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My wheels on Freaky Day

Det är många som undrar varför jag blev tyst och har inte sagt vad som händer med mig. Inga fara mina vänner. Jag är bara sååå trött efter jobbet även om jag jobbar bara 50%. Har ingen ork och tänka vad ska mitt inlägg vara. Inspirationer har jag men motivationen ligger i botten.

IAF... här är jag idag med mina fräckisar---

Usually, I used this car when I drive by the war zone where I came from in the Philippines
My crystal car is special *wink I use when I go shopping at Harrods...
Another special car is my aluminium car, use when I want to chill out & hide away
He he--- Wooden car use during summer to cool off myself §:-))

Sorry, ladies! the whole week has been was a bit tupsy turvy for my schedules and I was just too tired after my work. Inspirations still there but the motivation lays in the bottom, then. Hopefully, I'll be better soon... Anyways, I don't want to miss my freaky Friday---this make my days funny & it might help US smile...


Well, every Friday, besides my freaky day it's also my HAPPY & BLESSED LIFE DAY. Today, is my mum's 85th birthday. Imagine? The life length in the Philippines for women is 70 years old. Thus, my old lady passed the ups & downs. It's only 10 a.m. in Sweden & 4 p.m. in Phils. I call her up after the bible service & her dinner bash. My bros & sis are celebrating with her apart from the youngest (me). It's a bit pitiful but I must accept that am out of reach. But, I will celebrate her 86th next year.

Another celebrant today together with mum is my son KEVIN JOHN... 24th yrs BDAY ---this is a great age kiddo!!! Enjoy the best of it---
Thank You Mum for giving me life & thought me the hard way that made me a better person, wife, a best friend to many & a mother to your wonderful grandkids, who loves you .
THANKS MEL FOR INSPIRING ME the good & blissful life...


  1. Hey thinking of you when I dig into that dumpling tonight. Firstly, happy birthday to your mom...great age and of course to that handsome hunk of your son!! Hey, we drive the same cars too..happy weekend.

  2. Happy Birthday to your mom/son..May they be blessed with everything good.
    Love the cars..If the USA has their way, we will be driving tin cans..God Help us!
    Have a great weekend..and hoping you are feeling better each day.

  3. Hei Richie <3
    Thank you very much for your visited in my blog.
    That was nice :)
    My English isn´t good.
    You have to put translation on your blog.
    Or I have to learn more Englis, that I can read great blogs. I think it´s better ;)
    You have very intresting blog.
    -ainosofia from Finland-

  4. Så trevligt att du hittade till min blogg!! Alltid roligt när någon ny tittar in och ger sig till känna.

    Titta gärna tillbaks.


  5. Oh vilka fina ord till din mamma!!! blir så berörd då hon bor så långt ifrån dig.
    Oh har du en son? visste jag ej. Tonåring va?!
    Vilka roliga bilar och den sista passar ju mig haha
    Jadu det tar på krafterna att gå igenom en stor operation så det går bättre dag för dag.

    ha en riktigt härlig och lugn helg med din familj// Kram Lotta

  6. Great cars! So funny!

    Have a wonderful weekend! happy birthday to your mom and son!

  7. god kväll=)
    ja jag själv har varit lite off oxå så jag förstår dig=) ha en underbar helg. kram på dig

  8. Hey Girl, glad you are back, great shots as usual...I just joined Skywatch Friday, love taking shots of the sky, just beautiful..relax go for a walk on a sunny day and you will be refreshed, cya soon..have a fab day :) cya MonikaROse

  9. Happy Birthday to your mum, she looks wonderful :)

  10. What great genes your Mum has passed onto you all! You will live to 100 & still be posting Freaky Fridays to give us all a smile!
    Millie ^_^

  11. Happy Birthday to your Mum, that´s a great age to get to!

  12. A funny Freaky Friday. I like the wooden care the best :)

    A belated happy birthday to both your mum and to your son. Hope they enjoyed their celebrations!

  13. Ja, men så är det ju i perioder av olika orsaker, men alltid kul att hälsa på hos Dej, snygga fräckisar idag Du!!

    Grattis Till Din mamma vill jag oxå säga, verkar vara en väldigt fin person!

    Kram på Dej!


  14. Hope uyou had a god day yesterday with your family ;) My sons birthday is tomorrow. we are having dinner with the family and some friends ;)


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