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Window Shopping for Spring Inspirations

A great crazy day...

Indeed, was a crazy weather was a great and sunny minute, the next was snowing, then raining, windy, foggy and sleet!!! Gee... the weather seems like my head after a hectic week.

I love to share with you today coz this is a Swedish Spring inspiration for us to enjoy. Very simple but the elegancy lays behind. Just play and show...

Look around if you find them there---tell me?
Taken at our backyard.. Good Morning World----
And suddenly, it snowed... sucks! 
It was up to 19deg when i check the temp... after our brunch!
 I was out and it was sunny and slushy
 Hi, this is MOI! Looks like I am tall, LoL* can't stop taking 1 shot 

Then, it snowed like heaven opened! I run to my fave mall...
And ended dreaming the Spring to come, while snowing outside: 



Well, this was my day. My eyes and thoughts had a great ball. Eyeing things for spring is a great way of making me calm and sober-minded. Unfortunately, I didn't buy anything as I had a wet walking gears. 

Anyways, this was a wonderful day strolling with 2 reasons... Shadows that I love to chase and inspiration for my passion.

Good Morning To All Gorgeous Bloggie Friends in the World...
This is my coffee table... Flowers for You All...

I am joining with Marty's TTT:

How about You?  Hope you found what we're looking for.
Join our 3 hostessess...
To see the world's participants of our meme..


  1. Hello... this has been a long winter with more to come to us too next week.. I too am longing for spring, but I dont want to rush summer on... I hope it will be a long spring too! This shop display is very pretty and makes we want to hide Easter eggs or something fun!

  2. What a delightful place to escape the rain, Chie!! And you did get some wonderful shadow shots for the day!! Enjoy your weekend!!

  3. CC girl this is a great post because it shows what is happening almost in real time where you are .. and believe me we have SNOW too ! a huge storm happened a few days ago so we are covered in that white stuff too!
    I love seeing the different decor ideas for Spring from your mall stores .. when we lived in the Netherlands it was amazing to see such wonderful ideas and decorations .. especially with Easter and gardens blooming away .. I miss that .. but I am a crazy Canuck and I have to live in my home land ? LOL
    Joy : )

  4. I agree! Although, I did get the shivers from looking at that snow. Love those window displays and their shadows too.

  5. what great displays in the shop!! might as well stay inside and play with weather outside like that!! Happy weekend and week ahead!!

  6. Love the mall displays! Beautifully presented with their play of light and shadow! Great medicine for surviving the snowy chills outside!

  7. I see the approaching Spring - although they are not so obvious, the snow cover is going down, the new snow of the day is not deep, the sunrise/sunset are both a little later and the shadows from the southern sun are not quite as long - the sun is heading north. It is cold day -19C, but the signs that spring is much nearer are all over. Still. it is fun to spend your winter days looking at decorations...

  8. Ser ut och vara en fin butik, rolig promenad.
    Alltid roligt och ha med kameran, blev fina
    skugg bilder. Idag är det varmt men blåsigt, ska
    snart ta en fika ute på trappan i lä.
    Ha en skön söndag

  9. I always appreciate these little Sunday perambulations through your world!

    Ruffling the Shadows

  10. Beautiful shadow photography! ^_^

  11. Vackra bilder och så många fina saker men nu har vi fått nog med snö *ler*. Ljusstakarna är i malm och du hittar dem här

    Du får ha en fin kväll.


  12. Those are beautiful sistah. Still snowing at my end, brrrr.

    Shadow Shots
    Your comment is greatly appreciated!

  13. Such great shots, pretty girl! Wish I was there with you, snow ball fighting and cracking up and later having tea with maybe, some gorgeous teacups and teapots you have in your beautiful home! Loved the great shadow shot too! Thanks for coming and making my day, darling. Hope you have a good week.

  14. Love all of the photos - we almost never get snow and that shop looks fantastic! I realized this morning that I had not been following you, which does not seem possible, since I comment on almost all of your posts. Well, I am now! Hope you are having a good week so far, despite the snow.

  15. Love all the beautiful things and your pics are wonderful. I love the flowers on your coffee table, so lovely. Hope the snow leaves soon. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  16. Hi, Chie! What a cool store!!!!!!! I could see why you would get lost in your thoughts in there! The creativity would just GUSH!!! So many pretty things! I'm sorry the weather has been so crazy there!!!

  17. Great shots! I want to go to that store too. Better take it easy Chie, you might get a relapse....Christine

  18. Wonderful set of images, very nice variety.

  19. Systrarna Voltaire de gillas här med.
    Synd bara att det är lite långt till butiken, tar det när jag är och hälsar på dottern.
    ha en fortsatt fin helg
    Kram Meta


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