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Versatile or Not!!! Meme LOVE

I still have FLU but feels better than last week...

I posted earlier about the epedimic that we have in Sweden and even yours truly, hitted by it. Severe here, svere there... but hopefully after the strong meds, I will be back as normal, as active and as usual.

Isn't it blogging is fun? I said to myself I stick to cool memes and I stick to three and the first meme was actually my oldest since I started blogging actively 2009. "Shadow Shot Sunday". It was hosted by "Hey Harriet" from the lady Down Under until early last year, then,  she passed it on to Gemma Westman, also from the Land Down Under with 2 more ladies , as co-hosting. I enjoyed a lot chasing shadows in all angles and in all weather, rain, snow & sunshine. Many months had passed, the participants grows and the old ones stayed. I found out that it was not that inspirable compare to old SSS. This is just in my observation. I don't know how other bloggers think while they decided to blog. "Did you know that one rule of this blogging thing is to be friendly and visit at least to those who visited you?" 

Then, comes my second one Tablescaping, hosted by Susan at "Between Naps On The Port". I absolutely enjoying her inspirational posts and her players. But the players are not that cooperative either. Some are, of course , they are wonderful co-blogger's and very supportive. 

Table Top Tuesday is the third, cute and very adorable meme. Marty at "A Stroll To Life" is really the meme mother to follow. She is very nice and she stroll, indeed to all her participants. That's how the way the host is, right? Showing your respect to one and all showing that you appreaciate. 

Ladies, YOU all Rocks, for making our spare time enjoyable...
At least "Mine"'

I will link to Kathlen at "Let's Dish" and Countrified Hicks, my newest meme...

 Scent rose soap to have a wonderful scent in the room with matching rose floating mini candles
Dont' you LOVE the Chrys joining? I feel so girly today!
Finnish Iittala glasses joins to serve us water for the moment...

The flatwares are NOT really use often. They only join with me when I feel so girly :-)
Are you ready for a Valentine's Coffee break at D´Box?

Do you think, setting our table is artistry? I reckoned: Inspiration feelings!

Today's centerpiece... 
Cake & coffee table is ready to serve us...
 My homemade Raspberry Hear Cake/1-4-3= I LOVE YOU... cute, huh?



Linking to: CONTRIFIED HICKS on Mondays...

Linking to Kathleen



  1. I have been fighting a virus for two weeks. I'. still running a fever but am feeling better. Hope you are felling well soon.
    An Arkies Musings

  2. Nice table setting. I love your pink handled silverware!

    I'm hosting my Homemaking Linkup Weekend and would love to have you join, if you'd like!

    Have a great day!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  3. Vackra bilder och ljuvliga färger. Jag hoppas du kryar på dig ordentligt. Här är allt bra men det snöar och snöar.


  4. Oh, you poor thing! I'm so sorry to hear you're sick. I pray you'll be well and feeling good really soon. The tablescape is so beautiful!
    Thank you for popping in to see me and again, feel better soon.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Awww. sorry you are sick. Fell better soon. Your tablescape is gorgeous. I love the pink.
    Those pink balls are so pretty.

  6. OMG, sweet and pretty amiga..when are you going to get better?!! I'm worried about your high blood pressure..have you gone to the Dr.?? I love your pink Valentine's table, it's gorgeous, as always, your elements are great! I'm drooling over those goodness they are awesome!! I want a piece of heart cake too!!!!! Big hugs and kisses to you for Valentine's, I don't care if you're sick, lol...xoxoxo

  7. This is just so adorable and so romantic, Chie. The shape of the dinner plates is awesome and that cake is so pretty and looks so delish!I love all the pinks! I am glad you are feeling better. Happy Vealntine's!

  8. What a lovely setting for a special dinner. Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you have a special Valentine Day.
    Miz Helen
    A New Follower

  9. I adore all of your shades of pink! Everything is so pretty and the round pink lanterns add a real touch of drama. I hope that you are feeling better and can really enjoy your wonderful tablescape.

  10. What a pretty, feminine table! I love those lanterns for a special pink glow! Happy ❤ Day!

  11. I really love your Valentine table. The pink flatware and chargers add so much to your beautiful china.

    Jocelyn @

  12. I too have been very sick with this flu and missed all my blogging friends for the last two weeks! I know just how you feel! Your table is so romantic--I love pink! I hope you feel better soon. Linda

  13. So very sorry you've been sick. This has been a dreadful year of flu and sickness. Praying you get better soon. I love your pretty table. your glassware and dishes are very pretty. The lanterns on the candlesticks are GORGEOUS!!! Happy Valentine's! xo marlis

  14. I'm in love with the pink paper lanterns perched atop the candlesticks....right up my alley! I've often used special soaps as elements in my tablescapes, too. Great minds think alike, I believe. Hope that you are continuing to feel better. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  15. Vilken fin tårta och så härligt rosa
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  16. This definitely qualifies as pretty in pink, and I love your combination of elements. Flu has hit hard all over, and I am grateful not to have been hit, at least not yet. Take good care.

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