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Goes Spring-y on my TT#7

OMG! It's time again!

I just can't imagine...days goes so quick. I thought the week just started §;-) Ahh... it seems I am so busy with my work and of course preparing the week-end's wedding.

Anyhow, hope everybody's in the best of everything and enjoying the game for this week's meme...

How I wish I have some spare time and I can play my tablescaping during daytime. This past few days we had a nice sunny days. Unfortunately, I was busy doing my daily bread & missing those beautiful bright days.

Check it OUT---
Welcome Everybody...
Don't forget to grab something to sip before heading upstairs...
This is how it looks like at the end of the room, ready 4 my game...
These porcelain saucers was a gift from my Singaporean colleague
Aren't they fit for my theme this week?
My stonegoods are well-known in Scandinavian: HÖGANÄS
I love colour mixture. As you can see my guest will get a fabergé egg
Glasses I use here is basic Kosta Boda, see my napkin set?
Well, these was my wedding present, 21 yrs ago from the Philippines .
My dad's photoframe: A simple decor w/ salt & pepper shakers...
Candy eggs laid beside to feel the easter feelings, not bad.
These cutlery mismatches. Can't you see the signs? Viking era!
Yes, indeed... the set was also some inheritance from great grannies..
Do you know, what you call this in English?
This is where you put your servingspoon & purchased in Neaples, Italy
I wasn't sure what to do with my centerpiece today.
Hmmm... I grabbed my dried bouquet & lampshade...
And voilá! Not bad either... artistry flows when I feel stressy
Care for drink? A glass or 2... be my guest, good pepz!
Don't forget to have tea or coffee, ladies... it's freezin´outside!

Hope you enjoyed the simple things at home. A simple Asian/Swedish way of living. And, hey! don't forget to sign my:
b4 U go...
I appreciate your thoughts whether i'ts positive nor negative...
head over to:
Press the logo to visit Susan & her guests directly
TY once again, although am late...


  1. Yes, another one with green and yellow, guess I am not alone for TT this week! Cute little roosters.

  2. Very pretty table...the salt and pepper roosters really caught my eye...I love them. Thanks for sharing..
    xo bj

  3. I'm so glad you joined us for TT. I love the fabragee eggs! So pretty. It was so creative to put those lovely little doiley's under the flatware. So clever!

  4. Hi there. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! They call it a "spoon rest"... it keeps your table or your stovetop clean if the spoon has sticky food on it.
    I really like your little bird dishes. They look like they would be perfect for serving nuts, candy or other little snacks.

  5.'s that time of the year again. Hope you are having some sun there and as usual, your home decor is stunning. Love/M

  6. Ja jag känner oxå att jag börjar lite tidigare med påskpynta,det e ju så kort tid annars,har du sett mina kycklingar som jag säljer? Önskar dej o de dina en UNDERBAR HELG Richie!kram kram=)

  7. Hej. Tänk att det snart är påsk, hoppas det hinner bli lite varmare före den helgen. Du har dukat så härligt inför påsk, det var en fin mix från olika länder. Jättefint med äggen på tallriken.
    Ha en toppenhelg vännen

  8. Hej på dig.
    Du är en glädjespridare av stora mått med dina fina bilder.

    Hoppas att allt är bra med dig.
    Här går det lagom fort in normala tider igen.

    Solen skiner och tvätten hänger ute på tork. Våren har varit här några dagar. Snön smälter och det droppar och rasar från taken.
    Kramen og go fredag.

  9. What a fun tablescape! I loved the fabrege eggs and the cute chicken saucers, your wedding linens, and your "Viking" cutlery. Just be sure not to let the Vikings raid your pretty table! LOL! They loved all sorts of shiny objects like that. :-)

    Thank you for inviting me over for a glass of wine. I appreciate your hospitality...

    Happy Tablescape Thursday!


    Sheila :-)

  10. Oh, and I enjoyed seeing all of your dishes and the rest of the tablescape, too! :-)

  11. Lovely table! Everything looks so friendly and welcoming! I'd love to stop by for a drink ... too bad it's so FAR! ;)

    Happy Tablescape Thursday!


  12. I like your tablescape a lot. The thing I really loved and will be using myself, is the photo of your father being used to hold the salt and peper shakers.

    I think it is a lovely way to have someone who could not be there with you (either dead or alive) to still be remembered and honored.

    Love your wedding napkins too! Very pretty!

    Oh here in US we call that a spoon rest and use them by the over to put the spoons we cook with on them so the stove or counter doesn't get dirty.

    However, I love the thought of using them at the table too!


  13. Hello to Sweden from Cincinnati, Ohio! You sound very busy. I have the same problem...time flies by. I some times only get 1 tablescape done for a month. I'm a florist so I usually have to do other peoples tables.
    I love your Spoonrest that hold your serving spoon. The faberge' egg is beautiful. The pattern on the silverware is pretty, but that crocheted doily is something.
    Your whole table is so Eastery.

    So happy you stopped by my blog. I hope you come back soon. I better be getting off the computer now it's starting to storm. Have a happt weekend!

  14. I love your little teapot and the cute little plates...not to mention the eggs...a very welcoming tablescape. Joni

  15. I like that teapot and how creative to add eggs near the chickens. I collect faberge eggs so you know I like them...Christine

  16. I love your faberge' eggs. Who wouldn't love that. Really pretty. Your teapot is too cute!


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