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Am I Rambling on my SS#8? & PACQUIAO WON AGAIN!

Sant! mumlar är ordet!

Hurra!!! solen skiner, snön töar och ett litet glimt på gräset under min bänk i snön. Vårkänslan är så härlig. Hoppas den stannar ett tag till, tills det blir verkligen dax och en riktig vår. Jag vill bara njuta denna efterlängtad sol.

Hoppas att alla mår bra utav vår kort solsken som duger just nu, eller? Gå ut och ha en rolig och trevlig helg mina vänner där ute. Liv i nuet för tillfälligt och som sagt, den kostar ingenting. Själv, jag ska börja förberedda mig inför bröllopfest ikväll. Hoppas det blir en stor galej!


Warning: am hyper-ventilating & excited, snow thaw soon. LONG post!
U can really see that we a nice sunshine today. No lights on here but I cath U!
Isn't that funny? I suppose to have the bird's nest on the tree? But what did I cathed?
We passed by the train station and this catches our hunting eyes...
On the way back home
This is what U see on our staircase today, CHILL...Fur is from Melbourne
My brekky! a cuppa & a shot, thanks?
Winter gears resting on stairstep...
While I am enjoying the sun, coffe & my Asian Lifestyle book
I went at my backyard & I saw Snowman & his son bidding g-bye, soon!
See? perfect! yesterday this stuffs was under the heavy snow...
"Caution-slippery surface" is on the way OUT of my sight, ASAP
And, am taking my hat's off & say, roger & out!

b4 u leave me, pls head over to our meme mother:
blessed me 4 always...

Feeling good, good pepz? It was a delightful morning when GH wake me up and whisper "waky-waky, Sunshine"? Hmmm... "he call me Sunshine"? §;-) YAY!!! he didn't meant I am? He just warned me to get up ASAP coz sun, shine gloriously outside.

I jumped up and prepare our breakfast coz GH was already out digging the snow on our open veranda's roof. Ahh! what an adorable GH. He was worried when the snow thaw from the main rooftop fall on us.

Anyhow, I rushed out and we went around the vicinity (again) to chase some shadows although I could catch them around here. It is a kind of habbit that Saturday mornings is our power walk morning. 2 catch in a bait! Is this the right saying, dear English speaking friends? Sorry for my grammar. Living in Sweden, lessen my English vocabulary but thanks God, not my comprehension. Or else, I am a dead cow, pressumably.

I have to rush now to get ready for the wedding party! Tjiiinnggg...
Have a happy Week-end!
Yeah, although it's not my fav sport but as his countrymen & neighbour
I salute Manny. Thanks for sharing your talent so our country be well-known
to many countries around the world. Keep up the good work.


  1. Never think I have forgotten you..You are always in my thoughts. Pictures are wonderful and shadows are great..You know, this has been a very quiet winter..not much snow and we are starting to have warm temps..Every now and then we get a year like this. I am trying to enjoy every day and thanking God for it. Even started spring that is saying something..ha, ha..
    Easter is early and all the children will be here..always a happy time. Cooking, egg coloring and don't care if the grandchildren mess the house again..
    Have a happy weekend and much love to you. xoxoRosebud..
    Health has really picked up and again thanking God, they found my problem.

  2. i love your photo of the "stuff" under the snow...emerging as the white stuff melts. hope you have a great time at the party!!

  3. I have not one speck of snow left in my yard...guess that last storm you guys had was a doozie, left you with tons of icky stuff!!

    Rivers are out of their banks here and people are starting to worry about homes flooding, happens every spring...days are getting warmer and we see hope in the sun...'cept for today, cold and raining, at least it isn't snow!!!

    Have a great weekend my crazy friend across the pond!!!

    s-the other crazy one!!!

  4. What a wonderful collection of shadow shots! I can feel your excitement at having sun!! I feel the same way! Hope you have a wonderful, sunny weekend!


  5. These are gorgeous shots chie, my favorite is the second one!

    Shadows in the Park

  6. haha I was thinking about you when I made some pictures for my blog last time and saw all these shadows!

  7. The winter scenes are lovely outside, although breakfast in the snow with coffee and juice might be too cold for me. The Swedish winter is cold but the snow makes for wonderful shadows. Nice place, nicer shadows!

  8. Vad det ser mysigt ut att kunna sitta i solen och må gott, boken ser jättefin ut och vad roligt det låter med bröllopsfest hoppas den blir riktigt rolig.Förstår att du längtar till din ö, visst är det sant som du säger att man får försöka njuta av det man har men det är oerhört skönt med lite omväxling med ibland.Jag skulle nog inte kunna bosätta mig i den tropiska värmen men däremot åka dit oftare om det inte kostade så mycket. Havet längtar jag alltid till och den där möjligheten att kunna simma med sköldpaddor och sånt är ju en fantastisk dröm för en som är uppvuxen i ett sånt här land som Sverige.Kram på dej från Katta

  9. Your sense of humor always comes through on your Shadow Shots! They make me smile. Happy SSS to you.

  10. Great shadow shots! I really like the snowman and his son. Happy weekend!

  11. You have breakfast out in the cold? I guess we are a bunch of softies here in Brisbane - we rush inside if it gets below 20 Celcius! Beautiful collection of shots.

  12. Wow these are great! Love the snowman one. Cute! Enjoy your wedding and the rest of yur weekend!

  13. Hej. Gissar att du är lite trött idag, hoppas det var en riktigt rolig fest. Och det var många fina bilder idag, härligt med korgstolen ute.
    Ha en fin söndag vännen

  14. Beautiful shadow photos!

  15. Great shadow collection this week Chie! I love the early morning shot, the way you are rushing out to enjoy the sunshine and the Asian lifestyle book. Glad the thaw is finally coming!

  16. Congrats on the win too for your countrymen. Hey...nice selection as usual..and not bad, a gucci hat :)

  17. Hi Chie. lovely shadow shots and your soup toureen and Leo spoon are wonderful. Thank you for visitng me and I wish I could have given you some cake.
    Please visit me anytime..

  18. What a wonderful series of table scape shots in the snow with shadows!
    Not sure which one is my favorite since they are so fabulous!


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