En liten uppdatering med min vecka som hade varit.Nåväl, jobbet hade dämpat en aning hela veckan och det jag kämpar nu är att avsluta det som inte kunde avsluta förra årets bokslut.
Livet med familjen är underbart och önskar att det fortsätter livet ut. Barnen är glada med deras julklappar och fortsätter vara duktiga och snälla. Hallelujah!Livet jag har nu förstås--- leker fortfarande och det blir bara hetare och hmmm... äldre ;-) men klart klokare. Spännande och hemligare, eller NOT!
Imorse var det kallt men jag och GH gick upp tidigt och tog en morgonpromenad i det kalla vädret ändå skönt.
Hoppas Ni har det skön dag och njuter varje minut och ta tillvara stunden med familjen.
My moments at dawn in freezin´SNOW...
Just when I stepped out -18 deg and freezin´
Hello Everybody outthere in Bloglandia!
Just a lil update of my first week of the new decade had been... well, we had a short week last week and work reduces a bit. I performed the tasks that need to be done which I didn't manage to booked b4 the end of the year of 2009.
Life with family is just wonderful and wish to continue till the end. Kids are thankful for their Christmas presents and both are well-behave and very good in their tasks. God Bless! My life? (myself), ah...hottier...hmmm... whaa... OLDER but hey! smarter indeed! Just EXCITING! The older & secretive I am the younger I feel or--- NOT?
Just a lil update of my first week of the new decade had been... well, we had a short week last week and work reduces a bit. I performed the tasks that need to be done which I didn't manage to booked b4 the end of the year of 2009.
Life with family is just wonderful and wish to continue till the end. Kids are thankful for their Christmas presents and both are well-behave and very good in their tasks. God Bless! My life? (myself), ah...hottier...hmmm... whaa... OLDER but hey! smarter indeed! Just EXCITING! The older & secretive I am the younger I feel or--- NOT?
But b4 you surf further, don't get to head over
to see all participants joining Tracy's meme every Sunday!
But b4 you surf further, don't get to head over
Press the photo to see us frozen...
Skönt och höra att du är glad och mår bra. Att du har mycket på jobbet har jag förstått, hoppas det lugnar sig lite. Härligt med morgonpromenad, idag var det inte så kallt.
SvaraRaderaHa det gott
Goa kramen
lovely shots...love the hedge too. have a great week!!
SvaraRaderaGreat shots!
SvaraRadera~Really Rainey~
Så glad jag blir över att Du mår och trivs med livet trots kylan, själv tycker jag det varit lite väl kallt ibland, men jag börjar vänja mej, härliga bilder Du lyckades hitta trots kylan.
SvaraRaderaHar Du hört ngt nytt från Lotta?
Ha det bra i veckan, jobba inte för mkt!
Skönt att du mår bra trots denna kylan som vi har.
SvaraRaderaIdag är det inte riktigt lika kallt här.
Önskar dig god fortsättning på det nya året.
Baby it's cold outside and your outside looks just like mine...how do we cope year after year.
SvaraRaderaWhen I lived in Florida I had such great pleasure in calling back home in January to see how cold it was in Iowa, it was usually 70-80 degrees in Florida...not this year. My Mom still lives there and is buying winter closes again...welcome to my world...brrrrr...
Stay warm crazy lady and keep the photos coming!
Like your new look and great shadows too!
SvaraRaderaA lot of snow! Very nice shadow shots, though.
SvaraRaderaKeep warm and have a good week.
I converted the temp in °C to °F, and it is still really cold! Yet the little midnight sun you do get makes for wonderful winter shadows. Your estate looks lovely in snow, and your SAAB still looks nice. Alas, I do not have the $ or kr to purchase the factory :>(
SvaraRaderaWonderful shadow shots (thanks to your wonderful husband) I always enjoy your photo sequence. Thank you so much for sharing :-)
SvaraRaderaBrrr. Looks very cold! Lovely shadows, though.
SvaraRaderaHope you have a happy new year!
Great photos but stay warm! always young at heart even tho we get older. hugz!
SvaraRaderaEnjoyed visiting with you and seeing your snowy shadow shots ~ especially like the pine tree one.
SvaraRaderaThank you for stopping by my place and leaving your comment!
Kindly, ldh
Got to love the snow Richie! Thankfully you found lots of shadows this week among all that white stuff! Keep bundled up - see ya next week!
SvaraRaderaGreat shadow shots especially the last one..
SvaraRaderaThanks for the visit and comment
So cold, I am freezing my bottom over heret too!
SvaraRaderaGodmorgon denna kalla måndag.
SvaraRaderaHär är det 24 minus just för tillfället.
En härlig promenad du och GH gjorde.
Det är skönt att komma ut när det är kallt. Om man är rätt klädd.
Försök ta dig några pauser på jobbet. Inte stressa utan försök ta det lugnt.
Kramen Synnöve.
Another set of imaginative shots from you this week. Great stuff! You changed the name of your blog. It's cute!!!
SvaraRaderaDon't you love shadows on snow??
SvaraRaderaThanks for visiting me in Normandy.
Have a great week.
Your photos are very beautiful with the white snow at down.Thanks for sharing.
SvaraRaderaI prefer my bench without snow.
Hi Richie, Thanks for visiting my blog. We've had lots of horribly cold weather and snow here also--but not nearly as much snow as you have had. WOW--Looks very cold in Sweden... Be careful when you are OUT in that snow and cold weather...
SvaraRaderaCome back to my blog anytime. I'm enjoying reading yours.
It's fun to see all that snow. I like the hedge covered in snow and the stop light shadow. Have a great week!
SvaraRaderaFin bildeserie, morsomt å lese
SvaraRaderaTakk for kommentar på min side
Have a great week ;)
Nice pics! I love the ones with the trees.
SvaraRaderaThanks for stopping by my blog.
Tack för tittenhos mig! Ja, nog är det kallt alltid genom hela landet. Ha det gott!
SvaraRaderaBeautiful shadows in your snowy world. Happy New Year!
SvaraRaderaI tried to post here yesterday and the link was broken. I'm glad to see you're still here.
SvaraRaderaJudging from your collection of images things are definitely chilly up your way. I know you'll stay warm!
Hi there! I like your new look too! Lots of snow for you-so beautiful but so cold! Keep warm!
SvaraRaderaHope you are managing to keep warm! Wishing you a very happy new year. :)
SvaraRaderaVisst kan det bli mycket ibland. Hoppas du mår bra nu i kylan! Här är det ändå lite varmare nu!
SvaraRaderaKram, Lotta
you look so cute bundled up for winter!
SvaraRaderaHope the week is going well for you.
Weekend is almost here again.