Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll


Jup! söndag igen... Hoppas att alla hade en skön helg trots allt regn och blåsigt väder. Jag hade latat mig hela dagen.

Varje söndag så är det alltid en skugg meme och vår värd är TRACEY från Australien. Tyvärr, så är det inte mycket skuggor idag. Jag är väl lite för lat eller vill inte ens röra på mig, idag. Helt slut!!! Jag är verkligen trött.

This was my morning when I open the door on our open porch...
Then, this curtain on my gazebo catches my eyeballs §:-))
My stairs on the backyard, going to say "Go Morning" to my handymen
Jan & Jimmy working on our way out
Hmmm... What the heck is this? tsk---tsk---
Ahhh! ONLY my lovely hubby sweeping the sand around on the new stones
Dóh!!! what's that?
He he... Him Again? Buggah---
And my lil kiddo laughing at his papidoh---

Ah! Sunday--- in OZ land Saturday in EU land §:-))

It doesn't matter what day is it now or then? The important thing is that, am still hanging on, in this meme " Shadows Shots Sunday". This is my 24th contribution of 2009 and still the whole family were enjoying chasing shadow shots for me.

Well, what's Sunday w/out SSS--- although am feeling so tired today, as my family was at home for dinner yesterday. It wasn't late, though but anyhow, I just feel a real slack. I went down nearly 10am. Yeah, right! definitely, slack indeed... Just enjoying the lazy morning but I realized that I have handymen outside working.



  1. Really lovely shadow shots today! Love all that beautiful sunshine! Really like the one with the sheer curtains -- beautiful!

    Happy SSS! Have a great weekend!

  2. Hihi its Andro for Meno ;)

    Uhm...i LOVE your new grey stones!
    Actually i have the same in my backyard (the red version). Freaky coincidence!

    xoxo hot flash M

  3. Okay, if you need to make a video for someone to make your may need If not, then it will be okay. Thanks for visiting and now, don't be a stranger.

  4. I love your new pavers, how cool and the curtains on your deck, just inviting a stranger in for tea and to sit a spell in the shade...ahhhh, spring!

  5. The gazebo looks very inviting with the shadows and morning sun!

  6. Great series of shadows! :-)

  7. A sweet collection of shadows. I always enjoy your family getting in on the shadow action! I hope you are enjoying your restful day. I have those slack kinda lazy days where I like to nap a lot. That's what weekends are for ;D

  8. Härliga skuggor du visar.
    Här blir det nog inga skuggor alls idag. Det är svart på himmlen, åskan går och det smällregnar....
    Klems Synne.

  9. What a wonderful collection of shadows! I love your new stone walkway. And if I had that beautiful, gauzy gazebo I don't think I'd ever leave it.

  10. I especially liked the steps, both the point of view and the shadows.

  11. Sweetie, i am the stepping Queen!
    Yesterday 17.000 steps!!!
    Got my track suit on for a 5 mile run/walk...
    Hope your Insomnia didn't last long last night!

    Big hug from your little Bro!

  12. GOODMORNING big Sis,

    I all ready cleaned my house, ran/walked 5 miles and dressed up for a B-day party.
    Have a lovely Sunday with your family! Speak to you later.

    xoxo M

  13. You document your family, home and life so well :) your photos are always happy and full of fun!

    Have a great week :)

  14. Wow! you captured so many shadows this week. We haven't had much sun lately, so it's been a real challenge.

    Your first shot is so lovely with the pretty transparent shadow over the woodgrain.

  15. Oj vad fint ni får nu på uppfarten:) underbart att du satte tyg runt utemöblerna. Ser jättehärligt ut och jag tror jag kommer en sväng och latar mig där hos dig;) synd att du bor såååå långt bort bara!!!

    Vila du idag och njut//Kramisar

  16. Wow Richie....those stairs are making us dizzy girl!
    Love your gauzey, breezy porch - quite lovely!

  17. What fun shadows! I love the driveway.
    Happy SSS~

  18. Tycker Du är helt fantastisk på att hitta nya skuggor varje vecka, har nog aldrig tänkt på att det är så mkt skuggor omkring oss.
    Trött skriver Du, är det efter operationen eller allmännt trött Du är?

    Ha nu en bra start på veckan!

    Kram //annette

  19. You're very lucky to have those handymen! Great shadows!
    Love the way you made such a fantastic place of your open porch1

  20. Such a nice collection of shadow shots ...
    Hope you has a restful Sunday :-)

  21. Fina skuggor och vilken värme och glädje i bilderna!

    ha en skön vecka!

    kram, Lotta

  22. All are beautiful pictures! My favourite is the first, a lovely delicate little shadow :)

  23. Lovely SSS photos, Richie.
    Your new paved driveway looks great! and gazibo is so inviting for a Sunday morning coffee.
    Have a fabulous week!

  24. You did a wonderful job chasing shadows..and they were really good.
    Hope you enjoyed the day..I am late was here..
    Have a happy week..xoRosebud.

  25. great that first shot especially..

  26. Lots of great shadows--signs of the summer to come.

  27. Hi Sis,
    Recovery is hard but YOU CAN DO IT!!!
    Bday bash was fun, my family in law is FAB! I have a quite week ahead, a few appointments for work but overall i am just going to chill and relax. Tonight i am gonna curl up in my sofa and watch a dvd "Ergo Proxy".
    xoxo from your little bro

  28. Hejsan!

    Jadu räknar med minst 8 veckor sen känner man av magen i flera månader...tyvärr
    Det är lång tid:(
    Jag minns med hur alla trodde i familjen att det är bra bara man opererat sig och möjligt ont i ett par veckor sen vill de ha en glad hustru o mor igen;/ men så är det ju inte...sorry

    Hoppas det går bra nu 50% men det ska nog gå bra ska du se:)

    Kram Lotta

  29. What a pretty blog you have!!!

    You should show some of your huge paintings!!! I love that look - better than too small paintings! try it!


  30. The paving looks great. Hopefully mine is starting tomorrow. Love your shadow shots! Ax

  31. Hey girl, fav shots as always, i bet you cannot wait until your hubby finishes all the outside space, your lucky girl, i am still waiting on the wall and the ladder has disappeared...i know you will fly with me, it is magic up there...have a fab day..:) MonikaROse cya, and do not forget to check out my new creation in my etsy store, link on my new post in blog... ;)

  32. I love the shadows of the curtains on the table...very inviting. That stair shot is positively dizzying! Nice collection of shadows!

  33. Hej goa vännen.
    Den lille valpen tar gärna emot dig hehe...
    Det är inte våran valp, utan det är han som äger Erri som äger honom med. Han är 10 veckor nu och heter Mats...
    Men söt är han.
    Kramen Synne.

  34. Hey there beautiful!! wow...I am so envious of your gazebo..hubby has been talking about having one for ages..but we don't have enough space for day, must be really romantic to lie down and stare at the skies at nigh...hugs...

  35. Thanks for stopping by my blog-I love your pictures and such a beautiful gazebo!


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