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SSS in a Sunny Berlin

YUP... I was a Berliner... for a week

Both me and MOTH had a quick R&R in Berlin. I never been to this city so, I booked a 5 days trip without the knowledge of MOTH (man of the house). It was a nice city with so much feelings and I love the history. A trip for a lifetime. A must to adventure and I can guarantee that you will appreciate every minute of your time.

***Links provided in the highlighted photo explanations so you understand how it was
Stairs on the entrance of our Grosser Kurfurst, on our way to explore the city
Heading ahead Unter den Linden 
TV Tower... went up for dinner
National Library backgate...
Brandenburg Gate. I was standing in the East part..
And here I am. Standing in the West side...
Berlin is a famous school trips b4 the term end
This was the view in my above photo facing Berlin Golden Angel...
 The stones in the street marks where "The Wall" was... facing the West side
EAST mets WEST... this is the left-over of the Berlin Wall
Original prison 
Checkpoint Charlie
Trabants, means a car produced by former  East German auto maker
Usch... hitted by a truck while waiting for the Ubahn §;-)
Reichstag/Parlament building its amazingly sleek glass and steel dome
Above pix was taken in the East Side"The Wall" Gallery
Berlin's Municipal Hall & the famous world clock at Alexanderplatz

Have a happy SSS to all chasers...

Sorry folk... this post is a bit dabble and babble... just want to share the educational week I had.
Remember to visit the gorgeous beauties behind SSS2
CC jumped over West to East...Cool thing...
but do you think I manage when The Wall is still UP there?
Ha ha...I need someone's shoulder to stepOn... kidding aside, *wink

Hope you enjoy the touring 


  1. What a fabulous trip to sunny Berlin, wish I could visit it Berlin one day...hope it's soon! Your tour for us is great I'm loving it. You look great and happy darling Chie. Love,

  2. Lile your SSS shots! Happy Easter?

  3. Lots of bright sunshine and shadows for you on this trip! That would be such an interesting place to visit.

  4. So many intriguing buildings and beautiful statues and lovely shadowy library gate! But most of all I am fascinated by the various remnants and markings on the road of The Wall. Great post!

  5. What a cool city! The Wall is so important, built to keep people IN instead of keeping enemies out. Let us hope that never reappears (my father was a reporter in 1962 in West Berlin. Glad that part of Cold War history is no more...)

    The Trabbi was a terrible car - but makes fabulous ,odern day art!

  6. What fabulous photos and ShadowShots!! I haven't been to Berlin since I was a teenager (in the 60's) so things have changed tremendously!! I was SOOOOoo excited and happy when the wall came down. Now I am happy to see the memorial blocks that represent the decades of the Iron Curtain that separated families and enslaved so many in East Berlin. One should never forget the tyranny of Communism. A good reminder.

  7. Loved the photos - what a wonderful visit you had! What a great variety of places and shadows!

  8. It is always so exciting to me to be able to visit far away places through the lens of blogging friends! Your photos are wonderful.

    So nice visiting with you!
    Kindly, Lorraine

  9. Pwede bang sumama next time sistah.. Lovely photos.

  10. Funny, we're going to Berlin next Sunday for a couple of days! Hopefully it's sunny then too!
    Thanks for sharing these pics. I'm so ready to go.......

  11. Ja Berlin är en trevlig stad. Vi har ju nära till Tyskland *ler*. Jättefina bilder och visst är det skönt att komma iväg några dagar. Du får ha en skön söndag.


  12. Man kan lugnt säga att våren kom av sig, här är också
    jättekallt. Så roligt och se dina bilder från Berlin,
    det var häftig gatukonst. Och vår gris lever säkert...
    fniss. Här blir det sill och lax till påsk.
    Ha en fin söndag vännen

  13. Underbara bilder såklart..så kul du delar med dig ...gillar de flesta den där med "gubbarna" som pussar vetta tusan..hahahaha..beträffande klänningen har jag ingen aniing vart den akn finnas i sverige,,jag ska fråga min admin som publicerade återförsäljare..tjing

  14. I remember when the wall came down, it was a wonderful end to a terrible time.

    The Holocaust Memorial is moving; before I had gotten to your explanation, I thought of tombs. So many died, just because they were Jewish...Man is capable of great inhumanity.

  15. This is so interesting and educational, kinda emotional too. thanks for taking us along...Christine


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