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REVEALATION DAY @ THE INSPIRED ROOM on her Procrastination Project

Yes! Today (tomorrow)--- it's the day to reveal our to-do-project with our host, no other than Melissa at "The Inspired Room"

Awhile ago, I joined the Procrastination Project of Mel coz I found out the project is interesting. I have so many things spinning in my head and hard to accomplish them. Do you think that I need more support and more pepping me up? Well, I think so! Therefore, check the outcome of my work, although it's not that appealing. Am more confident and contented with my own simple designs that doesn't cost you fortune...

Press the photos for a bigger size to see the difference
Gazebo b4 & afterI decorated it ready for the Ladies to come
Just SIMPLE and it's very affordable...

As I have a huge open porch, I fixed the other end w/ a Burberry theme
Hubby & Daughter found this bike in the bush last winter.I screamed & said "Hallejah" fix that on spring, so here it is!Isn't it adorable? A basket of flower is amazingly gorgeous in my eyes & I painted the zink crown & hanged the "Välkommen-Welcome sign". It's under my plumtree & you can see my tulips around the tree trunk? Almost heaven while summer is on the air.
Wall painted white & decored w/ yellow & as you can see, my vase is a dove's nest that hubby climbed up the oak tree due crows ate the eggs...

My cubby house is a sort of an extra room as our poorman's house isn't big enough to invite family & friends together for a sleep over. As you can see, the father-daughter mood one week-end was helping me with my crazy ideas. As you all knew, that I was hospitalized for a complicated surgery, I must rest, won't I? Suppose to? but my thoughts & fingers & of course my dummy tongue won't stop whining §:-))
The entrance porch got a roof. I love being outside and read my mags while the sun shines and wind blows chilly on my cheeks. A lil of a romantic theme. Love rose, white, green, pink and name it...
Just adding some colours and took some yukky stuffs in our bedroom. I feel relieve the changes of some colours and decors that are friendly to my eyes (at least mine!)

Well, good folks! head over to Melissa and find out what the other ladies had overcome in their "Procrastination Projects"


  1. beautiful, I love the airiness and sense of space!

  2. You Go Girl! *snap*
    Love all the white, it looks fresh and gorgeous! The Burberry is FAB!
    Check you email ;)
    Big Hug, M

  3. I love everything you have done here, it is gorgeous! What you did to the gazebo for the ladies' visit is absolutely beautiful. So refreshing, it makes one really want to sit down and relax for a bit.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog a few weeks ago. I have been so busy I haven't been able to get around to everyone else's blog!! So bad of me. :-(

  4. Everything is beautiful! job well done!~kbear

  5. They are beautiful have the natural talent :P

  6. Hey girl, how ya doing? Great transformations, love them all. Bright and colorful, great work girl...have a fantastic day :) MonikaROse

  7. What a great job you have done! And it looks like you have 2 very willing workers to assist you. I love the fresh white fence palings & the wondeful outdoor room you have created - just perfect for recuperating from your surgery. Bravo to you dear!
    Millie ^_^

  8. Wow you have been busy. Love what you've done. Very clever!

  9. Hejsan vännen!
    har jobbat lite men nu är jag här igen:)
    Så fint sovrum ni har då!!!
    Du! jag har vunnit en blogmakeover och jag förstår mycket bra engelska men om jag får stora bekymmer att förklara mig via ett mail med tjejen som ska fixa makovern om kanske vad jag önskar osv kan du då hjälpa mig att översätta de rader jag inte själv kan?...du som är engelsproffs:)

    Många krya på sig kramar från Lotta

  10. Oh WOW!!! It's stunning. It looks peaceful and airy and soooo beautiful! You did an awesome job. Way to go!!!
    Have a great day,

  11. Oh so lovely! I know that you are going to enjoy that outdoor space so much this summer!

  12. You have been one busy gal- Love the fence painted white!

  13. You definitely got a lot done. Everything looks great. That bike idea is cute too. Very nice. This is my first visit here and surprised to see you live in Sweden. My father's mother was born in Sweden. Thank you for visiting me on my craft blog. If you get a chance come visit my main blog too. Have a great day and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  14. You did a wonderful job on your transformations! So bright, cheery, and fresh!

  15. Everything looks magical! The bike is my favorite. The crown you painted just makes it look like it's out of a magazine.
    Mrs. Petrie @

  16. That all looks so nice! I love the gazebo and the white fence. So refreshing and summery! The table at the end of the bed is very nice too.

  17. Wow, wowwww, wowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
    I´m only a few days out and I found these beautiful decorations now!!
    Richie, everything looks great and do you know that I´m the fan number 1 of Burberry????
    Now my perfum is "Burberry Touch", I love it!!♥♥♥
    Thank you for this post my friend!

  18. So sweet and dreamy. OMG, I love the bike. I need one of those, I would have never thought to paint a bike. You rock!!! :)

  19. Beautiful! WOW! Love the burberry theme on the porch - totally fabulous! Everything looks so fresh and airy.


  20. Wow! A little ambitious aren't we? I mean that in a good way. Everything looks fabulous!!!! I would feel so right at home at your place. I love everything you have done.

    Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment.

  21. It all looks very beautiful!

  22. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your projects turned out beautifully!

  23. It looks fabulous! Beautiful fresh and airy! Well done!


  24. Your ideas are beautiful! I especially like the bicycle with the basket of flowers. I hope you are feeling better after your surgery. Thank you for visiting my blog! ~Kathy

  25. You did a fabulous job! That bike is awesome too, how creative of you!

    Enjoy your lovely new space!! Thanks for joining in the party!


  26. It's so beautiful, it looks very airy and serene. Great job!

  27. I wish I had a beautiful space like that to sit in. It looks like you did way more than one project. I love it!

  28. Wow! It's beautiful! What a huge transformation! Great job!

  29. Ladies,

    Million thanks you came by and see my done projects.

    YES, it isn't just a project. I had few projects done for Melissa's party.

    Am enjoying the time pressure and of course the outcome of it.

    Am also at home for rehab but as I said, I can't just sit there and look at my undone projects. No way!

    So, as you can see, with the help of my hubby and daughter (painting) I done the cubby house porch, undone the interior but will fix that on fall.

    I been visiting to most of you ladies who links to Mel's post, so I enjoyed your projects too.

    Am proud of ourselves that we really done a good job.

    So, CHEERS TO ALL & have a fun DAY!

  30. I love all your before and after photos. What great projects. I especially love your gazebo...very dreamy and inviting. And horray your hubby and daughter too. thanks for sharing.

  31. I love all the white, it is so fresh and pretty. I wish I could live with white but instead I just live through others rooms. Is the bike usable? It is so pretty. Anyone would love to be invited over to your home.

  32. Love what you've done, it's amazing how white paint can transform a space. Just gorgeous x

  33. Your transformations are all yummy! This looks like a lot of hard work but the results are really nice. I have a pergola simiilar in my back yard and now I'm all inspired to make some changes there too!

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault


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