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Graditions of Blue at D´Box & Unusual Giveaway...

Both GH & LOTH...

Aren't well. The colds or our colds is on and off at D´Box. A week bad,  another good. Keeps coming... keeps going... Do you think the weather causes of this all? I suppose Mild-winter--- One day above zero degrees and the next below 20 degrees. Bet! am feeding up. Today, GH felt so badly and came home early from work. You know how "men" when it comes to colds, right? *wink

Hope you are all well, wherever YOU are, pretties? I just can't wait the Springtime. A bit sunlight and a lil colour around me,  and I guess I will be feeling better. So, here's our table on our dreary day!!!

Tablecloth purchased in Malta 3 yrs ago... on our 20th  Wedding Anniversary...
Another way of placing the table napkins is to tuck in, in the bowls..
Some blings...
An old dinner plate from Benetton...
Målerås crystal butter knife rester...
Selected a footed crystal bowl for sallad...
Another crystal vase from Målerås...
2 hurricanes stands to serve the coziness...
More  blings...

One of my Carlström silver flatwares... a set of 12...
Drinking glasses are from Benetton too
I tucked in the napkin inside the soup bowl for a change sake...
Cozy when have a lit candles on our tables, right?
Upper shot... ready for lunch
Join my giveaway... Cup & teaspoon necklace 
EZ to join... just leave me a comment and YOU are IN?... PEASY, right?

Hope you had a great Monday & a blessed week, Yáll...

Will link to Lady Marty in the morning...



  1. Beautiful pictures and I just love the colors.

    Hugs from Sweden

  2. That table is just my taste! And i'll join your give away,of course!

  3. I'm loving your table sweet Chie! You do such beautiful dishes and very unusual too, like all your Benneton things. I saw a crystal little bird that was like a knife rest? Too adorable! Your giveaway again is gorgeous and I want it!!

  4. Oh, by the way...your tablecloth from Malta is stunning! Happy week to you.

  5. Jag är gärna med i din utlottning och jag har satt upp mig som följare.


  6. What a fun spring table on a cold day! Love your wallpaper too. Thanks so much for stopping by and liking my kitchen - glad to have found you. Can't wait to see what you do with your reno. Following.

  7. Love your table, especially the napkins. Great idea od folding the napkins the bowls. Thanks for sharing .

  8. Beautiful with the blues and greens! Love those little birdie dishes!

    Happy Spring!


    P.S. - I have tried to post this SIX times and can't read the words to use. Please remove that darn thing!!

  9. Love all your photos of your beautiful house. I would love the cute giveaway.
    Joining your site, love it!


  10. Wow! Gorgeous tablescape. I love all of the gorgeous colors! Wonderful job.

  11. Very nice indeed :)
    Himmel, vad kallt det verkar vara i Sverige just nu. Min mamma har precis kommit tillbaka till Norrland efter att ha spenderat två månader hos oss i värmen - snacka om chock!

    Kram från Australien♥
    ... fin utlottning du har :)

  12. Love your post ... thanks for visiting me ... the "buttons" just showed up on my blog comment forms ... didn't update it ... it updated itself!

  13. I am SO sorry to hear you've been so sick, Chie! My goodness...I know how that is, so I really feel bad for you! I hope you and your husband both feel much better very soon. The weather there sounds awful!!! 20 below?!??! Yikes! We have had a particularly mild winter here, but I have still been sick a lot. Not sure what's up with that. Anyway....LOVE the Benetton plates!!! My eyes fixated on them because they just have a really cool look about them. GREAT vase, too!

  14. Love your blues and greens! I think those drinking glasses are just as cute as they can be!!

    Hope you are feeling better!


  15. I am loving all the different shades of blue (my favorite color, of course!) and the tablecloth is beautiful! I really love your white table and chairs, and no matter what colors you use, it always works well with your wallpaper. It's fun to see your treasures because they are so unique!
    What a cute necklace for a tablescaper!

  16. How pretty your colors are....a striking combination. Love that gorgeous tablecloth. Hope you're feeling great soon. Just the thought of weather that was 20 below would make me want to stay in bed all winter!

  17. Wonderful tablescape...blues are always my favorites. I adore the beautiful tablecloth that you bought to celebrate your anniversary, and the blue and green centerpiece vase is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for inviting us for a peak. I hope that you both feel better quickly. Cherry Kay

  18. Godmorgon Chie
    Gissar att du redan är i farten och ska jobba, jag är ledig idag.
    Så mycket fint porslin och glas du har, jättevackert och i vårens färger. Ha nu en toppenhelg och stor kram till dig vännen.

  19. I love your lovely colors of blue and white. The tablecloth is gorgeous with the floral applique. The darling birds are great bling. Hope your family is getting better and Spring will come soon. Thanks for having a giveaway that is easy. Happy Tea Party! pam

  20. Thank you for commenting on my cloche page and for following me. I am going to follow you too. How interesting to read your blog. The shadow pictures intrigue me - I will be looking into that. I would love to join in for your giveaway.


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