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Lunch @ D´Box On Swedish Father's Day

I was not really feeling well after arriving in a cold Autumn...

That's right! After the 4 weeks of R & R in The Philippines with a temp up to 35 degrees centigrade, my body was used on the warm weather. When I arrived, in a cold, windy and dark Sweden, my body get shocked! LoL*

I didn't start working directly when I arrived. I was thinking to do the tasks that me & GH (great hubby) has left behind while we were enjoying the sunny days. So, after a week, flu strike at D´Box and the cough stuck awhile and my ear got infected due to severe colds. Mama Mia... and now, it is GH turn and it's been a week for him.

Well, that's LIFE... sometimes we're UP and sometimes we're down... Anyhow, we'd finished the tasks to be done and the backyard is free from the summer furniture.

11/11-12 Swedish Father's Day
 Newest gadgets I have is the floral shabby & chic dinner plates.
 Today, they are the chargers while the Benetton dinner plate laid on
 This plates are a 15 years old plates
 Salad plates are a bday gift last year & was forgotten I have them
 Most cutest of all my gadgets so far §;-) 
 Well, looking good, right?
 Tablecloth are vintage from an old hotel 
 Mini fabergé eggs as my salt & pepper shakers...
 Bubble wine glasses are from Dalani as well as the Japanese tea cups
 Turqouise is the color of the day in honor to Swedish Father's Day
 Optica champagne crystal glasses are from a Swedish famous Orrefors
 My compositon  for today... vase topped with tea candle holder
 Faux pionesses lays as a simple centerpiece
 A simple setting as requested by the Father of the HOuse...
 I love cut crystals... a whisky glass that turn to drinking glass today...
  Closes Up...
 Guess, am done... 
 German shelter glass mini hurricane use as a bowl---
 Shrimp curry, my style ---
 My bowl of shrimp curry
 Atumn mantel is on drought... getting ready for the first Advent 
 Spinach, asparagus & cherry tomatoes, sprinkled with feta cheese  
And mango balsamic vinegar & Chili Olive oil...
 Starter is Phad Thai (noodle w/ tofu) my style, too...  
Father of the HOuse... in his lazy day and he's worth every drop of my sweat preparing...  
 Shoveling time, GH... hope you like it!
  Turqouise lantern divided into 2 to add as a bling in this setting...
 My diet is ruin... but this is yummy... graciousness...

Dessert is blueberry pie w/ vanilla topping, coffe in a vintage silver cup...

THANK YOU LORD, for the graces you give Us today...

Hope you all have a wonderful week-end and enjoying the moment with your dear ones. Happy blessed week ahead, gorgeous Ladies of the bloggie World.

I am joining with Marty's TTT

And on Thursday at BNOP's Tablescaping...

Don't forget to head over to Marty & Susan to see all the smart players of their meme...

Hope to see YOU once again.


My first time to join Yvonne At Stone Gable
Wanna a good menus? Visit her and you won't regret.


  1. Vilken vacker dukning och god mat. Tråkigt att bli dålig, du får krya på dig och ha en fin start på veckan.


  2. Hej min bäste vän.
    Så mycket vackert du visar här.. blir så avis...
    har en gubben som INTE gillar att man pyntar och donar... märkligt va...

    hoppas att allt är bra med er därborta i alla fall..

    Blev hungrig när jag såg all din goda mat.
    Kram Synnöve.

  3. Jag har haft influensan också, inte
    kul alls. Hoppas att ni bägge är friska snart.
    Och så fint du dukat på fars dag, din man ser
    mycket nöjd ut. Mycket god mat också.
    Krya på er

  4. You are such a sweetheart!!! I am just blown away by the love and care you put into preparing such a pretty table to celebrate your wonderful husband. And he is always such a good sport. He patiently poses for the pictures when I know all he really wants to do it get down to eating! That's great! I love what you did with the vase and votive! And the way you did the napkin...SO cool! Very pretty, Chie! The color on your table is just gorgeous with the white. I'm sorry you and your hubby have both been sick. I think that's what happens when we go from one extreme climate to another. I hope you are both feeling 100% soon! Have a good weekend!!!

  5. Oj vilket jobb du lägger ner på dukningen, jättefint! .. =)
    Och maten ser jättegod ut, tur jag nyss har ätit middag annars hade jag blivit hungrig .. =)

    Ja min lilla Clara växer och är stor, hon fyllde 2 år i augusti och fick en lillasyster i Juni som heter Alice .. =)

    Jag jobbar ju inte heltid och mina barn är vuxna så jag har ganska mycket fritid .. =D

    Må så gott!
    Kram Patricia

  6. Youmust be feeling better, Chie, cause this is a really good looking meal and tablescape you prepared. I love the colors you put together. Neat how you put the flower napkin accessory and what a great idea of using faberge eggs as salt cellars. I am copying that cause I have a lot of them, including one I bought from Stockhom....Christine

  7. Your Guy looks so happy in the photo! The Father's Day color of turquoise is so pretty with the white layers of china at each placesetting. The menu looks delicious and I know was so appreciated. Hope you are feeling better and your body was in shock coming from the Phillipines climate. Do you celebrate a day of Thanksgiving in Sweden in the fall?

    Thank, Pam

  8. Chie!!!! So glad you are back and back at entertaining....those veggies look absolutely wonderful! Love your beautiful table setting...always a delight to see your creativity!
    Enjoy your day :)

  9. So glad that you had a wonderful visit to the Philippines, and I hope that you both have recovered from your bout with the flu. I think that this is my favorite of all your tables to date. The colors and textures work beautifully together. The idea of using the Faberge Eggs for salt and pepper is outstanding. I have some Limoge boxes that I'm going to put to good use for some of my tablescapes. Thanks for the idea and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay


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