighted to join you.

    Have a wonderful night!
    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  15. What a beautiful table you have set! I love the tier plate and your white dishes are so lovely. Thank you for sharing!

  16. The table is gorgeous!! I love the colour scheme you have chosen and the flowers are such a perfect addition!I hope you have a wonderful day!
    Best wishes from Australia,

  17. Hi, Chie! This is beautiful! The gauzy fabric swagged like that lends such an ethereal look to the whole setting! Reminds me of something very romantic and sweet. It's funny that you were wearing sandals that matched the table! :-) I love the combination of lilac and green! It's so pretty!!! Your napkin fold is really cool! Looks hard. New napkin folds are always hard for me. You did an excellent job, though! Your new cake plate is so pretty. Very feminine! I hope the rain didn't get you!

  18. What a beautiful and romantic and sweet and charming tablescape. It is fit for a princess, Chie...Christine

  19. Beautiful. I do love green and lilac. And your actual greenery is a wonderful addition. Thanks for sharing, liz

  20. Such a beautiful tablescape. The night time pictures are so pretty!


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