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Spring Is In The Air on TTT...

 Yeah! Spring at last...

Sunshine change the mood. As I mentioned in my earlier post, when sun shine, the mood of everybody changes, right? From sour faces to a happy faces.  No heavy down jackets or snowboots. Easy life, that is! World is beautiful §;-)

But right now, I will be so happy to see the sun shining on us. It was forecasted that the Swedish weather this week will be up to 25degC. I can't wait till the week-end coz EU celebrates Mother's Day. It's interesting, in a way.

*Pls bear with me in my posts. I use to have a chronological order 
My way of posting, My Art... §;-)
I started my embroidered linen tablecloth from India
Old chargers that been hiding for awhile came out for a sunny day
Alice cakestand, actually this is a 3tiered one.
I use as a bling this time...

I love my mini-skillets... have 8 pcs...
Dupion Silk pillows (shown several times last summer)
I am craving for a sweet white wine..Wine cover from Crete, Greece
Spring peacocks sits in every glass for give away, isn't it charming?
I can't find a perfect centerpiece, so I grabbed my Lobella and stuck in a vase, looks pretty
Coffee or teacups and the avec glass are so pretty...See the table napkins? handmande-
I gathered what I have that looks Spring-y
As I said, mix-matching is my expertise...
 Now, grill entrecote for lunch here... Grill is oozing...

Oppsss! Creme Brulee--- My style, my taste, must love it!
More views
Yes, this white wine is easy to drink. I am not a good drinker 
A sip? I said, goodnite, §;- Look at the bottle. Isn't it spring-y too?

Hope you all had a great week-end and wish you all a blessed and blissful week to come. My week looks busy, both work and my activities. My dance class will end soon and my dance friends were enjoying to the max. We all dance like madmen for a well learn choreographies... We love our teens teacher. They both rocks. Mr. N and Mr. T, both are killers but it is absolutely worth it. 3 terms? 15 kgs lessen. Now, I am vanishing (not kidding).

Linking this post to TTT of Lady Marty:


  1. Finfina bilder och ja nu är det varmt nog att sitta ute och mysa med en kopp kaffe.


  2. Hi, Chie! That dancing will put a little pep in your step and take inches off, won't it? I'm so happy that you got into that!!! I'm sure it is a lot of fun! I love that beautiful, beautiful, beautiful tablecloth!!!! Oh, my's heavenly! The embroidery on it is so pretty, and the color is just marvelous!!!!!!!!!! You did a wonderful job with your Spring table, and I'm glad the weather is finally turning those frowns upside down! :-) Great idea to use your lobelia for the centerpiece. It's perfect! GORGEOUS napkins, too! The food sounds wonderful. I haven't had a nice cut of beef like that in a long time. Great job on the creme brulee!!! Very nice! I hope your weekend was a good one with all the sunshine and warmth. Take care!!!

  3. What a beautiful table! You did an excellent job. The colors are so inviting!

  4. Such a springy table! Looks great!

  5. What a pretty table. You have the touch for mixing and matching. It all looks wonderful together.

  6. Hello Chie...

    My friend, your spring table is simply gorgeous! Oooh...I do love that beautiful purple table covering...very pretty! The table linens are the handmade napkins too! You know...I have always loved the green and purple color your place settings stole my heart away! A very beautiful, springtime table, dear lady...thank you for sharing it with us!

    I just read your sweet note and wanted to come over to say thank you for stopping by! I always enjoy your visits, sweet lady!

    Warmest spring wishes,

  7. Very Gorgeous table setting with both of my absolute favorite colors....purples and greens!!!

  8. Oh my this is gorgeous! I love those gorgeous cake stands. Everything about it is so inviting. what a fantastic job! I have a link party, Share Your cup Thursday. I would love if you linked this post.

  9. Simply perfect for spring. Love all of the colors. I would love to find some purple plates. Thanks for visiting and leaving me sweet thoughts.

  10. Lovely table! I especially love the mini skillets with creme brulee!!!

  11. I so love the colors of the table. Your tablecloth is fabulous and is perfect with your dishes. I love the napkins and the wine cover.. The lobelia is perfect for a centerpiece. And you made my favorite.. creme brulee. Another beautiful table! have a blessed weekend, xo marlis

  12. Great table. The colors are so lovely. I love the cake stands. So pretty.

    Jocelyn @

  13. OMGosh I am so into the colors of purple and green right now...this is so nailed it! Thank you so much for stopping by 21 Rosemary Lane earlier...I am following you now. Have a great weekend!!!

  14. Gorgeous mi dulce amiga!! The colors on this table have me drooling, stunning!! All the dishes are beautiful and everything you just posted, like the two tier cakes in such lovely colors too. Your tablecloth is beautiful and just right for the table. I adore creme brulee..maybe I should go to your lovely home for it!!
    Luv ya,

  15. How pretty, Chie! I love the lilac color...Christine

  16. You show many things I like...the cloth from India, your colors and, of course, the crime brûlée! I always enjoy your visit and checking in with you.


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