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White & Silver On TTT Day At D´Box

Yes! as I said in my earlier post---

That I am starting my new life as an orphan. Living without parents is not easy, but if millions of people managed to live their lives as orphans, why can't I, right? It's time to change and a matter of fact, whether I like it or not, I have to accept it. Now, I really need to let dear Ma go and have the best of her best life together with Dad and our Creator.

I need my heart to move on and live my life to the fullest. So, here I am... looking forward to the bright side. My life and my family. What can I ask for more? 

JUST LOOK AROUND AND YOU CAN FIND THE ANSWER... guess I am enjoying, right?
I am taking my shots... so C´mon & join!
Welcome home @ D´Box in a snowy day---
What do you think about my wreath? EZ  and simple...
Another simple vignettes with real mini Christmas trees
Silver bells, welcome the winter day
Now, we starts with the centerpiece, acorns & some ornaments...
Silver reindeers join the fun long way from The Philippines §;-)
Silver champagne stand with silver ornaments and faux white boxwood
Tea and coffee cups! I love them although, I bought them so cheap?
Terrence Conran silver glass join the fun too!
Vintage Swedish Carlströms silver flatwars, tied up to match the theme.
I dearly love the curves of my silver charges and my dinner plates...
Oh! not chronically order here, LoL* hang with me, pls?

Candleholders are one set of this fancy set! See the finials? And my reflection!
Silver bowl is also Terrence Conran and vintage silver fruitstand 
All the set was purchased at In & Finn  a knick-knacks store. Silk paisley napkins
Crown napkin rings was from $ Store in Dalacarlia
Lemon fromagé a´la CC girl for dessert
Come and join me--- Dinner time
Mr. SM is absolutely enjoying that you drop by @ D´Box.

 Merry Christmas To YÁll 

Linking to Marty's TTT every Tuesday
BNOP every Thursday


  1. So beautiful, love your silver. The centerpiece is lovely and perfect for the season.

  2. So sorry about your loss, my dear blog friend! Your 'box' looks very festive and christmassy :) Ja, det blir en 'svensk jul' i värmen :D Mycket svenska juldekorationer - båda barnen och maken har idag dekorerat julgranen - bilder kommer om några dagar :) Kramar Pernilla

  3. Beautiful table! So festive and welcoming.
    I pray that the pain of your loss will ease with time and you can find peace in this Christmas season.
    Many Blessings,

  4. oh my!!! just look at that snow ~ love love love it...but not as much as your beautiful tablescape Chie! Oh how delightful it looks with all of that lovely silver....not to mention that delicious looking dessert :) yum! Enjoy your day!!

  5. Så fint du har. Jag gillar dina silverklockor och ekollon, vill ha *ler*. Ha en fin helg.


  6. I adore your wreath - it does not look simple at all, but very elegant and warm. Your table is beautiful and I love those shiny acorns, but my favorite pieces are the creamer and sugar bowl. I am crazy about those - I have a "thing" for creamers and sugar bowls and these are my new favorites! Thanks for sharing.

  7. May God give you the strength for living life as an orphan on earth. You have your Parents now in heaven, with our heavenly Father and Mother...
    Your table looks very festive. May you have a Merry Christmas, full with good memories!

  8. Your table is lovely, Chie! It is so elegant, glamorous, fun and beautiful. I am glad you are facing your loss of your mom the way you do. Keep up the good spirit. Merry Christmas!...Christine

  9. Beautifully elegant table, Chie! Love your snowman...we got a little snow during the night, but not enough to make a snowman.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  10. Oh how absolutely gorgeous everything is, chica guapa...I don't know where to begin! Your tablescape is stunning Chie! Beautiful wreath honey, I love it, so festive and colorful. The black and white china is to die for..every piece of it!! Those shiny acorns are adorable and I do love all the festive, winter wonderland in silver around your gorgeous house. I love snow this time of year, wish I was there, visiting you at your warm house, zipping some warm wine together. I know you will have a little shadowie C'mas, what with your dear mother gonne..but she's so much closer to our Lord Jesus Christ and sending you blessings!

  11. I absolutely love your table setting! The silver with the white is stunning! I found your blog through Between Naps on the Porch and am looking forward to following and reading more great posts! Thank you so much for sharing! You can come visit me at Hugs, Leena


  12. Thank you to stop over and to leave a beautiful comment.i can understand your one can replace mothers place.time is the healer......your table is very the silver white comba.wreath is simple yet beautiful.your silky napkins gorgeous.i haven"t seen a snowfall in my life.your snow man looks great.sliver dishes looks grand on the table.indeed a pretty table you have set for the occasion.take care and Merry Christmas to you and your family...:):):)

  13. This is one of the most beautiful tables I have ever seen you do, Chie! Absolutely beautiful! You are able to find some of the prettiest things for your tables!!! I love the pattern of those tea and coffee cups!!! Those glittery acorns are SO pretty, too! You did a great centerpiece! This table looks like something I would hope and expect to see in Sweden. The colors are icy and neutral...perfect! The wreath on your front door is really pretty, too!!! Funny snowman!

    I hope that you are able to find some semblance of joy and happiness this Christmas. I know it must be so hard to face it without either of your parents now, but I have faith in you. Take care of yourself, dear lady! Merry Christmas.


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