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RUSTY? Just Sayin´---- Aqua Blue or Turqouise?

Life is like a weather, if  it is not boiling HOT, it's  freaking FREEZING?

Hello Lovely Ladies in my Bloglandia?

I hope everyone had a great and enjoyable w/end with your loveones. I myself, had a quiet one. Enjoying to max with my friends all over the world, chatting and I had a great time uncluttering here and there and Sunday evening, I started again my Street dance. In short, I had a productive w/end, as to say. Apart from our weather. Stockholm is freezing and she will freeze more months to come. 

Anyways, my theme this week is Aqua Blue or Turqouise?
Which is which?
I started with my Swedish silver Carlström flatwares. They followed wherever I am 
 Followed by my Benetton dinnerwares. I owned them since 2000. Kids fave
How about this salad plates? I couldn't resist to show You All b4 Spring
 Cookie jar became a vase this time as a centerpiece
 Don't you love my rusty Fleur de Lis? Adore the rustiness
 Bubbled wine glasses are from Dalani's & Victorian tea candle holder
Lid of the cookie jar! Rusty, me LIKE, added as a bling...
 I added the Kosta Boda decanter & mega vase & a glass tea box
 Iittala water decanter wanna join. Behind is my pretty candle holders

Showing some shots... 
 U R the STAR of my B...T §:-)

An evening shots 
 Mini scent candles lit for a cozy ambiance
 Then, the BIG ones follow
 Even the smallest eager to show their gracious flames
I hope you all enjoy the simplicity of D´Box
Live life to the it's fullest, dear friends...
God Bless Us All

I am linking to Lady Marty's TTT
BNOP on her Tablescaping on Thursdays... 

Hope you all visit all participants of our hostess, for more enjoyable parties. New Year, New friends and New Inspirations. We have to stroll to whoever we encounter in this called "Blogielandia"



  1. Richie, your tablescape is lovely! I love aqua blue, it is so clean and fresh!

    Thank you for your visit, made it easy to find you today. God bless.

    PS It's cold here today too, it is snowing again.

  2. In this entry you have showed my favorites! Love looking!

  3. This is one of my favorites that you have done! I just love the colors! So pretty!

  4. Gorgeous colors you've used on your lovely table!! Just beautiful.
    Mary Alice

  5. It is so nice to meet you. Your tablescapes are lovely. I'm still making my way through visiting everyone from Vicki's Grow Your Blog party. I hope you will stop by to say hello.

  6. lovely! Turquoise being my favorite color of the moment, I adored every piece on your table. Would love to "tour" the rest of your home.

  7. Love your aqua/turquoise color scheme and the rusty fleur de lis is a perfect touch to give it warmth! Thanks for your kind remarks on my blog!

  8. VERY beautiful! I love the color and a perfect choice to use the cookie jar as a centerpiece! Blessings, Tammy

  9. This is all so gorgeous!! The aqua blue is so pretty!

    Stay warm!


  10. Benetton!!!!!! I knew it! When I first looked at the plate, that's exactly what came to my mind!!! Wow...what a cool design! It almost looks like a cookie! I'm not sure whether this is all aqua or turquoise (those 2 always confuse the heck out of me!), but whatever the color is, it's pretty! I love that water decanter. I have seen that similar shape in clear, but never in a beautiful color like that. I'm sorry you're freezing there. If it's any consolation at all, it's pretty frigid here, too. Probably not as cold as there, but it is cold. Snuggle up with your sweet hubby and have a warm weekend!

  11. Turkost är en underbar färg, och så ger den
    vårkänslor. Och det kan behövas nu när det
    är så kallt. Imorse i bilen sa maken att, ja då
    var halva vintern över. Vaaa halva, då är det ju inte
    vår förrän i maj! Vinter nov-mars är för länge.
    Ha det gott, vi får ta på oss varma tröjor
    Stor kram

  12. Du har så mycket vackert porslin och just turkos är en av mina favoriter. Här i Skåne är allt bra men oj så kallt vi har.


  13. First: I love your 2013 header, amiga querida..very terrific! Your Benetton dishes are making me drool, wow! The color is great and I would call them aqua..I think?..I too get confused between those two names, lol! Your decanter and all the fabulous shots are to die for!! Thank you for dropping by, I always just love it when you do!
    Muchos abrazos,

  14. Oh, you look so pretty and warm in your new pic! I also love the pretty croheted pillow, pal!


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