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Modification of My Swedish Christmas Table 2012

Yes, indeed!

Honestly, I never think about doing a typical Swedish Christmas tablesetting, since I came to Sweden. I don't know what I was doing. I was just stuck and did not notice, or was that just we always celebrated the Christmas dinner with GH family. We stopped the dinner when  the kiddos are grown-up and they celebrate their own.

This year, both kiddos are home to celebrate the Christmas. Lil Missy came home for a 3 weeks winter break and the Kiddoboy  want to be with us as well. Isn't it a great Christmas present when your loveones are gathered around you? I don't need any gifts. If I want something, either me or GH could buy, any time of the year. I told my family that togetherness and good health are the highlight of my Christmas, this year. Specially, this Christmas is our first Christmas without my parents, their grandparents.

Here are the shots of my modified Swedish/Pinoy(Americanized Table)
 I started with burlap tablecloth, so Swedish  and the dishes are Swedish too...

 Vintage Swedish but French design flatwares "Lily"
 Drinking glass are from IKEA, Sweden very own export name...
 Green stoneware plates are Höganäs
Christmas chickadee on a Cedar branch is a very Swedish deco (made by me) 

 Christmas village is American adapted in The Philippines

 I can't resist re-using my mulled wine set "hearts" sign coz my family is complete
 Christmas set with JUL as Christmas and Billy goat
 Advent candle holder is Made in Sweden. I use this all year round
 Reindeers is special made of real Swedish reindeer fur from Lappland
 Swedish acorns, Jule/Billy goat, oldest Scandinavian Christmas tradition
 Burlap painted as Merry Christmas 

 Mini frosted Christmas trees signed as Swedish
Finnish said, Sta live in Finland but Sweden have their own version must see!
Pls press the link and you will find and exciting adventure. I been there---

This are the name tags!  Sorry for blurry pix
 Our centerpiece, signed of abundancy
Just served enough! But still lot become left-overs...
 During  Christmas dinner/whimsical with all the light
I love the scenery with my Christmas Eve, my table with my jewels...
The bonding and share the sweet moments
Choco fondant (not a good quality pix)
Rice A´la Malta is Swedish typical Christmas dessert (My style)
Here we are All... Together US one... D´Nics

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Wishes YÁll a Peaceful/Bountiful

Linking to BNOP


  1. Your table is so enchanting with the Christmas village as the centerpiece. Love the family photo.
    Merry Christmas, Chie!

  2. Så mysigt med hela familjen och vackra saker. Du får ha en god fortsättning.


  3. Great table and terrific decorations, my friend..aaand the food looks yummy! The most beautiful?'s got to be you and your family! Merry Christmas sweet friend.


  4. Lovely a impression you had a great time.the food looks delicious.candle holder and your Swedish rein deer are very just beautiful for the occasion.have a great day....:):):)

  5. Oh, wow, Chie! You guys had a GREAT Christmas celebration!!! You really did it up right for your family this year!!! I know they loved and appreciated the effort and talent you put into it! I love the way the table looked toward the end with all the twinkle lights around. Very pretty! (How do you stay so skinny when you cook such good food??!?!!) Your Swedish table is cool, too! You had lots of cool stuff on there that we can't get or don't see in the U.S. So your table is not only pretty, but educational! I love that!!! I had to Google "god jul" to see what it meant in English: Best wishes! I hope I can remember that for next year! Such a nice family photo at the end!!!!!!! God jul and have a great day!

  6. Everything is just lovely, Chie. The décor and food all look amazing!
    Wishing you a happy and blessed new year.

  7. Beautiful post! Gorgeous tablescape, very warm and inviting.
    Hope you had a dazzling Christmas.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

    A Very Happy New Year to you and yours!

    Greetings from Singapore~ Sanghamitra

  8. I'm so glad that you shared this with us. I agree...having family close to share this special time makes it ever so much better. I loved all the Swedish elements that you used for your table and decoration. Some beautiful pieces! The picture of the table with all the twinkle lights is especially magical. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Happy New Year! Cherry Kay

  9. Your Christmas table is darling! I can tell a lot of love and thought went into the preparation. I especially love the photo with all the lights, it's just magical! Happy New Year!

  10. I just left you a comment that got lost apparently. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your beautiful table.

    Happy New Year!


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