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Asian Tablescaping---My Way #31st

It's just like yesterday!!!

Yes, I started to joined Susan in here game ( TS meme) 30 times (ago) §;-) Time flies too quick. Well, for me who can't join every week-end, time just passes by.

I am still at home due to severe flu that ended with inflammed sinus. A 2 weeks with anti-bios. I feel better now and that is the most positive I can share to you this mid-week, apart from my lounge redo is almost done. Minimalist style with a hoarder touch will be the outcome. Interesting?

Our neighbour just have a baby boy! Hanna wants to come over to show him to us when they came home from the hospital. So, I rushed & grabbed all the treasures hidden & laid in my oriental hurricane coffee table.

I started the papaya leaf dish
We call this "ga-bi" leaf in the Philippines
English vintage lace was used as my tablecloth w/ an organza underneath
Cake flatware is acutally an incense holder, I just modified...
Irish coffe jug was use for tea glasses...
This is my multi-purpose coffee/tea/mullwine maker, remember the stand?
I guess, You guess, why I used irish coffee glasses, huh? Vintage silver set cream/sugar
Eco linen table napkin with amythis stone rings
My D.I.Y cake/muffins stand, made of vase & pressed crystal plate
Our guardian angels are with Us wherever we are
Thai silk throw-pillows lays on the floor, Asian way...
The new mum, wants to sit on the wool skin from Melbourne,
owned by my daughter 19 years old...

Soon they leave us free...
Hope you enjoy "My"simple way: Of course "Asian Lifestyle"

Now head-over to Susan: "Between Naps The Open Porch"
If you want to see the gorgeous participants of:
Tablescaping Thursday...
Have a happy TS everyone... ENJOY & For those cold days ahead, keep yourself warm.


  1. Hej!
    Det var länge sen... =)

    Kläderna jag säljer heter Capri collection och är ett svenskt klädmärke. Du kan titta på min hemsida om du vill.. =)

    Oj va många fina bilder du visar!!

    Må så gott!
    Kram patricia

  2. Så roligt och få besök av en ny liten granne, och så fint kaffebord du dukat till hans mamma.
    Du är så kreativ och hittar på så nya och fina sätt och duka.
    Hoppas nu ditt nya penicillin hjälper, och migrän är riktigt jobbigt. Det har jag också, är inne i en dålig period just nu. Tror det beror lite på vädret.
    Krya på dig vännen

  3. Very lovely. The leaf dishes are beautiful. Thanks for sharing today.


  4. Your table looks lovely. How wonderful to help welcome a new baby boy into the world. I know your friend was thrilled with your tea and cakes. Thanks so much for your gracious comments and visit. I really appreciate it. Hugs, Marty

  5. It looks so pretty and serene, Richie. The new mom will really enjoy it and she'll forget the childbirth pain that she had gone through. Of course, holding the baby boy takes away that pain too. I am sorry you were sick but glad you are feeling better. Love your Thai pillows too!...Christine

  6. Hi Ritchie,
    beautiful tablescape. Congratulations to the new baby in your family. Nice way to welcome him.
    Greetings, Johanna

  7. that's so very pretty, I love sitting on the floor too and those pillows are way too pretty to sit on. Love all the little candles and your candle lit photos are so beautiful.

    Congrats to your neighbors for their new baby boy. That is so precious.

  8. Hello my friend...

    I just wanted to come by to say thank you for stopping in and taking a peek at my "autumn tablescape in a basket"! I enjoyed your visit and sweet note!

    Well...I am sooo glad that I came by for a visit. Your tablescape is gorgeous! I love, love, LOVE the beautiful leaf plates...very elegant! I also enjoyed all of your beautiful silver!!! This truly is a very special table! I hope that you and your friends...and new baby...enjoyed the evening!!!

    Feel better!
    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  9. I'm sorry you've been so sick! Your table is lovely -- what a pretty color scheme! I really like the purple and green leaf-shaped dishes!

  10. I'm glad you are feeling better...sounds like you had a time of it. What a nice setting you have done to welcome baby boy. Show him these pics later so he can appreciate your effort.

  11. This is beautiful & inspirational. The way you completed it is lovely.

  12. So nice! Very ambient. I love the amethyst glass and the leaf plates. Always a mix of items old and new make me happy :)

  13. Beautiful tablescape! I especially loved the touches of silver! Hope you are having a great week...hugs...Debbie

  14. What beautiful colors and textures...thanks for broadening my view. I'm going to follow you..Sharon

  15. Very artistic and beautiful.

    Thanks for visiting Lessons of a Newlywed!

  16. Thank you so much for visiting my first attempt at tablescaping. Your kind comments were appreciated. I enjoyed your Asian setting. I know Mum and BB enjoyed their visit with you. The Thai pillows and the tablecovering are very elegant. Visit again soon, Ginger

  17. Oh what a beautiful setting. It is absolutely dreamy and peaceful. It is perfect for the new mama. What a delightful treat.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner. Feel better.

    Much love!

  18. Your English lace was a beautiful anchor for your lovely tablescape. I particularly appreciated the gobi leaf dish. I could see those used as salad plates. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  19. There were so many things that I loved about this. The colors, though, were my favorite. I loved the hints of amethyst.
    I also loved LOVED the leaf shaped plates. They were so different from the norm.

    Glad I finally had time today to enjoy tablescape looking. Yours was lovely.

    (And I have a coffee pot thingie just like that!)

  20. Hi again! I LOVE THOSE LEAF PLATES! pretty!!! And the throw pillows on the floor were just gorgeous! Wonderful idea to use the incense holder!!!! Have a great weekend! :-)

  21. What a beautiful way to welcome the new baby. The colors of this table are gorgeous. You did a wonderful job pulling it all together.

  22. This is so beautiful!

    Thank you for stopping by the Back Porch and your gracious comment.

  23. Just lovely. I am impressed with your cake platter! Thanks for visiting Pandora's Box, come again!

  24. Dearest Richie,

    Thanks for your comment! Wow, your Dad is a living legend at that age. Must be the healthy Asian food; for sure! Our favorite too. While living and working in Indonesia we were in heaven. In Jakarta we would frequent the Thai (authentic!) restaurant with our boss and we loved it all the time. Also working in south India we learned about that food. Having friends form Thailand, Vietnam and India of course helps too.
    Loved your blog and things do look familiar to me. You made me have 'rindu sekali ke Indonesia...' Love to hear from you where your home is! Brave lady to have a top banking position that far away with such a drastic language change!

    Sunny greetings from Georgia/USA


  25. Beautiful collection of leaf plates. I adore the coffee urn.
    The tea and cakes for your friend, I am sure was wonderful Lucky friend to enjoy all of this. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. Linda

  26. Thank you for stopping by my's so nice to have a visitor from across the ocean!!!

    Your green with lavendar colors are so pretty and your other pieces are lovely.



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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

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