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Christmas Breakfast Inspiration

Do you have some inspiration in mind?

In Sweden, the Swedes start to have their Christmas decos on the first day of Advent, i.e. this year is on December 2, 2012.

Some of you who know me from b4, knows, every first Advent, my family in Sweden gather at D´Box. This is the Swedish tradition that they have for so many years. It is fun to meet family and close friends welcoming the high season of the year. Mulled wine, ginger cookies, Christmas goodies, marzipan, saffron and all those spices the reminds us of holiday? That's gracious aroma.

As I am not really a fully Swede, so I always modify all the goodies that I serve. Both Swedish & Filipino delicacies are well mix in our table. As well as my decor. Swedes are very humble and they love natural and neutral look. It must be light, calm and subtle. While, the Filipino tradition is color, mix, confetti...that's party, holiday for me. So, when you see my participation, it's more on a combo to a que sera sera style, but it always work after all.

So, here is one of the Breakfast Inspiration...
Vilroy & Bosch meet IKEA, Orrefors, Dalani, American Classis, MIO & vintage blings...
Table was set at Saturday night, so I don't get too stress on Sunday morning...
Candle stands are from MIO while the candles are from American Classic Store...
Chandy was adorned with some Christmas gadgets...
Centerpiece is a mulled wine warmer, a vintage under the cloche with tea candles around
Damask table napkins, crystal wine glasses Orrefors & drinking glass IKEA
Snap glasses will use as a scramble eggs mix with bacon & caviar, mini fork Dalani

This flatwares are similar to what the American Table Resto owned by a Swedish famous
cook. President Obamas cook (Marcus Samuelsson). I visited the resto evening b4
Just to make my table a more fun, I gathered 2 of my cookie jars from Singapore.
Inside is a Singaporean handmade cookies "Famous Amos". Does anyone heard about this cookies? It is really a must try. See? very Christmassy too?

My ultimate fave Christmas gadgets from Vilroy & Bosch... a tea/mulled wine cups & warmer... dinner plates & the salad plates are V&B
Look at  Santa, his deer and the Christmas Tree, it's absolutely beautiful
Sorry... I forgot to take some shots this warmers but, I will do another settings, b4 Xmas ends

@ D´Box...

To All SSS participants, I'd missed a lot joining with you guys,
So, I link this to our 3s Marias who entertain us every Sat/Sun.
If you are an Shadow Seeker's you can find wherever, subtle or NOT... So, tell me if you can find some in my breakfast table.

Linking to Lady Marty's meme Table Top Tuesday

& don't forget to head over to BNOP on her TableScaping...

Enjoy life to the fullest, lovelies...


  1. How gorgeous mi hermosa amiga! I love your C'mas decor around the house and your tablescape is beautiful. I specially love the round things you have on top of each V&B white salad plate. I want what's on thet pretty tin box from I love the mulle wine warmer and the green placemats. Have a terrific week.

  2. Beautiful! Your Villeroy and Boch is amazing!!


  3. Beautiful table!!! Love, love the colors. Very, very pretty!

  4. Wow! This is so beautiful and serene, Chie. I love Villeroy and Boch stuff, love those cups and warmers. I finally got my Christmas decor up. Come and visit me!...Christine

  5. Vilken fin adventsdukning, fantastiskt vackert
    tomteporslin. Och du har så rätt när du beskriver
    oss, fast jag skulle gärna komma på julkalas hos
    dig med lite färg och fart också.
    Varm kram

  6. Så fint du har dukat och kakorna låter spännande. Här firar vi den första advent med glögg och pepparkakor med ädelost *ler*. Ha en riktigt mysig första advent.


  7. Thanks for checking out and commenting on my Natural tablescape! I love your vintage touches on your lovely table.

  8. Beautiful little a tea/mulled wine cups & warmer. They are perfect for your table. Great work!

  9. Loving loving your mulled wine cups and warmers. Your table makes me homesick, I want to go to Europe.. Your table is fabulous.. xo marlis

  10. Hi, Chie! I HAVE heard of the Famous Amos brand of cookies, but I didn't know they were made in Singapore! learn something new everyday! I like how you work so hard to appeal to both cultures. That can't be an easy task, especially since the styles tend to be so opposite, and the fact that you put so much work into it is really inspiring. GREAT appetizer forks!!!!! That is such a fun little design! Wonderful job!

    1. Nice to know you know Famous Amos.

      I have lots of them. If you don't mind, send me your address and I will drop to you ASAP:


  11. it IS always an enjoyable time here with you...such a lovely table and i always appreciate your commentary that accompanies it!!!

  12. Wonderful shadow shots and such a delightful time here with you indeed! I do love your holiday shadow post for the day and like Robin, I too, appreciate your commentary for the day!!

  13. Such an inviting the cloches ~ so pretty! You are getting us in the mood to decorate!

  14. The breakfast table is beautifully set.

  15. OMG-I love all those details you included in this post. And, I do remember from previous years how you and family and friends start off the Advent Season. Such a great tradition!

  16. The Christmas season is very special to families - my family from childhood in early 1960s has every year a special Christmas Eve get together with food and fun - now three generations of Villers and their kids (and their grandkids :) celebrate that same way. Traditions are the decorating in your home!

  17. Paskong pasko na dyan sis ah, love your setting!

    My Shadow
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  18. Your an artist of setting tables, decoration!
    'a scramble eggs mix with bacon & caviar' - I'd love to taste this.
    Have a good week ahead!


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