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Shabby Bliss @ D´Box

How are you all gorgeous ladies in my precious World?

Firstly, it's been awhile I was away from bloggielandia. And maybe many of you know I was with MOTH in his business trip in Riga, Latvia, the beauty of the Baltic. It was a nice trip meeting our colleagues and clients. Isn't it cool and a chillax time having an R&R? There are so many things to relate, however, I find that they aren't the highlight of our theme.

Secondly, I am a bit busy at work when most of the regular staffs are on their summer holidays. Some must work and when my colleagues come back, then we, who covered up the summer will go our turn and I can’t wait that weeks to come §:-)

Thirdly, was my birthday celebration that also takes over my time. C´est la vie, as French said. Life is full of surprises, right? But good surprises that I know we ALL love it.

As I can see, some of you over the BIG Apple are struggling the heat wave and set your settings indoor for a cooler atmosphere whilst we in Sweden, we are struggling to have the real summer weather but to no avail. That's the reason, I am having my settings indoor too? Honestly, it is POURING out LOUD now. Graciousness... Soon, FALL---

This is my participation for TTT and TS this week's Party:
Starting with my new dinner plates... a bday present for myself...
There she go? Very pretty
Another pretty present. I love my new wrought dome...
Got the last 6 pcs. Hopefully, I could have another 6...
Funny, that I found this bowl in Crete, Greece and I can't get rid out from my mind §:-)
Sallad plates was a 2months old...
While the dessert plates was my last years bday present from MOTH...
My shabby treasures, soon gathers
I love angels and fairies. This Mother Fairy (Faith) was purchased when I was in Las Vegas
Lil fairies gathered and wants to join too. Purchased in Naples, Italy...
Pls meet them... they are all adorable---
This is Faith
This is James...
Here is John
And Simon

All these lovelies will sit on your dishes and they will guide you all the time when you're at D´Box.
They are symbolizing as your angels during the dinner
        Vintage butter knife on a crystal rester...
        I guess, you seen these cut crystal glass on my b4 settings, from Orrefors...
   Some glimpse...
     Flatwares are dear, though they are inexpensive. Perfectly fit here...
 More shots...
  The simpliest origami, I could do ----

             This bowls are prepared for the Ladies...
   The bigger bowls are for the Macho men...
Simple centerpiece...

Have a cozy evening to yáll... while raindrops keep falling on our roof...

Wishing you All the very best of SUMMER 2012

Linking to Lady Marty's TTT every Tuesdays
Pls press her logo to link directly on her blogsite.

BNOP on Thursdays...


  1. Chie, Happy Belated Birthday!!! I hope your day was super special. Love your wonderful dishes, what fabulous gifts and all the fairies are precious. Gorgeous tablescape. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. Happy belated birthday sweet pea!! What a gorgeous present, the white dishes are stunning and the tablecloth is beautiful! Your entire tablescape with fairys and all is lovely, elegant, fresh and inviting. Have a great week.

  3. Grattis i efterskott Chie, och snart kalas igen.
    Låter jätteroligt med kräftkalas, och svenska
    kräftor som är så gott. Vacker romantisk dukning,
    så söta älvor.
    Här har vi ösregn just nu, men man börjar bli van.

  4. Grattis så här i efterhand *ler*. Vilka vackra tallrikar du har, jag blir smått hagalen. Änglar är för det mesta väldigt vackert och dina är så söta. Jag har en liten give away med betoning på liten.


  5. Oh wow.....what a pretty scape.....First let me wish you Belated Happy Birth day.....Angels are just perfect for the whole setting,love the transparent handle spoons and knifes,Happy to dee you after a

  6. Your tablescape is so heavenly, Chie. So pretty! I think I have those plates, Bianca. I wonder if they are the same. Yes, come and visit me here!....Christine

  7. Lovely fairies on your beautiful table! I hope you had a great birthday celebration and trip !The wrought iron cloche is my favorite. The china is so pretty with the different textures!

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. So pretty! I love the new dishes!!!

  9. Chie, absolutely magical.. Love your centerpieces. And your new dishes are exquisite. I love the table! So serene and relaxing.. Stunning. You are so talented!! xo marlis

  10. I love your white dishes, they're gorgeous! Your centerpiece is so lovely and all your adorable fairy figurines! Everything is beautiful and inviting, I'm very partial to white and the fresh summery look it has. I've missed you my pretty amiga. Muchos besos,

  11. You set a lovely table with all your beautiful dishes! Beautiful!
    Thank you so much for stopping by and your sweet comments, Mary Alice

  12. Hi,
    I love the dinnerware! The fairies make it really cute!
    You have a nice weekend!

  13. Very pretty♥ I love white tableware....they look great in just about any setting!~Audrey

  14. I love the purity of the white dishes, Chie! SO pretty!!! All the fairies are so precious! I hope you have been able to take a breather from work!

  15. Hey there my friend, Vilka fina tallrikar :) Hoppas ni slipper regn på lördag!!
    Kram från Australien♥ ~Pernilla... nu har jag lagt till mig som följare :D


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