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Sharing The Presence of Lil Missy...

We had a long wee-end!

Yes, Lil Missy came home last Thursday and stayed with us until Sunday evening. Our days were so cozy and seeing her in a good mood makes my heart beats faster.

To my new readers, who don't know yet, I just want you to know that our daughter is living in the University dormatory, studying Cognitive Psychology and will be a Brain scientist (in the future) and be a Professor one beautiful day. 6 more years and she will get her Doctor's degree. Isn't it exciting? X your fingers,  friends?

You surely know how I feel, a parent feel everytime my or your children come home to visit us. The days come so quickly. It seems that we don't managed to do something but our children presence is priceless. We enjoyed every second to the max. 

Suddenly she requested me to cook her fave Filipino Soup "Sinigang" b4 she go back home. Funny enough she wanted to learn how to? It was a great time with her in the kitchen and while she's doing some chores, I grabbed my simple but dearest treasures and set for her.

So, here it goes... Pinky-Whity with Springy Touches...

This is a crown candle holder but I made as a vase... Feathers for an Easter spirit
R&H pepper & salt shakers... Eastery touch
Oh!!! I really love my dishes... Aren't you?
Soup bowl was from Crete, Greece and the butter dish is from London...
Faux gerbera/daisy makes so girly... as well as the drinking glasses...
Lil Missy was absolutely worth every sec of my time...

After the lunch, we had a quiet hours coz she is reading/studying preparing an exam this coming Wednesday. My heart skipped a bit, watching her digging the thick book and it was so fantastic seeing that they are having English in all their study materials. 

Then... OFF she go! Hugging her as tight as can be and waving G`bye for awhile. She shouted b4 me and GH left her "Ma & Pa", I am coming back in 3 weeks. I will spend my Easter break with you and cousins and friends".

That's OUR long week-end... with lots of parenting and LOVE...

Hope you had all a great one too---
I am linking to Marty's TTT...

And of course...
Don't 4get to head over to BNOP...

So, press the logo to see the players.


  1. You have the most amazing and different things, mi amiga linda! I love the centerpiece for spring and the feather touches are so weet and perfect for Little Miss, and having some quality time with our kids, IS PRICELESS!! I know what you mean, wish I had my Miss Sofia here with the Little ones, but she works so hard, so this young women has no time to visit her sad mama, heheheheee...You know I always love you to visit me..wish it was for real too!! Have a great week, along with your lovely girl.

  2. Love all the white dishes they are so pretty and with the white chick and rooster, it all looks so sweet, love to see everyones tables in the spring...

  3. I just love the pattern on your white dishes! That butter dish is wonderful, too!

  4. What a beautiful Spring table ... love your plates, too! Happy *Almost* Spring!


  5. So pretty have such beautiful things with you to present...Lovely presentation...Love sujatha:):)

  6. Wow, jaaaa.... det var länge sedan! Ibland hinner man liksom inte med :) Vi har haft så himla mycket regn på sistone, så det känns ovanligt när solen tittar fram - trots att jag bor i The Sunshine State :D Mysigt att ha dottern på besök förstår jag! Många kramar från andra sidan jordklotet!! ~Pernilla

  7. How wonderful to be able to spend time with little missy. Those are always treasured times, precious moments for sure. Your tAble is gorgeous!...Christine

  8. Lovely table and yes I love your dishes too! Especially that butter dish - soooo pretty!
    Thanks so much on your sweet comment on my blog!
    Big hugs,

  9. Visst är det roligt när barnen kommer hem. Så kul att hon ska bli forskare. Min yngste son läser till forskare i mikrofysik. Vackra påskfina bilder.
    Här nere i Skåne har det blivit vinter igen. Det har snöat hela dagen och det är kallt suck.
    Ha en fin kväll.


  10. So happy you got to spend the days with your daughter! Fingers crossed for her.. 6 years!! Your table is soo pretty. I do very much love those dishes.. Happy St. Pat's and may all blessings come your way.. xo marlis

  11. I can certainly tell that this table was set with love!! How wonderful to have such a smart daughter (I am sure she gets that from her mother!!). I really like the way you arranged the centerpiece and the white roosters are so adorable. They look terrific with all of the other whites on the table. I understand your excitement in having your daughter home. My boarding-school granddaughter will be home tomorrow and I am so excited that I can hardly stand it. She has a two week break and will be with me for almost a week, before I turn her over to her mother - yeah!!!

  12. I so agree with you about the joys of having our children come home for a stay. I can tell that you are so very proud of her. Your tablescape is lovely, and I particularly like the crown candleholder used as the centerpiece. That is a beautiful piece! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay


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