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First SSS2 and 2nd MM ever In My New Life 2013...

New Life At D´Box

It is absolutely new life. The new routines is almost the same but there must things to  be updated/change. 2012 was a great year, although some tragedies came across my life. Whether I like it or not, I will accept it whole heartedly. Some of you knew and some not. But, HEY! is there anything I can do? Of course YES! Accept the routines and showcase the amazing 2013 and live life to it's fullest. Ha! I sounded positive and hope you, who are the spirit of my bloggie world hold my hands and walk with me to tackle my 2013 successfully. I thank you all in advance and I know we all have a blissful year.

This is the first thing...
2 people living in D´Box

1) Buy a new small refrigerator w/ fridge
2) Sort out the products to be use  
New Electrolux Ref/fridge... OBS! we have an extra ref in the cellar, in case
I really closed my eyes sorting out the unhealthy stuffs
OMG! my own homemade berry jams! Sigh* 
I know I am a lactose intolerant. Now, I see to it to buy lactose free 
 Coco butter instead of vege butter. Both me & GH are not young so we try to keep fit

 Green vegies are the highlight of our food...
 Believe me or NOT, this is how it looks like! Lemonade stand still, in case kids coming
As well as Bailey's*-* a sip every now & then won't kill me. I am a 99% non-drinker

Yeah, that is the start for a new routine... I am not really a follower of any diet. It is a matter of lessing an unwanted things. We are not trying to be blogging and talking how fun and how awesome to lose weight. I don't have nothing to lose, BTW. Remember? I am not going young? So, I am or me and GH trying to live a healthy life. Just take note, our activities also plays cool in our routines.

I am linking & join with Susan on her MetMonday

Then head over to OZ or in the US
3 lovely ladies hosting my other meme too
 Hope you have/had a great week-end...
***Missing you all***
Hope Your Year End was a FAB...


  1. Welcome back! It is great to "see" you again! A New Year is always a wonderful time to re-think life! I try to de-clutter - esp papers and clothes! It's an annual routine that I actually enjoy and feel better afterwards! Your fridge certainly looks like a healthy treasure house!

  2. doesn't have to be the d-word...just a life style change...sometimes that is all it takes...xx. robin.

  3. Wow girl you go! Life change is always good. Hope the start of your New Year is off to a big bang.. hugs ~lynne ~

  4. Great new buy! I love fridges..we got a new one last year too! Great start my pretty fridge to keep your healthy food in. Luv ya!

  5. Very nice refrigerator - keeping the healthier instead of the other. Around here, we are becoming more aware of what we consume, although not dieting. It is a challenge as we age and of course in a wheelchair it becomes easier to add weight - but not active enough to lose it. So watching the diet is a necessary thing to do. Perhaps the new year will force me to try a bit harder...happy new year to you and yours!

  6. Happy New Year! Yes, we need to make 2013 bright and shiny. Very symbolic hat you are starting your year by cleaning out your refrigerator.
    I am so sorry too, to hear about the loss of your dear mother. It is so hard to carry on without them. My heart aches for you, but know that you will find a way to move forward without her. Big hugs to you!


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

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