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Street Signs on My Shadow Shot Sunday #25

Hej på Er!
Hoppas att alla har kul och lugn Sveriges National Dagen. Vad gjorde Ni för speciell idag då? Vi har inte gjort det bästa förutom hissa upp flaggan sedan fortsätte vi med mitt projekt och så åkte runt för att fånga bilder för min skuggbilder denna helg oxå.

Gud! jag kände utmattad efter alla dessa jobb hemma. Jag tvättade panélväg med målartvätt, bredvid trappan eftersom vi ska måla den vit. Sen dax för matlaggning. Det blir kyckling teriyaki och grillspets med jordnöttsås och sallad. Har lite ont i huvét men sade ingenting till gubben min. Orkar inte diskuttera.

IAF--- här kommer mina tagna bilder...
So, here's my contribution this Saturday/Sunday:
Was so happy when sun shine for awhile, Got YAH!!!
Sweden's most love orange drink :-))
Perfect sign, June 7 is the EU election in Sweden...VOTE people!
Saw this sign when I get out from our SUV---HURRAY!
This isn't a normal sign though, but someone clean some signs in this area--he--he
On the way home, this shadows catches my eyes §:-))

It's Sunday again, folks! Did you have a great week-end? Today is the Swedish National Day. We didn't do special for this day, beside putting up the Swedish flag in the open porch, then, me & hubby both continued my projects for this month. It's my laptop table we still painting the finishing touches. I did washed the panel wood in the wall up to the 2nd floor then the wall to the cellar. I decided to paint this to white as I don't like the bare wood. It isn't the taste I'd like to have in my poorman's house, anyway... so, there we go! Working like hell but fortunately enough our neighbour is a house painter, so he came to rescued us from the washing stuffs to base paint & the subdued colour. Hallelujah! Thanks, Fredrik for the helping hands.

Anyways, as usual, am here to join this week-end our never ending chasing of shadows meme, right? As everybody knows, my family are enjoying this time. They're more creative as I am. Both kids are talented in photography. They must! now both got a good systems cameras compare to mine §:-)) So, the above are my shots & hey! you don't forget to peek from the OZ land, aren't you, eh? Join us the fun every week-end!!! Thank you "TRACEY" for this lovely meme...



  1. Hello my Richie!!! Yes, you`re "my Richie" jaaaj :)
    Your shadows are great!!
    Here is Saturday (3.40 pm)and it`s very cold here in Argentina.
    I wish you the best in this Sunday!!
    Hugs and kisses for you!!

  2. Hey Richie! Great the crane picture too - great colors!
    enjoy your weekend too!!

  3. WOW you managed to capture lots of shadows. Looks like you had very nice weather.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  4. Hoppas huvudet mår bättre! ha en skön fortsättning på kvällen!


  5. What great shadows you got..Wonderful..Everything looks so nice and clean there. Really nice pictures..Have a great weekend my friend..Happy SSS too..

  6. Richie, what a great group of shadow shots, lovely colors as well!

    Happy SSS! and have a lovely weekend!

  7. Great series of shadow shots! Thanks for stopping by :-)

  8. Great Shadow Shots Richie!!! i'm late, but i just posted mine too. my computer has been in the shop. just got it back!~karen aka kbear

  9. You spotted so many street shadows! A nice selection Richie! And a happy Swedish National Day to you and your family. Enjoy your celebrations, even if they are quiet ones. They're often the best type!

  10. Great shadow shots :-) Hope you have had a nice weekend and that your headache has gone!

  11. Will the projects ever end...nope, not as long as summer is here, we have to work while we can before settling back into winter...oh, that's a dreary thought!

    Have a wonderful Sunday, don't work too hard!

  12. Hej Chie vännen!

    Snygga skuggor du har fångat.

    Och hur går det för dej då? Har du börjat att jobba för fullt ännu?

    Om du går in på min blogg Tillbaka i Göteborg, TRYCK HÄR! så kan du se hur jag tillbringade min dag i går.

    Må gott och solvarma kramar on mas, från Irene

  13. Hej igen Chie!

    Hoppas att du snart slipper värken, men du får nog ta det lilla lugna och inte jobba så mycket hemma utan bara luta dej tillbaka när du är ledig.

    En liten ljusning ser jag nu i jobbletandet, på onsdag skall träffa en jobbcoach, hoppas att jag faller dom i smaken så dom vill coacha mej. Dom säjer att 9 av 10 som har blivit coachad av dom har fått jobb inom 6 månader, så du får hålla tummarna för mej, så går det säkert bra :)

    Nu kan du oxå hitta mej på TWITTER, Tryck här! så kan du hitta mej där.

    Förresten vad betyder xoxo både du och vår vän Rosebud skriver så, betyder det kram eller nått ditåt.

    Kramar till den goa tjejen Chie, från Irene

  14. wonderful series of shadows!!

  15. Beautiful shadow shots! Fantastic!

  16. Hey Chie, hope you feel better, relax, let me know which jewelry you decide, I can reserve one when you are your shadow shots, especially the last one, reminds me of my long travels on the road..have a fantastic day :) MOnikaROse cya.

  17. Another great selection of on a blog break, heading for the island..and will think of you when I snorkel and roast under the sun :P

  18. It's always interesting to see signs around the world.

    Your freaky friday pics and comments below are a riot!

  19. It's always fun to see things from far away places. Thanks for sharing your photos!

  20. Looks like a fantastic, sunny day in Sweden. Enjoy!

  21. So many wonderful shots! Looks like you had beautiful weather:D Perfect for shooting shadows!!


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