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Rambling of the NY on my SSS #1 on new DECENNIUM


Det är inte sant att åren gick så fort och nu vi har ett nytt decennium att tackla framför oss? Jag är verkligen fundersam vad som kommer att hända. Bara Gud vet. Därför för min del, jag ska leva det ljuva livet och ha kul och kryar (om jag får bestämma).

Hoppas att alla hade roligt i det nya året som vi lämnade bakom oss och ha roligare och kryare i det nya kommande åren. Vi håller tummarna för oss ALLA.

Trying to be perfect for the New year coctail party, typical me!
Am I satified with my tablescaping? Ah! who cares?
See to it GH, that your drinks to offer are in place. Check my angel ornaments too for give-aways
Just trying to see if my wrought burning basket (not sure in english word) works.
Well, with a very dried birchwood? it works fab! Let see i f my guest enjoy the NY Eve...
Thanks outdoor Christmas Tree, your still working too? Ornament shadows, cool?

NOW??? tjaddaa

He he... Sta. still delivering the last gits to us...poor Sta. Liz balcony is a bit high! Thanks Sta.
Ended in here infront of our fireplace... My fam & cousin's fam had exchange gifts on NY eve...
Garage roof thru my kitchen window, while I wonder on twilight b4 i start the day
Ah! freezin... but hey! we have sunlight, though? Now, have to go down to prepare!

Isn't that this year came so quickly to an end? Did you think that we're starting to a new decade, don't you? Well, I do and I am a bit weary what happen next. I will just keep my fingers cross that my health keep on top and I will live a happy and bountiful life.

Hope everybody do too. Be happy as can be and always look back what we left behind and cherish them but be positive to all endeavours of life we will tackling forward.

Wish you all the best of the best...
The whole day was a bit exhausted. This year's gathering was held at home. It was my turn to invite my family here in Sweden, as we celebrate Christmas with our hubbies families. Just being fair.

Well, I first clean the house from the top floor to the cellar. Fixed everything to be presentable and cosy. Although everybody been here on many parties before. Just wanted everybody to feel so comfy as ever although my house is a poorman's house.

Me & cousin Glyn welcome you at my simple home!
Full pack table with my palatable dishes you could think of... just name it! -Cold cuts---
Usch! cheese!!! which one? green, blue or rotten one? he he... smells §;-)
Warm dishes here...
A never ending parade of food & here is my "Sweet End Corner"with 13 diff fruits for a good LUCK...

As a sugar addict, I been waiting for the coffee break! Hallelujah...
Frozen Champagne glasses awaits the New Year to come...
Typical me again, checking if the lighter works b4 00:00am
Soon is 2010 but waahh! snow is up to my knees...
Cousin's & our teens we're enjoying life to the fullest...
Me & GH with horn on works perfect to warm us UP...
Can U see what we're looking for here?
or here with Great Hubby (GH)?
Ha ha--- left behind, I choose Pommac, buggah! I can't drink with alcohol §:-)

But in the morning, I woke up a lil bit too early although I went to bed at 4.30am after cleaning up our mess. When I can't slept back, I went up to start a new bright day of January 1, 2010...
Wonderful sign of a new beginning of 2010...FAB letters & the shadow we're looking for!
And this is my new toy which I got from my GH as Christmas gift...TY a mill dear! Shadowy too,huh?
What shall I do to my 2 yr old laptop, huh? Give away? Stay tune!

Greetings from us, D´Nics
Don't forget to drop by at:



  1. Ohh vilken härlig nyårsfest ni hade ,du e så påhittig med dukningen,gillade verkligen att man fick nåt med sej hem o vilken mat YUMMI!!!Önskar er alla en riktig God fortsättning på det nya året o hoppas du får detta år att bli som du vill,det önskar vi nog alla!! Stor kram från mej till dej !!=)

  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR CHIE!!! looks like a wonderful time! a toast to friends forever!

  3. Wishing you a great 2010 in Sweden! Where to begin on your excellent photos? I would say that inside your home, the food and ambience are so welcoming. Your view outside, day or night, is stunning. The beauty of Scandinavia is wonderful in the winter. Lovely family, friends and shadows. Happy New Year!

  4. I would have to say you sure know how to throw a party. Great post and photos.. Wishing you the best in the New Year

  5. Everything looks gorgeous, including you!

    I'll take a piece of each of the cheeses, please - including the stinky! Wow. What a delicious looking feast!

    Happy New Year to you and yours. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Peace, love and all groovy things,
    Gina aka Pagan Sphinx

  6. Hi, Happy New Year! All the food looks delicious and the "Love" shadow is fun!

  7. Trevligt att du irrade dig in till mig och lade en kommentar.. Det tackar jag för..

    Fina bilder på ett vad det ser ut som trevligt nyårsfirande..

    God Fortsättning..

    Kram Mia

  8. Happy New Year to you and yours! Looks like a perfect evening you shared with your friends and family. Lots of food and such a perfectly prepared table!
    All wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hej å Tack!
    Tack för titten in till mig och för dina värmade ord..
    Blev så glad..
    Ingen illa julklapp du fått!
    Datorn menar jag..

    God fortsättning..
    Kram Mia

  10. You crazy girl...I want to come play at your house!!! The food and drinks and company look fabulous, you've brought the new year in with style...hope you have a wonderful year ahead...keep up with all the shots of home and family, it's too much fun!


  11. Wahooooo, these are fabulous photos Chie. Grande naman ng party nyo dyan hehehe.

    MY SSS post. Have a great weekend!

  12. Happy New Year Richie! Everything looks so lovely for your parties - you are best hostess for sure!
    Love your LOVE shadow - enjoy the first week of the year!

  13. What a fabulous way to send out the old year and welcome in the new!;Thank you too, for your wonderful comments on my blog! i hope your daughter enjoys her Nikon! I love mine!
    Thanks for taking me to your New year's Eve bash-everything looked wonderful and yummy!

  14. You got the New Year off to a great start, may the rest of the year be just as joyous.

  15. Thanks so much for sharing your celebrations here with us all. Wow, you sure host a magical party! The food looks divine. As does your lovely house. Wishing you a much healthier 2010. The new year will be a great one for you I'm sure!

  16. What a party!
    Happy New Year and have a great SSSunday! :)

  17. Så mycket god mat, ni har firat jul och nyår rejält. Och så fint du dukat, gulligt med änglarna till varje gäst. En sån vedkorg står på önskelistan här, ser jättemysigt ut.
    God fortsättning på nya året vännen.

  18. Tack för titten hos mig...vad glad jag blev. Och vilken fantastisk nyårsfest du bjuder oss på....Härliga bilder! Önskar dig också ett Gott Nytt År! Du är varmt välkommen tillbaka till mig. Kram Therese

  19. Happy New Year!!
    I hope 2010 brings you much happiness. Looks like it did already!! All that beautiful snow must make for an enchanted Christmas.. As you know it is summer in Australia now so definitely no snow here!! hehe

    I just love your LOVE shadow.. simply beautiful. x Julie

  20. What a marvelous series of wonderful celebratory photos. Happy New Year to you and yours ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  21. Your post is beautiful. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  22. That looks so great, what a party, and the food looked fabulous! That cheese plate alone was so extravagent!!

    Your tablescape looked perfect ;)
    Happy new Year and thanks for visiting my blog!

  23. Oj, oj vilket långt och innehållsrikt inlägg, så mkt mat och så många gäster, Ni verkar att ha ahft det underbart trevligt, men det tar väl ett par dagar att vila upp sig efter en sådant party;))
    Tack för Ditt besked om Lotta, blev jätteglad, hade ju hennes adress och sådant tidigare men allt försvann i samband med mitt dotorhaveri i höstas.
    Kul att Du ringde, hoppas vi snart får kontakt med henne igen.

    KRAMAR och God Fortsättning på 2010!!


  24. Your home looks so nice and makes me want to stop by. ;-)

    You have some great shadows here. The "Love" shadow is cool.

    I wish you and yours a Happy 2010 ~

  25. Hej!
    Tack för din kommemtar. Vilken fin helg du verkar ha haft med mycket god mat tillsammans med släkt och vänner. Mycket vackert dukat bord och fina give-aways. God fortsättning.

  26. Everything looks wonderful, thanks so much for your sweet comments! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed 2010!

  27. Hej goaste du.
    Vilket hejdundrande party ni hade på nyårsafton.
    Där hade jag gärna deltagit.

    Här gick det lugnare för sig.
    Vi var hemma i lugn och ro.
    Åt gott och mådde gott.

    Önskar att 2010 ska bli ett bra år för oss alla.
    Det kan behövas efter 2009 med kriser och krasjer både här och där.

    Sänder nu en riktigt varm nyårskram till dig vännen.
    Goklems Synnöve.

  28. Wow, looks like you had a nice gathering and party :). Lovely photos, Happy New Year!

  29. Happy Happy New Year!! Looks like you all had great fun ringing in the new year:D
    Beautiful home, food and SSs!!

  30. Happy New Year!
    I didn't realize that the philiphines has pinatas too:)
    I can see why you miss your warm country now with the snowy winters. But you seem to be making the best of the winter there!

  31. Hej, vilken ljuvlig fest och vad mycket gott du bjöd på... tack för dina rara ord på min blogg kram Jeanette

  32. Hej !!

    Och jättetack för att du hälsade på hos mig!
    Massor av Gott nytt år kramar från mig.

  33. Åååå.., fick du en mini laptop.., vill ha, vill ha!!!!!
    Fasiken, jag blev hungrig när jag fick se dina bilder på all god mat, såg verkligen smarrigt ut!!!
    Underbara bilder du visar...

    Nädu.., inget nytt objektiv till kameran blev det när jag väl var iväg till "storstan", alldeles för dyrt för min lilla, lilla plånbok just nu.
    Får spara ett tag till....

    Nu skall jag spara på den lilla energin jag har kvar till att borsta tänderna sen hopp i säng.
    Sussa gott och ta väl hand om dig


  34. I wish you a very happy new year and it was fun to see your pictures ;)
    hugs, desiree

  35. Very nice post of a great celebration! Have a great New Year, and thanks for the visit!

  36. thanks for the sweet comment. happy new year!!! these pictures are lovely, i especially love the picture of the wine shoved in the snow haha :)

  37. Ni verkar ha firat in det nya året ordentligt :) Önskar dej ett toppen 2010!! Kram Katta

  38. Vad härlig er nyår ser ut!
    gott nytt år
    kram Anna


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