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Projects [check-done] on my SSS#35 of 2010

Updating our projects around home...

Yeah! mostly done. We do home projects one at a time, as GH whined when I tried to start one project to another. He reckoned that my thoughts is faster than light and his handy knowledge isn't that quickie. So, another compromiises... but that's cool.

No sunny day over D´Nics, unfortunately, therefore I will show some of our projects, done or NOT... Shadow or no shadow, here I come.
Trying to fix my flowers b4 the chilly weather comes
The lounge redo... then & now, yet not completed...
Just showing some bits & pieces of my simple treasures
Welcome at D´Nics, good Friends?
K! Let's go OUT to check GH, what's he's doing?
Almost done!!! Hurray... didn't even know he started
Perfect shot! He ain't keen am stolen some shots...
Opps! is he really done? Ok, he said run out of stones...
P.S. he's done this path 2 days later, TY GH, U done a good job.

Well, that are some of the projects done. I will update more next ish, so, keep on looking? Anyways, if you want to see more shadows parade of mine, pls scroll down from the last weeks post. I missed to link at Mr. Linky, therefore, YOU missed me & I missed YOU All...

Don't 4get to head over to "TRACY" to see her player's



  1. I also enjoy new blog friends, particularly ones from another country. It is fun to see the differences and yet we are all really so much the same.
    As far as the bud vase napkin rings, I don't sell anything this is a charity luncheon that I am involved in. I did not do a table this year but I have done 11 out of the past 13 years. I always post my favorites and tips for details.
    Anyways, I googled "clear square napkin rings with bud vase" and came up with a few sources. They are fairly inexpensive. I will let you seek out a source because I would hate to connect you with the wrong one.
    Have a lovely day.

  2. Wow you guys are busy! I love the “now” shot of your lounge room, so fresh and pretty.

  3. Looks as though the house projects are coming along well! Great shots and fun ones for the day! Hope you have a great weekend, Chie!


  4. Nice post! Thanks for dropping by! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  5. Hi, so you live in Stockholm? I live in Katrineholm and the snow is still here. I thought it would melt, But some is still here. :(

  6. GH is performing a beautiful job on the brick walkway - a lovely job! Too bad winter approaches, the Weber grille by the patio sure reminds me of warmer seasons in the past. Your lounge is looking wonderful, too. Any light will work for SSS, and you have proven that!

  7. Great shadows for the week!
    Your house looks lovely!

  8. I wish you would come over to my place girl and help me tidy up my garden and start more projects here (husband would faint if I mention more projects, even though he has mentioned a few for next year ? haha .. men ???)
    It all looks wonderful !!
    Joy in Chilly Canada : )

  9. Hi again
    Lovely shots and boy loads of work happening in your house. Looks good. Have a great week ahead.

  10. I always enjoy these glimpses into your lovely home. And your hubby is always so hard at work! What a good fella you have there :)

    Have a super week!

  11. hej, vad roligt med en ny blogg kontakt, ofta tittar man på samma bloggar hela tiden och det är så roligt att hitta en helt ny som tilltalar - kommer hit igen

  12. Everything is beautiful..The walk way is wonderful and husband did a great job..
    Forgive me for not visiting..I have been going in circles..trying to tighten up for winter/cleaning..
    As you know, winter is not my favorite time of year..Hope you are all looks like you are fine and the pictures are wonderful..Always in my thoughts, even though I have been a sloppy friend lately..Sending you much love and blessings from Maine..

  13. Det blev en bra skugga när maken krattar grus, kommer och bli fint på eran garageuppfart. Ser att vi har samma sorts dörrknackare, precis ett sånt lejon har vi också på ytterdörren. Nu ska jag gå en sväng till skogen och plocka mossa och sånt, innan det kommer mer snö.
    Ha en mysig söndag
    Kramar till dig vännen

  14. love your door knocker shadows!

  15. Wow kabayan, you've got a handy man out there, lucky you hehehe... Love the door knocker shadow!

    Inagt lagi!

  16. Your home is beautiful and becoming more beautiful as your projects are completed. Great shadows on days the sun cooperated! I love the door knocker...

    Thanks for the visit, and God bless!

  17. Everything always looks so pretty around your house! I love the lions head door knocker...and its shadow:)

  18. In shadow or sun,
    the lion-head door knocker’s
    job is never done.

  19. Girl, you are so lucky to have such a handy man around the house. My husband was so good at it too, very meticulous and a great gardener too.

    I wonder what projects Miss Chie will have for him next. Your new room redo is wonderful, so bright and cheery!

    I'm dragging in all of my plants too, getting ready for the big freeze and the long I'm depressed!

    Have a great week crazy takes one to know one...HA!!!


  20. Some great projects going on around your house. Right now the painters are at our house...can hardly wait for the results. Cherry Kay

  21. Your home is nice... good luck on your projects po...

    Uhhhmmm hey... Wondering if you could attach my Christmas Card in any of your future posts. By doing so, you get a chance to win a Brandnew Blackberry phone from the number 1 Pinoy-owned website in the Philippines... (Even if you're not in the Phils right now for as long as you have a Philippine address.)

    You can also create your own Christmas card and get a chance to win fabulous prize. (You can be both a poster of somebody else's Christmas card and a contestant. :D)

    You can get the code of my Christmas card and read about the details of the contest here:

    Please leave a comment on my blog if you did attach my Christmas Card.

    Thanks and more power!

    Noypi of


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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