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My Early Day on My SS#3 -2010

Veckan hade varit en annan synvinkel av mitt arbetsliv 2010.
En helg full av förväntningar och överaskningar:

Det är härligt att få tillbaka mitt vanligt liv. Jobbet var ganska lugnt. Det VAR normalt lugnt, det kan jag säga och det känns. Min vecka hade varit en underbar vecka. Jag hade gjort mina aktivititer som jag brukar göra.

Sån här min vanlig vecka ser ut:

Måndag - jobbar tidig och lunch - DANS AEROBICS
Tisdag - jobbar tidig och lunch - POWER YOGA
Onsdag- jobbar sen lunch - BASTU/BIKRAM YOGA
Torsdag - jobbar tidig, lunch - STEP-UP
Fredag - jobbar tidig, lunch - STYRKETRÄNING
Lördag - latar mig och ut för mina skuggbilder sen barnkalas **************************************************************
Howdy, my LOTH (Lady of the house), candle holders greeted me
Heart U precious, I replied!
This cathes my eyes at SPA, on the way out...
Good morning WORLD!
U ain't see shadow HERE but I just want U to see the sun rising...
Who's that gnome? Eh! "GIRL? I meant §;-)
Is that really her footprints? She's a petité with a giant ??? *LOL
Showing her on the way to the bakery on her early Saturday morning walk...
Soon, our baker will open & it smells fresh & YUMMY breads...
That's GH standing & shaking freezing §;-) sorry dear... for I brought U into my world
Toke the above photo just because of these one... I hope you get what I meant?
Tell me if you miss my message!
Now, going back home from our destination: BAKERY...
Anyways, here is our street, left side is my poorman's house...
U can see that sun rises beautifully now?
Lastly, my candle lanter greeted me "WELCOME BACK HOME"


Yes, another week come to an end. My week was great too. Job didn't toke all my strength and I got my normal life back. Yes! Sounds very dear to me, for all time sake, huh?

A glimpse of my week:

Monday - early at work- lunch- DANCE AEROBICS
Tuesday - early at work - lunch - POWER YOGA
Wednesday - late at work - SAUNA/BIKRAM YOGA
Thursday - early at work - STEP-UP
Friday - early at work - GYM
Saturday - early dawn CHASING MY SHADOWS then go 2 a kiddie bday

Wasn't it fun when you have your normal life back? I love the way I live my life. So simple yet full of surprises. Don't ya think? Or do u feel that am boring? Apart from my activities, well, there's alot to do around me. Loving doing my household chores and take caring my loving family. Both me & daughter love to run around at the shopping centers and I do lots of trekking with dear GH.

How about you dear friends? Are you loving the short life we have?
---LOVE & ENJOY---

Now head over to:
and have a happy travelling to all Tracy's participants on her meme-


  1. Jösses vad du tränar och håller igång. Vad duktig du är som hinner så mycket varje vecka. Gissar att du är i fin form. Och så mycket snö ni har, fast vi har mycket också. Det har inte tinat bort så mycket än.
    Ha en bra lördag vännen

  2. Boy we are early birds this morning Missy...maybe you'll get a bit o sunlight, but it isn't forecast for us for about 3 days...YUCK...nothing but rain...better than snow any day.

    But your sunrise is beautiful and from the looks of it you have more snow than we do here in Iowa...hope you enjoyed those yummy baked goods!

    Have a beautiful weekend Miss Chic!!!


  3. What a wonderful assortment. I particularly love the candles in glass, and the footprints!

  4. i too am enjoying my short life...but never worry if it sounds boring to's what makes me happy. as walking thru your pictures with you.

  5. What a great collection of shadow shots for the day! Love the first one of the lamps and the footprints in the snow! Hope you have a great weekend! Stay warm!


  6. Sweden must one of the lands under the Midnight Sun. The indoor shadows are warm, the outside ones cold. In or out, these are fantastic shadows, the candle holders stylish, artistic. The outdoor shadows (including the 'gnome') ate wonderful. Snow makes foe great shadows, and i like your beautiful neighborhood. Happy SSS!

  7. Lovely selection of photos, my favourites are the first one with those delightful subtle shadows and the ones of the footprints in the snow...

  8. Embrace the good life indeed! Lots of good shadow shots. I especially like the candles shadows. (And, the gnome is cute!)Looks like you have a busy week ahead...SOooo much exercising. Yikes.

  9. So lovely Chie - thank you for the tour of your neighbourhood! The footprints are awesome!!

    I see your snowy trees made it into Tracy's collages this week - that is such a fabbo shot!!

    Have a great week!

  10. Good Happy Shadow Shot Sunday to you!

    The blues are beautiful in your snowy skyline shots.

    I bet that bread was delicious. I think I would wake up that early and walk in the snow for fresh-baked, delicious bread too.

    Have a beautiful weekend.

  11. That workout schedual makes me tired. One hour at the gym and not much else for me the rest of the day. Nice, cold shadows.

  12. Oh Chie, All that beautiful snow!!! I would die and go to heaven to experience that! How lovely walking down to the bakery, all rugged up like a snow man... simple pleasures. You get the best of both worlds - cold winters and warm summers. I love how you LOVE your life. Such beautiful images. Cheers from sunny hot, humid Australia! A-M xx

  13. Interesting series of phtos! Love especially the lighting round the baker's shop!

  14. That was a fun look at your day out! Your candles make welcoming shadows.

  15. No-you are certainly not boring! I love visiting you here as I never know what will happen next! Great early morning shots-I love to see snippets of lives around the globe and your early morning walk to the shining bakery was lovely to join!

  16. I enjoyed your walk to the bakery. I could almost smell the freshly baked goodies! I'm impressed by all that exercise you've included into your daily routine. You put me to shame! Good on you!

    PS - No I didn't receive any email from you regarding what you mentioned in your comment on my blog. Or did you not send an email but just asked if I received your message via comment? Sorry I may have misunderstood. If you did send an email, feel free to resend. My email link is in the sidebar of my blog. I'm quite curious now! :)

  17. Wow - brrrrrr...I could feel the cold and the snow,
    I could smell the yummy bread,
    I can remember how it feels when more light,
    day by day,
    gives hope of spring and sun...

    Here, catch this:
    my SUNNY greetings from Cairo! :)
    Little help from a blogger friend! :)

  18. Så mange flotte skygger! Tror jeg liker det første og det siste best:-) Herlig!
    Ha en fin søndag!

  19. God söndag på dig.
    Tackar för din goa kommentar hos mig. Sånt värmer ska du veta.

    Vilka härliga bilder. Jag skulle gärna kunna gå till bagarn på morgon, men 2 mil är lite i längsta laget att knata iväg hihi...
    Så jag bakar själv. Smaker gott og luktar gott i hela huset.

    Hoppas din söndag blir lite skön som gårdagen.
    Njut den. Den kommer aldrig mera igen.
    Kramen Synnöve.

  20. Hejsan hej
    Och jag är super dålig på att besöka bloggar nu mera, tror jag kommit in i en svacka. Så mysigt de ser ut nere hos er nu med snö osv :P Ha det gott.

  21. Hej min kära vän!

    Oj, oj jag blir trött av att bara läsa ditt veckoschema, så mycket aktiviteter och det efter jobbet. Kära lilla goa Chie ta det lugnt och relaxa, läs en god bok, se en mysig film eller ta bara en lugn promenad i det härliga vintervädret.

    Jo tack Älsklingen och jag har det bara gott ihop.

    En dag när vi satt på bussen och pratade och skrattade, som vi brukar göra, kom det en dam fram till oss, hon hade studerat oss en stund, och sa "Ni ser så goa ut ni måste trivas gott ihop"

    Roligt att höra och vi går alltid hand i hand och får ofta kommentarer på det, som sist när det kom en äldre man och lyfte på hatten och sa det fanns en sång där dom sjunger "Vi ska gå hand i hand genom livet du och jag" mysigt att kunna glädja människor =)

    Solvarma kramar on mas från Irene

  22. Glad you had a good week, I did too. All of your shadow images are lovely, my favorites are the candles and footprints in the snow.

  23. Love all your great shadow shots, especially the last one. I love how a shadow can distort an objects true form. Happy SSS! Christine :D

  24. That's a lot of snow!!

    Happy Shadow Shot Sunday!


  25. Footprints in the snow…
    tell me, children, where they go—
    to far-off places?

    Footprints in the Mud

  26. Roligt att du hälsat på i min blogg och tyckte om den :)

    Vad duktig du är som hinner träna så mycket :) hade önskat att jag hann ( dålig ursäkt ).

    Ha en fortsatt bra dag

  27. What a wonderful sequence of shadow pictures! I enjoyed very much all of them!
    Have a nice week ahead!

  28. Hello, yes I am a Filipina from Mindanao and residing here in US for 5 years now. Kumusta na dyan sa malamig na lugar ninyo like us here we have snow too pero this winter hinde kami umabot sa below zero. I see the pictures at the bottom of your blog is that your daughter and son? They are so good looking mana ba sa ina? hehe! Hope to hear from you soon. Regards!

  29. Wow you were up and out early. Looks cold, snowy and dark there. Loads of great shots...nice shadow shot:D

  30. What great shots and great shadows!

  31. On my Shadow Shot post from a week or so back you asked

    Was this the Little Mermaid monument in Köpenhavn?

    No it was the Ice Bear statue as stated in the text - click on the link there to see it.

    The Little Mermaid was nearby though.

  32. ojojoj vilken vecka, blir grymt impad, tänk om du kunde ge lite av din energi till mig, blink!!!

    varmkram lotten

  33. Vilket program du har! Här ligger man bara hemma i influensa..

    Ha en skön vecka! Och tack för dina söta meddelanden alltid!

    Kram, Lotta

  34. Beautiful pictures! Not much sunshine, but we don't have any here in New Jersey either.

  35. You are as cold there in Sweden as I am in the northeaster United States! Brrrrr :-)

    I enjoyed all your shadows and the upbeat way you present things. Thanks for the smiles!

    See you next week for SSS.

  36. Wonderful varieties of shadows! I have to admire your outdoor ones since it looks so cold!

  37. Great pictures this week. I love your light shadow in the first picture!

  38. Wow you do a lot of exercising. I'm impressed.

    I enjoyed going to the bakery with you.

    I like the shadows of the footprints in the snow.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  39. Great shots! I really like the one of you outside the bakery in the morning, and those footprints are amazing!

  40. I wish I could be as motivated as you into doing yoga. Pretty candle holders....Christine

  41. Jo det blir en del jobb, men förhoppningsvis blir resultatet bra. Ha en bra vecka!


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