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FUNNY ENOUGH! Absolutely, I am...

It's been awhile not joining to anything, blogging, networking nor browsing my faves pepz of the blogging world. I am just so lazy these passed few weeks. I have all the time nowadays that my lil Missy moved to the university, however, don't have find my time.

Anyways, not much happening around me... Usual Days---Usual Life...

Usual thing, starting at the bedroom
Next to the TV room...
Then looking at my windowpane...
Behind this curtain is the on-going project (update photos soon)
Passes the left corner of the lounge through...
... this window, my new purchased "hurricane jar" Love It! 
Passes the couch & saw the perfect shadow from the hurricane
I went out to the open porch over-looking the backyard...
And I went for my morning jogging...
Looks like me & the love of my life having sunshine...
Then kissing me on my check... Lovely dreams...
I jogged & passed this warehouse, light catched a great one...
45 minutes had passed, am on the way home...
Then, I came in thru GH's project, this wall be turn it down...
Ended in the kitchen, ready for a breakfast...
I guess, a pancake or fried egg, which you prefer?

Well, this is always the start of my Saturday, while GH still in bed, I am active mobilizing myself. I have an insomnia and I am trying to get up early as usual. Happy as can be as an early riser and have so much fun chasing shadows while the sun is happy shining §;-)

How about you? AreYOU active and early riser too, during week-ends? 
Hope you have had a great week-end and enjoy the sunny days.
Don't forget to head-over to our meme ladies...
TY again, for hosting the funtime, girls! Keep up the good work.


  1. Very nice compositions and shadows in your photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  2. Yes, am an early riser. Not always what I would wish! lo
    I prefer pancakes, thank you! :)

  3. C&C ! Hello there : )
    I am an early riser too .. but it is so much more enjoyable when it is in full Spring to summer mode .. then I get to wander my garden a little before the real day starts .. you have some great shadow shots here !
    I love the green sofa with the hurricane lamp shadow on it the best !

  4. Ooooo I LOVE the statue and the elegant shadow that she casts!! Happy SSS.

  5. What a wonderful assortment of shadows you've found! No way to pick a favorite. :)

  6. So enjoyed this wander round scenes in your world! So fascinating! Love the little figurine and shadow! Very stylish!

    And my "downunder world" is still sorting out to be Autumn or not to be Autumn! We've had a couple of days verging on Summer in the afternoon! And today looks like another! Have a great weekend!

  7. Your home is more than a 'box', it is stylish and comfortable! Upon your awaking, your room is so attractive, one will feel good about getting up on a cold morning...the artwork and lamp shadows are great!

    The views outside your window are cool too - your back yard is lovely! The views and shadows on your walk are cool - and I will take a pancake please!

  8. STUNNING! Thanks for the visuals and awesome Shadows!!!!


  9. Wow loads of shadows here sistah. Ingat! Thank you for your beautiful contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday.

    House's Shadow, have a great weekend!

  10. All wonderful shadows and photos. Iespecially like the lady statue in yoour tv room. Awesome!

  11. Very nice shadows of great variety.

  12. Haha !!Tyckte det stod FAT på spisen men såg inte E;t , lite skojigt för jag tänkte, ni är ju inte det !! Hur gick det hos dr o hur går det för dottern din , puss o kram =)

  13. I really enjoyed these. Shadows make the world seem magical.

  14. Al you shadow photo's look great.

  15. Beautiful pictures, soft and delightful shadows. I am invite you to subscribe to my "Life in Pictures" meme. Have a nice week. Greetings from Romania.

  16. I love how you find interesting shadows here and there around your house!

    Shadowy Reflections

  17. I'm up early too, I like the quiet to start the day

    you have so many lovely spots in your home and beautiful shadows

  18. Love the dancing diva's shadows :) Have a wonderful weekend chie!

  19. I love all your shadows.

    We are on our first month of autumn so dili pa kaayo tugnaw, however, grabe kaayo ang ulan diri. Nag flooding ang uban places sa NSW. My first summer here nga wala mi ni hit ug above 40 degrees C.

  20. Great finds but the figurine's shadow on the vase is wonderful!

  21. Thank you Tatjana for dropping by.

    Joan, of course, I will serve a couple pancakes §;-)

  22. Somehow I have no energy early in the morning. I am glad you have a lot of energy, Chie. You took some lovely pictures and it looks like your weather is gettng nicer...Christine

  23. Beautiful images...I especially like the windowpane...and the shadowed silhouette of your figurine.

  24. Nice Post! Thanks for sharing your ideas! Come and re follow me I lost my blog a few weeks a goJoann


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