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SSS joins Swedish Mother Day, My Style on TTT...

Swedish MD is 2 weeks after the International MD...
I love celebrating MD twice, §;-) in a way. 

Anyway, we celebrated Swedish MD in our special  and simple way...
My day started with a healthy breakfast, at the porch lounge coz I don't like brekky in bed.
Many raised their eyebrows, when I said that (for real). But, I found eating on bed,
is not fresh. I would like to eat in a free mite ambiance. Ladies, don't get me wrong, ok?
This is just my way.
Our welcome drink and the cake sandwich, very popular §;-)
I wish all Swedish mums, Happy MD to all and of course, Happy MD 2nd time around...
Lil Missy made this wood doll for the LOTH (lady of the house) *LoL
We had a great weather yesterday and this spot will be the one!
I decided to set a frenchy style but in My Style...
I forgot I'd purchased this wicker charger awhile when visited Lil Missy
To have that frenchy and shabby look, I re-used my dear dinner plates and burlap tablecloth
Russian stemware use to used in Valentines day

I love the messy style here, do you?
That's my vintage wicker chair & that is my throne §;-)
One of the biggest cloché in D´Box
Can you see the apple flower petals on the table? It gave me a romantic touch, right?
Re-using this coffee set as I realized that "M is for Mother", isn't that charming?
And adding a birdcage with dried roses from International MD

MOTH told me to put my "mum dancing doll" a replica of the WonderWoman of D´Box
As I am dancing 5 times a week and that make me more stronger §;-)
Everything's in place now, and I am waiting for the kiddos to come...

How I wish, I could buy a ticket to you my gorgeous bloggie friends,
And invite you all in a simple Swedish way of life. Don't you think it's interesting?
Hope my "wishing fairy, hear my wishes, and grant me, what I wanted, to.
One BEAUTIFUL DAY and there is always next time.

HAPPY TTT to all...
Linking to Lady Marty's party every Tuesday...
So, don't forget to head over by pressing the logo, thank you.
A new meme I am joining is Sweet Shannon's Home Party
Press the logo to jump in in her "Home" Don't miss her...

Press the logo to see all the universal players.
TY so much 3Marias for hosting...

To All SSS players, pls join the TTT here. I am linking my post to SSS2 as Sweden was raining, non-stop since Thursday, so I don't have any way to take some good SS shots. Bare with me, SHADOWLANDIA (if you press Shadowlandia, you will pop in directly to Mother Meme's site)


  1. OH YES Mother's Day SHOULD be celebrated "TWICE"!!! Don't you just LOVE The Land of Blog for making it ALL POSSIBLE! I (((LOVE))) your throne! It is SO PERFECT for such a setting AND you shall be "QUEEN"! I love all your touches, everything looks simply divine!!!
    Have a WONDERFUL WEEK, and Happy Mother's Day EVERYDAY!
    Big Hugs,

  2. Vackra bilder och vilka härliga dukningar du gör. Hoppas allt är bra. Här är det toppen och grönt och fint.


  3. Så fint du dukat, jag är ju väldigt förtjust i
    just rött och vitt. Och så god smörgåstårtan
    ser ut, ni hade en bra helg.
    Ha det gott och hoppas finvädret kommer tillbaka.

  4. All charming! The food and drinks look delicious and the table setting is lovely (love the stemware!). Hope that you enjoyed the beautiful weather. It is very hot down here in the sunny southern part of the USA!!

  5. Oh Chie, this is so pretty and so frenchy and romantic. Beautiful tablescape. I love how you added the birdcage, cloche and the doll. Stunning. Wish I was there. Thanks tons for joining TTT and I always enjoy my visits to your home. Hugs, Marty

  6. M for Mother! You really are the queen, Chie. This is so beautiful!...Christine

  7. This is just stunning, Chie! I love how you used the burlap over your white table cover -- perfect for this outdoor, romantic tablescape. This is my first time to visit your blog, & now I'm a new follower!

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm really glad we had a chance to meet.

  8. I love that red stemware from Russia. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog. I appreciate your comments. Love your table, especially the birdcage with dried roses. Very pretty!

  10. Oh Chie, what a beautiful spot and such a pretty table setting. That cake looks delicious too. Hope you are well.
    Love from 'down under', from A-M and the 'not so little' A-Ms now! A-M xx

  11. Smörgåstårta! Mums :D And your red glasses are sooo lovley! Thanx for the answer about my blogproblem think im gonna do exactly that. Kram Katta

  12. I'm with you, Chie...I don't care to eat breakfast in bed, either. I'm way to clumsy for that! I would have ornage juice and syrup in the mattress in no time! :-) So what all is included on/in that cake sandwich? I've never seen or heard of it before. Is it salmon and shrimp and caviar on boiled egg slices on top of something else? It's so great that the weather is nice enough for you to eat outside! You have prepared a wonderful table for the occasion! So cool that you get to enjoy TWO Mother's Day celebrations every year!!! Happy Second Mother's Day, enjoy, and have a great weekend!!!

  13. Oh Chie, everything is sooo pretty! I especially love your fairy-looking doll.

  14. Wow Amazing! look like you had a great mother's day. Lovely setting, especially your "welcome drink and the cake sandwich".

  15. What a lovely table that you set! The garden setting is just perfect.

  16. You don't need to explain not wanting breakfast in bed. Seems that is just asking to have to change the sheets. Or at least that's how it is with me since I always drop something. I love the roses and how you decorated the outdoor table....and I totally want those wicker chairs. Very lovely. Thanks for joining me at Your Cozy Home Party...hope you will come again soon!

    1. Dear Shanon,
      I will follow you and will join you as long as I have my post posted. I promised.

      TY for sharing the fun coz I really am enjoying with you and your players. Hope they will come and visit Stockholm, too.


  17. OMG! I love your porch lounge! The garden is perfect for a breakfast like you did here! And the petals of apple flowers did add so much glam and beauty on your setting! You are brilliant!

  18. Happy Mothers Day, Chie! What beautiful photos for the day and lovely shadow shots! Everything looks wonderful and delicious! Doesn't get any better!! Thanks for sharing your holiday with us!!


  19. what beautiful table photos/shadows. lovely!!

  20. Visiting from SSS2! Not sure if this is intended for SSS2, (I can't see a link!) but I see shadows round your glorious table setting! So many creative ideas, especially with the bird cage! And love the blossoming white tree!

    1. Gem,
      If you press the SSS2 logo, you will end directly to your SSS2 website. And if you link to "SHADOWLANDIA" same there. Try and find it.

      Thanks for stopping from Australia.


  21. What a charming table. Love the monogrammed china!

  22. Sorry! I was so sure when I visited this post, that last part after Cozy Home Party was not there! I thought that there were just two badges and I know you have always mentioned Shadowlandia! That is why I was puzzled! Maybe I need another coffee and new glasses! Happy Sunday!

  23. Wow, that table setting is itself a work of art! We all takeaway the details like this, the reason the event was so enjoyable, starting with the presentation...two days of honor in one year? That is a fine idea! I like the cake of shrimp and salmon with the pink bubbly wine to relax and slowly dine as a couple...such beauty and details make for a fine day to honor someone special!

  24. I don't think it's strange at all that you don't like breakfast in bed. It's not for everyone. Your outdoor table looks so charming and inviting. Those delicacies look delish!

  25. Shadows everywhere! And all of them fascinating!

    Cemetery Blues

  26. Wow, you did it again!
    'Voileipäkakku' is soooo good, with shrimps...yummy!
    It's been rainy and cold here too, this morning only +9 brrrr but right now I can see a sun ray :)
    Have a good week ahead!

  27. Happy Mother's Day!! Lovely table setting-and the food too!

  28. Hi, sis!

    Love your table-setting arrangement. Lots of shadows too.

  29. I agree with you about breakfast in bed and rarely ever have food in my bedroom. Love the heart shaped bowl!

    1. TY Kel,
      I second demotion. I am not comfy inside the bedroom eating. I even didn't ate when I had a surgery rehab at home. No way, I will, as long as I can stand and walk.

      TY for visiting.



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