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Ladies Lunch b4 Dance Session on TTT

I am a Dancer, Yeah!!!

Yes, indeed... almost 3 yrs now, my life changed when my gyne diagnosed me with a "cervix cancer". "How will you react, when you hear this phrase  from your doctor, huh?" I know, there might be many of us  here in bloggiesphere who have worst case than mine, but I tell you, "It was not comfortable! My thoughts was "DEATH and whispered OMG! I am still too young to die! I am not fully accomplished my responsibilites" Gee! what a feeling. Suddenly, I realized and it came across my mind that, there is someone UP there who listens?  Thanks God, nowadays, we are living in a scientific world and above all, my TRUST to God. Life have always a meaning.

But, after so many surgeries, light and complicated ones, hey! am here!!! Shining like a star, what do you think? I live a brand new life. My activities keep me going, i.e. blogging, chatting, socialising and 1½ yrs ago, I found the most funniest thing I ever done. DANCING!!!

Yes, my life is like a dance. Sometimes, I am UP & sometimes, I am down. No matter what, I am here standing still--- for better or for worst. So, yesterday (Sunday), I had a lunch bonding with some gorgeous & awesome ladies from my dance class and they rock my world, specially our FAT burner, Mr. N, an absolutely awesome young man who can dance, §:-) more than women can do--- *giggles--- (a lil more to read in the end of the post, to you who want to listen my tantrums).


It was a quick decision, that they're coming, so I grabbed what I think it fit...
Damask tablecloth was already on top of our dining table, so I laid Lil Missy's silk sari as runner
They are on my reach, so, I didn't bother if they are a mismatch blings *wink
Simple V&Bosch coffee set, I think they fit in our simple day
See, the wild roses salad plates? Aren't they girlies?
No cake (for carbs sake) but this Heel cake slicer is another girlie gesture §;-)
Can't find more girlier with my Kosta Boda wine glasses & Luminarc drinking glasses
No centerpiece planned, so I grabbed this flower (what is the name of this in English)
Lisbeth Dahl, press the link if you like to know this danish designer
To stand still on the dancefloor, do you think we need this sweets? *giggles
Another colour of my candle...
You saw my ruffled dishes b4, see how they matched? So girlie, even the flatwares
More photos for photo sake! Don't you love the hibiscus?
And look at my new hall shabby & chic mirror! I love it!
This is my lil hallway & was extended awhile ago.
Everyone was complacent, when we left at D´Box...

Oh yeah! Do you think we could dance? Well, we handle all the choreography. My arms, shoulders, legs, and every lil muscles I have are aching, but it is worth sweating, aching and all the pain I felt. I just closed my eyes and bet my tongue, and move every lil muscles, till the end of the class. My lovely friends and I, dropped dead, GORGEOUS!!! I can't believe, that ME? an ...tish old soon, dance Street dance, Disco Fever and all Latino dances, from Cumbia to Salsa? I don't like a pair dance, so I choose the "Show Dance". I know, I am one of the oldest student but, I guarantee you, my friends, I LOVE & ROCK THE DANCEFLOOR! Hurray!!!

I sounded like, Madonna, am I? You never know how it feels when you know, that soon, you are 10 ft below the ground and another minute, knowing you are free from all the hassles. Yes, my friends, I am so thankful to everyone, including you who come visit me, whether you leave some comments or not, important thing is you are there, making me more stronger for every post, for everyday of the week. My family give me strength, a dear friend who love me, against all odds, always there to love me. Thank you for being there for me. You all are so important in my life. You are all part of my life. YOU are my LIFE.

Recently, I was in my yearly screening (whatever that was). Another struggling hours on the ops table (no panic)... good news--- I AM FREE FROM ANY VIRUS... Thanks God (again). If you trust, HE listen. 3 more years of screening (twice a year) and I am FREE if nothing bother me on the way to SUCCESS...  I am not whining a sec, though? By that time, I fulfill the life I wanted to and shall I say... "I reach the goal of success?". Hope you are thankful as I am, of what we are and NOT what we have. GOD Bless, everybody.


HAPPY TTT to All...
Linking this post to our dear meme Mothers 
And Susan @ BNOP on Thursdays...

These 2 ladies are my fave meme Mothers. TTH (Tuesday and Thursday) this are my days to play, like many of us. I am a full career woman and I don't really have much time to prepare for my participations with all the memes. So, hope you don't mind.



  1. Oh I so love your table with the pretty flower plates and the pink bowls and your daughter's sari. Your flower, in english, is a petunia. I just hung 6 pots of them on my front deck and two pots by my back door. Your dance class sounds like so much fun and virus free - what a reason to dance & celebrate!

  2. You are amazing! I love that you dance.

    Your table is gorgeous. The colors are wonderful!

  3. The colors are so happy and those are petunias.

  4. Yes, I agree with are amazing sweet friend! Your shiny, positive personality is contageous! Your table for your dancing friends is lovely, with pretty plates, bowls and the sari, makes it a fabulous stage, happy and very femenine, wish I was a dancing pal with you too, I just love it myself!
    I'm so happy you are over with your cancer darling. Have a blessed week.

  5. Oh, bless your heart! I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of this but you are so right - God is there, He hears us and He heals. I'm so proud you're doing so well now! You are a blessing and I'm sure your post will minister and give hope to someone.
    Your table is so pretty and I'm sure everyone loved it! Now I can just see you dancing all over the place!
    You are the sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Å, vad fint! Beautiful tablescape :)
    Kram från Australien♥

  7. Egentligen blir jag inte förvånad, för du
    är så full av energi och då passar dansen
    jättebra. Och jag är säker på att du är
    superduktig på och dansa. Så fint du dukat
    till dina dansvänner.
    Varm kram

  8. Tutto molto bello! fine ed elegante!
    buona serata...ciao

  9. What a lovely tablescape!! The colors are great!!!


  10. I am so glad your test came out negative, yay! Your tablescape is lovely, Chie! I bet you all had fun. I would love to dance too...Christine

  11. What a lovely table. The bright colors are perfect for spring.

  12. Love the bright colors. Very pretty table- and very happy table!

  13. Big Hugs to you! I am so happy you are OK, and Dancing CAN BE good therapy. I would like to dance, BUT instead I garden,hehe...OH YES, I know those achy muscles too...But when I garden it's good for me inside AND out...Your pretty flowers are "Petunia"(Love them) and some have the BEST FRAGRANCE. Certain colors, so as I pick them for my garden baskets I let my NOSE PICK their favorite colors,hehe!
    Your table is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! I too love to use scarves as runners. I just LOVE scarves and have LOTS and LOTS of them but don't personally wear them(I love to look at them). Your color scheme is PERFECT and what a great cake server! so much fun...
    You will be forever in my prayers,
    Big Hugs,

  14. Dear Donna,
    Million thanks for your concern and Mwaaahhh... to know the different kinds of petunia. I love flowers but I don't know their names. Ahhh... I can imagine how your garden looks like. I am envious coz my backyard is just a football arena. All grass and have flowers on the side.

    Wish I could come over to you and we could dance together.. he he...

    ENjoy your w/end, dear friend and GB you all at the Conghaile Cottage.


  15. Wow, thanks for sharing your journey through cervical cancer with your readers! I'm glad you got a good report! Your table looks very special and girlie with all that bright pink and the pops of yellow. I know your dancing friends felt very pampered!

  16. I am so glad you are doing better. God does answer prayers. This is a lovelt tablescape and very girly!

  17. I love your gorgeous dishes with the pnk flowers. This is such a great table, so I had to come back and see it again. I also would like to invite you to come and see my sea food table for mama. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY lovely lady.

  18. Such a beautiful table you have created today. Your colors are so bold and bright. The dishes are lovely with the pink flows.

  19. I love your cake platter and the colors are wonderful!

  20. OK, little chick...first of all, I had NO idea you had been diagnosed with cervical cancer!!! You are always so upbeat and have never mentioned a word about it. I am GLAD that you are upbeat and dealing with it in such a good way, and I'm even MORE glad that you have had good results at your yearly screenings. You are so in God! Your table is so pretty, and very well done for a quickie! I don't know if anyone already answered this or not, but the name of the pink flowers in English is petunia. Petunias are really, really popular around where I live in the summer!!! They smell so good and come in such a large variety of colors! Those floral plates are the hip hop diggity bomb!!!!!! Wow! SO pretty!!! I wish you a wonderful Mother's Day weekend, dear Chie, and I wish you many, many, many years of cancer-free living. Take care!

  21. Oh I just love the hot pink and yellow touches on your beautiful tablescape!

  22. I just LOVE that beautiful runner and your dishes look perfect with it! Such a fun and pretty setting. I really like your cake server as well.

    Thank You for stopping by and commenting on my Mothers Day Tablescape! I will be keeping you in my prayers! Have a wonderful week!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect


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