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A dreary day ---Tea for 2 on My TS # 36, 2010

Hurray! Another day come to an END!

Oh yeah... you heard it right, ladies? Hope everybody have/had a wonderful mid-week... in my part, it was a bit of a hectic week. New dealing system, new staffs & etc- etc... Anyhow, I tackled the problems that came across & continue my journey hugging it in a positive way. Feels a lot better rather than complaining.

I just make my days lightening UP with my activities, dancing Zumba, Power Yoga, Driving lessons, Step Up & jogging... in this way, I gain more a healthy body & wellness of being ME. About you, Sweeties? What is your secret of lightening UP your days?

Chocking! An early snowfall! In my open porch...
Hmmm.... duno---what am I thinking of? But, it must be cozy!
From this?
To this? A modified cloché for my goodies...
And now, silverware parade is on the GO!
Swedish silver tray & my Conran bowl...
Conran silver mug (set of 4) & silver rose bowl for goodies
I added this vintage sugar bowl (gold plated inside)
Another silver tray with roses on it!
This time more roses to come...
Set of 6, silver rose charger... ´lovin them
Silver rose cake plates matches perfectly (pix isn't good)
Turqouise for MOTH (man of the house)
And pink for the LOTH (lady of the house) §;-)
MOTH special beer glass made & carve his name on his 40th BDay
I choose my classy Orrefors crystal drinking glass
Conran teaspoon & a vintage cake fork join the fun...
Oh! think everything's are in places, right? Aren't you freezin?
I now lit my fav oriental zink candle holder...
I have problem decorating my lil mantle, guess this is OK
Tea kettle is ready now! Be my guest, my ladies?
Can you feel that it's warm in here now?
Pls enjoy the coziness of what I have

Thank you for dropping by & joining us on our cozy day. The only thing I can offer you all is my openness of my simplicity & hospitability, that what I call "my own" charm.

But don't 4get to head over to Susan, OK?
Life is too short to spill it! ENJOY TO THE FULL...


  1. I think this is absolutely stunning with all of the silver and white. (How neat to have snow to inspire you there!)

    Your silver is beautiful. My favorite piece is that rose covered one, but it's all lovely. I also love that white candleholder.

    This is a beautiful table.

  2. Hejsan!

    Ja nog är barnbarnet Clara min lilla ögonsten, hon är helt underbar!!! =)
    Tänk att det är så roligt att bli farmor ... =)

    Vilken härlig ljuslykta du har, riktigt stor och vacker...den gillar jag .. =)

    Hoppas vi sover gott i natt.. ; )
    Kram patricia

  3. Oh my, snow and we are supposed to be 90 degrees tomorrow. I am not ready for snow, but I am ready for some cooler weather. All of your silver is stunning, and with the white is just seems regal. Love it. Thanks so much for your gracious comments. I really appreciate them. Hugs, Marty

  4. Godmorgon min vän.
    Så fint du gjort på bloggen tycker jag.
    Förstår att allt är bra hos er, förutom att du fryser hihi.
    Ingen kyla här nu idag. 7 plus och regn.
    Gått från 8 minus till 7 plus. Det varierar verkligen.
    Så vackra silversaker du har.
    Gillade kopparna i rosa och blått.
    Man borde ta fram och använda sina finsaker mera. Det är för fint för att bara stå i skåpet.

    Ha en skön torsdag nu.
    Tänker på dig ofta även om man inte ses på bloggen så ofta.
    Kramen Synnöve.

  5. Så jättemysigt du gjort, thé för två med maken uppskattades säkert. Härligt med en brasa, du har så mysigt överallt. Och duktig på och träna är du också.
    Ha en fin dag min vän

  6. How beautiful! Love all of your silver and the zinc candle holder.

  7. How fun to get to see some early snow! It was 90 degrees here yesterday (sigh). All your gorgeous silver makes for a lovely display -- a feast for the eyes! Thank you for your kind comments on my table this week!

  8. So very pretty, AND cozy! Keep warm!

  9. Love the silver rose! I take a hike to lighten up, the wonderful fresh air is invigorating...your place looks very warm & inviting. enjoy!....O, like the new look on your blog too!

  10. Oh so cozy! I love your home. I can't believe it is already snowing there....Christine

  11. Hi Titchie,
    thank you for your visit and your sweet comment. You made a very nice tea time and thank you for having me for tea. I love the silver overlay mug and all the wonderfull items, you served. Including the very cozy fire in this mantel. This was so warming up, especially as I had a look at the snow before.
    Greetings, Johanna

  12. Hello Stockholm! Greetings from Canada!
    Love everything about this -- especially those gorgeous rose chargers!!!
    Thanks for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment -- hope you'll come back again soon
    I'm going to spend some time exploring your wonderful blog now... see you soon!

  13. Oh my, snow! It's warm here in Texas!

    I wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog, I really appreciate your sweet words.... they mean a lot to me!

    Your home is lovely!!!
    Happy weekend to you also.

  14. What absolutely lovely pieces you have.
    I'd like to hang with you and absorb some of your energy.
    It's always good to hear from you.

  15. You have so many beautiful things, thanks for sharing!


  16. Hi lovely lady. I love your Silver just beautiful . You have a lovely home also. Thanks so much for your lovely comments about my Tablescapes. lol

  17. How happy and cozy it all looks..
    Wish I was sitting there chatting with you, sipping a little tea and having a good conversation.
    Hope all is well with you..getting cold here..not happy about that, but guess I there isn't much I can I must start knitting/crocheting/reading for the long winter.
    Have a happy weekend/week..

  18. So many lovely elements for your tea party. The silver rose chargers are magnificent. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  19. got snow already?!??!! Yikes!!! You certainly must have felt warmer and cozier after putting that table together! That's a great way to lighten up your day!!! Me...I shop! :-) Have a really great weekend!!!!!!

  20. Fina saker! Huu snö! Här har det faktiskt inte ännu snöat, men nog kommer det väl snart..
    Te dricker jag mycket just nu, men nu ska det snart bli årets första glögg!
    Kram, Lotta

  21. A beautiful table -- you have lovely silver. I'm so NOT ready for snow this year -- we had more than enough to last for a few years last winter! Thanks for your most kind visit.

  22. Oh my gosh the silver and white is so beautiful


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