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A fragile thingy on our 1st TTT

First TTT of 2013!

I hope that each and everyone of you, ladies had a wonderful and great time together with your dear ones during the hightime season of the year. I been travelling (bloggie world) and saw that you had a blast and saw that your wishes came true. If you asked mine? I did had a great time and the wish came true too.

Isn't it that we will start our posts, sharing the highlight of our year, right? But, I decided not to. I stay as what my blog is. I like to be me. 

Here is the first post on my TTT...

As you all know (once again), lil Missy was home on her sem break for 3 weeks. D´Box become a mess when both kiddos came to visit us. As a mother and the housekeeper, it was a bit of household chores and I won't let them do the chores (most of the time) as they were here to enjoy their holidays. You know children. It doesn't like what I or we had during our time. But we can't tell them the way we had coz it is a new era (in their world). I let them enjoy, a lil discussions. Lil Missy was more the chef and it was fun to see her grow up a young woman.

Yesterday, she went back to her dorm in the university campus. School starts again and a new hard life being student begin. That's what I call life. I'd missed my university life. School days and classmates were the best that happened to me, in a way.

So, this was the TS we had or I had set for our lunch. Lil Missy requested a sushi. So, GH ordered after our Sunday mass. It was really a blessed day. A hard time to part from her but I would never let her stay with us just becoz for my heart sake. She have to grow from my wings and need to fly of her own. The survillance is still there though §;-)

Cotton tablecloth is a dear treasure. A gift from a good Maltese friends

I started with the pizza plate as my chargers then main plate & sallad/dessert plates
The set is a glass Fleur di Lis
The centerpiece was cakestand & Mum & Dot dolls stand gracefully
We both love dancing. She went to dance school since she was 3yrs old.
 Vintage cut crystal drinking glasses are from Greece, while white wine glasses are Orrefors
Modified candlleholders was flower vases 
 Heart bowls was a gift from a dear colleague. Have 2pcs. Fits for the theme
 Vintage crystal decanter used to use as lemonade when kiddos around
She adore phalaenopsis orchids & stuck in our glasses
 Another vintage mini salt & pepper bowls. I had a great memories hunting them 
Oil & vinegar shaker are vintage find with great ladies from the U.S.
This cake/cookie stand is heavy and it's a antique find  long time ago...
Cut glass bowls purchased in our local store, almost 2 decades
Just much love at D´Box
 Just a simple bling on our mantle... not deck anymore §;-)

Just more shots that I can't resist not to post for you to share...

Hope the light will lead her path in her successful life as a brain scientist.
Hope You All had a great reading...

Linking to Lady Marty's meme...
TTT every Tuesday & don't 4get to visit her too...

Susan at BNOP 
Is one of the inspiration I have in my TS, evah...
Thank you both for hosting... keep up the good job.


  1. Dukningen är jättefin som vanligt,
    sushi däremot är jag inte så jätteförtjust
    i. Fast det ser onekligen gott ut det du
    lagt upp på tallriken.
    Ha det gott

  2. Beautiful table...all that crystal reminds me of ice! The food looks delicious, too. What is the pink food on the left of the plate?

  3. Evening! The tablecloth is beeeeautiful! The glassware really sets it off. The tiny round table with floral cloth is very pretty too! have a wonderful week. So busy at work, may not post yet. Cheers, Di


  4. Hello Chie...beautiful post.I too love glass have wonderful those cute angel dolls on the table.the cotton tablecloth is so one word everything looks awesome....thank

  5. Love this post, Chie. How wonderful that you got to spend some time with little Missy. Beautiful cut glass collection! Christine

  6. I love your cut glass collection, it's simply gortgeous! I only have the big plate. My daughter just left this morning for Quito, where she lives, and I'm missing her already. I can imagine you miss little, pretty Missy too! Well, that's life. Thank you for your sweet and kind visit dear Chie, you always make my day, my lovely friend. Big hugs,

  7. So nice to meet you from TT. Thank you for dropping by.

    Your fabulous lunch looks wonderful as well as the elegant tablescape. You have so many lovely pieces and they all have a nice story to share.

    Don't you love blogging and how it connects us all around the world! We girls all like a pretty table.

    Have a wonderful day.

  8. Hi darling, your table is just too gorgeous for words! So romantic and elegant. I'm looking forward to more in 2013. Hugs ~lynne ~

  9. Your all-glass table is just spectacular! Why does this seem very swedish, all this sparkling glass and white? I love it. I used to have some glass dinner service, but I think I sold it. Now I wish I had it back!

  10. Vilken underbar dukning :) Och tack för dina kommentarer hos mig.
    Önskar dig en härlig helg, kram Maria

  11. Hej!!!
    Gud så fin kristall!!!! Och mumsbittar på :D
    Så trevligt att se en fin dukning och enligt alla konstens regler... ;) Sånt ser man inte ofta nu för tiden :)
    Ha en trevlig helg och tack för hälsningen!!!!

  12. How fun and gorgeous. The sushi looks like pieces of art on that beautiful background. Everything is perfect in just white and glass and the angels are wonderful. How great to have kids home for the holidays. It gets crazy, yes, but it is so worth it.

  13. Hi sweetie - I have just loaded your blog into place for my Grow Your Blog party. I look forward to meeting you and reading your special post on the 19th. See you at the party!


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Thank you for your visit and leaving such nice comments. For me, it's a glorious feelings as I am not a familiar blogger of the world. I really am grateful for knowing You all.

If you want to send an email, pls send to and not on what is given by default. Thanks

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