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A Babbly Me... to start 2014

Isn't She? Hold your horses, Folks?

Where are all the days go? It seems I am lazy or am I too slow to hang on?

Ahhh!!! what can a career woman do this time? Work loaded and when I come home it's still work loaded. My mind say "Go lady!" but body say "No!" It sounds funny, right? 

OMG!!! I still have those things scattered from our New Year's gathering at D`BoX. Big kiddo, wanted to sleep on the floor. He have a back ache. Cousins picked each bedrooms and the young ladies wanted to chat the whole night to catch up. I was then too tired to picked up all the things, so I let it be! When everyone leave us? Then time for me to put things into places.

Right now, my babbling day...

Come On in and be my guest @ D´BoX
a sight in the morning...
our midday sight...
and the late afternoon...

Well, seems Mr. Winter is here and guess He will stay. Our day is a one crazy day... but it feels cozy in a way, it changes a lot.
**And here some of my activities **
no New Year's resolution here...
never had one. i only have  inspirations.
although, I try to eat healthier...
as I said, I lost 17kgs after my surgery
and so happy and proud of my hardwork.
now, I am striving more and more healthier 2014.
this is how i baked now.
instead of white flour,
 I either use pelt, almond or cocos flour
here was our brunch.. lots of greens
we could skipped the bread but GH
said: "it's weekend" LoL*
brocolli soup for lunch
orange for dessert
sometimes, it's hard to think
where's my"SWEET"!!!?
hardtime for some §:-)
good exercise, though?

Does this make sense?
Seems NOT--- but one of my hobby is baking & cake decorating.
That I called my "ART" though, I am just starting to learn the right way...
 this are some of my toscan vintage coffee seet.
they are just adorable...
me & GH found in our thrifting.
some of my copycats
aren't they pretties?
 i can't wait my next icing course
on january 26th. that will be awesome time.
so,  i started weakling my own style...

But, HEY! Time for dinner huh? What's up, Lady?
Then, I hurriedly took out the marinated beef fillét---

again, a less carb meal...
instead of mashed potatoes,
i did mashed avocados and serve
with green veggies.
healthy and simple.

B4 I sign off... this is what I done... to start with!
From this?
new year's mess...
at least, the Christmassy are gone...
 for now.

Oppps... sounds I am spinning and speeding up here.
GH, looked at me and shake his head and continued to lean and listen to his digital book! He knows how to RELAX.

Now, time for me to relax and hope You all had a great start of the year. HAPPY & Have a blessed week to come.
Sally, my first time to join in 2014.
Can you find what your looking for? They are there.
One said: "If your are a true blue blooded, you find them there."
Susan, I am on & off joining your MET day.
Sometimes, I thought I linked up with you but didn't realized...
TOO late for that. Hope I will be attentive this year... LoL*
Katrhyn, my simple way of expressing "Pretty", my way...
Don't you think? at least if you see that way.
I don't know if I can make you Inspire today, Marty?
Hope you will like my babbly day, LoL*
As well, as Susan. In case you visit...

Thank You for you inspirations, Ladies.


  1. Så god mat, och vilka tårtor! Helt
    fantastiska dekorationer. Har snöat här också,
    och 14 minus sist jag kollade. Känns alldeles
    för kallt.

  2. First, Chie, you look BEAUTIFUL in the photo of your header! Absolutely gorgeous! You are so skinny!!! Lucky lady!

    Your cakes are really pretty!!! You have quite a talent, and I'm glad you are going to classes to further that talent. I know you will be making cakes good enough for TV soon!

    Ramon is on a low carb diet now, so I think I'll try that idea of the avocadoes instead of potatoes. I don't know if he'll like it, but it doesn't hurt to try. I am trying so hard to take care of his blood sugars and my cholesterol. It seems like we can't eat anything but celery, lettuce and ice cubes! :-)

    Your the photos of your cold winter weather there make me shiver! It is very cold here, too. Sometimes the temperature doesn't get out of the single digits. (I'm not sure what that would be in the metric system.) We've had several snow events in the last few weeks, and I'm sure we'll get a few more before winter is done. The sun was shining today, though, so it felt a lot better and melted a lot of the snow and ice. Hooray!

    Keep your spirits up in the cold dark winter! Take care!!! Hugs across the miles!

  3. This is my first visit to your blog, Chie! And I should say the impression I get here is 'girl power'! The header of four lovely women speaks of beauty, strength and grace at the same time.

    I'm blog hopping for Blue Monday and and I love that blue winter view in the morning you shared here. I also super love your vintage coffee set collection and your cakes... can I have a slice please?

    I wish you and your family a healthy and prosperous 2014!

    PS. I hope you don't mind me asking but, are you Filipina?

  4. Hello Chie,

    Happy New Year!

    I used to decorate cakes, but I ate too many so I stopped. It was fun, but . . .

    Happy Blue Monday!

  5. Hi Chie
    Where to start, you have so much here! I love the lettuce in your broccoli soup, your wonderful tea cups, your header photo (agree v much with Maria's comment above) your cake making and the snowy pictures as it is boiling hot here! I could go on...!
    Wren x

  6. Oh your cooking looks splendid--I have to have at least a little bread!! Yours looks wonderful and your cakes so pretty. You are one busy lady.

  7. Hi Chie...Glad you liked my Tea or chai post.I got busy with my three day harvest always come out with beautiful settings at your the awesome cakes.Fallen in love with your three colored cup and saucers.Looks you are having great time.Happy week end...Sending warm regards to you to keep you warm...Love sujatha..:):)


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