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Revamping & Updating D´Box

A lil sunshine...
Yes, we have had a quiet Sunday morning. I guess and hope the influenza at D´Box now soon gone. MOTH is active and fit for fight again. Mine, is almost gone or maybe I am cheating myself to be well and peppy (taking strong meds, so I can't feel the musclepain). Well, well... influeza always take awhile to rid out of. It will go when it go, or else, nothing can do with it.

I had a little time b4 MOTH started to ripped off the wall in the foyér this morning. So, I quickly went down to the lounge and arranged the soffas with my new throw pillows. Don't know if this fit to my soffa but, this are just temporary.


 Not sure, what I am thinking of this pillows, but I kinda like them? 
Love my Chevron cushions... aren't they lovely?
 This too!!! I know the soffa is the problem here... (ssshhh... I know where to purchase a new one) 
Mesh pillow cases in the other side. Do you think it's too much tabby or stripy? 
I said " temporarily" LoL*

While I was busy doing my chores, MOTH do his. 
So, this is it? Precautions!!!
Said and DONE! Project, STOPPED!

As you can see, that pipe is the main pipe of the electricity. Good enough, MOTH tried to cut small pieces on the outer part of the wall. But, he touches the pipe and, recognized he is in danger. I was worried. Thanks God! MOTH is always Alert... He now, cover the wall with a new dry wall. Do a new filler/putty and a new wallpaper.
A quick done by an irritated MOTH... sorry, GH, You really done a great job.
Old houses got a great treasure! This is the Swedish newspaper, dated Sep. 17, 1947

This is our Sunday at D`Box... both inspirational, emotional and a lot of surprises behind these walls. Hope you have had a great Sunday, my beautiful people and hope we all welcome the new blessed week ahead.


  1. Wow, you are really redoing things. I love the new pillows and the newspaper is a fabulous find. Have a super Sunday and relax a little bit. Hugs, Marty

  2. We found a few treasures in the walls too!


  3. How neat to find that old newspaper. Your hubby looks really busy. Love your new pillows and I am loving the color of the green. Come and visit me if you are ever in US, Chie...Christine

  4. Hello!
    I invite you to visit Blogspot Directory
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    I wish you a great day

  5. Hello!
    To answer you, it's very simple!
    We are fortunate to be on the Blogspot platform that offers the opportunity to speak to the world.
    Is power, if we are open in the field of communication, other walks can know, that you know every day!
    It is also the possibility to know in other countries, people who share the same passions as you.
    This blog does bring me anything, I have created for everyone! Because obviously, it gives me a lot of work!
    Because I have another blog in a different area, which is poetry, and thoughts! And that all images are my own creations.
    For what are the directory, it's easy, just makes me write, I place you in the list of your country, which is Sweden
    I stand at your disposal
    Regards from France
    I apologize for my English

  6. I love those Chevron pillows! They look perfect on the green couch! Coming over from Between Naps on the Porch and your newest follower!


  7. I love when you find unexpected treasures while construction happens!
    Looks like all your hard work is paying off with new home improvements.

    I hope to visit Sweden one day...I have ancestry history in your wonderful country.

    Loved your Irish inspired table setting too:)

    Kay Ellen

  8. Så välbevarad tidningen var, fast den har ju suttit skyddad i väggen. Han jobbar på bra din man, bra när man kan göra renoveringen själv. Mysiga soffhörnor har du också, det är fint med många kuddar.
    Ha en bra vecka

  9. what fun and lively pillows! love the chevron!

  10. Momom! The stripe & zigzag cushions are perfect for my apartment!
    Glad to see you and dad are still working hard. Can't wait to come back home and see what you have been doing:)

  11. Hi CC! It's very busy at your house! Your pillows are so pretty. That is amazing finding the newspapers!
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


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