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Rambling on My TT Thursday #5

Allrighty! Thursday come to an end, TJOOHOO--

I didn't cope up to joined the fun last week as I had so hectic week. End of the month isn't funny who's working in financial sector. Tasks was head-over-heels, indeed. When I came home, I felt so sluggish that I just want to relax.

Today, Wednesday, amazes me. My tasks was so calm. Just had some debits to book and then "coffee break" HURRAY!!!

GH (great hubby) prepared a tea for 2 while I was in the bath...
He think I'm worth every minute, relax with teacup in hand...
Isn't he cute? Thinking that sweet thought?
Blogging on my warm bed after a warm bath...THEN?
My tablecloth was a gift from an Arabian classmate.
This is made of special cloth with golden thread on it.

The chinaware is set of 65 pieces which GH inherited from his mum.
These set was inherited from their great great grandparents, 150 yrs old
Swedes love homemade lemonade and this pitcher is perfect
I prepare a table set for 2 this evening too
Crystal wine glass is from Kosta Boda.
The best crystal factory in Scandinavia
An Iranian brass vase with rose makes my setting romantic
Do you think it so? Flowers can make a lil savoury...

Golden tray from India was also a gift from a friend
Assorted crystal glasses are Kosta Boda
Wine decanter is a Russian crystal glass
2 crystal cannister is German press glass

Hope you don't forget to drop by at:
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  1. Beautiful tablescape and so full of lovely associations and history. And I love the sound of the homemade lemonade-delicious!

  2. So much beautiful dishes!!! love them all!!

  3. Det var en romantisk dukning, underbar duk du fick i gåva. Och det var en snäll man som bjöd dig på thé i badet, gulligt.
    Ha det gott vännen

  4. Very pretty...I like your tablecloth!

  5. Hi! I love all your Kosta boda collection, so chic. I visited their store in Stockholm and was drooling all over their gorgeous stuff. Love your romantic and intimate table for 2. Pretty china!...Christine

  6. You have such beautiful dishes! I'm amazed at the age of your china. Lucky you to have it. That is a beautiful tablecloth too. I really enjoyed your tablescape.

    thank you for visiting me and my table too!


  7. How elegant...beautiful dishes and crystal. The tablecloth is gorgeous.

  8. Absolutely gorgeous table setting Chie and to have a husband who brings you a pretty tea tray in the bath... you are living in heaven! A-M xx

  9. What a nice treat to have tea made for you by your sweet husband! And I love your table and all of the wonderful pieces from all over the world, really lovely!

    Kat :)

  10. So pretty! Everything looks beautiful and sparkles! I love sparkling! LOL

    And what a sweet hubby preparing you tea! I have a hubby like that and he doesn't even drink tea!

    Have a terrific day!

  11. Everything looks beautiful. What treasures and it wonderful that they are being used for such a lovely evening. I have to admit..I am lazy and never use the good things.
    Have a happy weekend. Never think I forgot you..always in my thoughts and prayers..xooxRosebud

  12. Beautiful post! I love the tea tray, love the both ways you set up the little table. Wonderful crystal and china and that tablecloth is so lovely. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a blessed weekend.

  13. So beautiful! Love your ideas.

  14. I love everything Swedish! My great-grandmother came to America when she was a young girl with her sister (parents stayed at home). She must have learned to cook here because she had no recipes to pass down. I have to create my own Swedish heritage!

  15. What a beautiful setting. I especially love your napkins. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hej
    Var roligt att du mår bättre nu.
    Så snyggt dukat på bordet, och dina pressglasskålar och glas är jättesnygga.
    Vad fin bild där ute i snön.
    Är det på dig.
    Jättefint att se allt som du gjort.
    Vi ses.Hoppas du får må bra.
    Ha en fin helg vännen.
    Kram Zara

  17. This is an elegant table for two with the most exquisite plates, tablecloth, and accessories! I am glad we are late to TT together but you do have a better reason than I. Joan @Americana By Candlelight

  18. i love Kosta Boda!!! loveliest wishes


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