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A mixed UP while am mobilizing myself in my Shadow Shot Sunday #23

Just det! Idag så är det faktisk en underbar dag! Solen skiner och det kan man säga att man kan sola lite i solen annars så är det fortfarande kyligt.

Lite gott och blandat för min skuggbilder när jag tog en promenad runt omkring kvarteren där jag bor.

Hoppas alla är nöjda och ha kul denna helg.
This was I saw this morning in the shower room... A smiley welcomes me
When I open the front porch, this was I saw, my lavender say, G´day Mate!
Then this catches my eyes! The live wire cable seems screaming, "HEY AM HERE"
I saw this ´bout 4 houses from my house, limping to toke this pix... A fence!
And across that house found this simple fence to protect their garden away from the Bambi's...
He he--- I scared to death when this lady rush round my I dreaming?
As well, as this boy w/ his kick-bike
Going back home...ahh! another shadows---
While holding my cam, I managed to catched the birdies in action...

When I came home, I found hubby flatten the entrance to put new cobble stones---

Well, well... my day today was a bit lazy. I went up early as my niece rung and asked for a help to fill up her Australian visa. Hurray! Another philly on the way to OZ land §:-)
Kidding aside, it was only 5.30am... Mama Mia... my B..T still snooring!!! Anyways, after the chitchat and browsing through all the pages, whew! I went up and thought I go back to my cosy bed for an hour or two just for the hell of it! §:-))

Dóh! you think I can sleep back again? No way... I was at my doc last Wednesday and was adviced to mobilized myself, which I been doing through all these weeks am home for rehab. I had another week full time sickie and 2 weeks 50% sickie.

So, went in to the bathroom in the upper level of the house which we have all the bedrooms and voilá! found smiley there... so, I decided to go down again to mobilize, yeah right, Man? then~uhh~ I just saw shadows everywhere and that makes me so happy and just had my morning walk around the vicinity. MOBILIZE, IS THE WORD... tjii hii hii

Head over to "hey harriet" to the universal collage from all participants...TY Tracey for a wonderful weekly entertainment.

A Wonderful Week-END Good FOLKS



  1. Very good shaddowshots!!!

    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Hej,

    Tack för besöket hos mig!

    Trevlig skuggbilder.

    Ha nu en skön helg!
    Kram Marina

  3. What great shadow shots!! Such a nice variety! It is fun, isn't it?
    Thanks as always for stopping by and for your comment! Have a great weekend!

  4. Love the shadows as usual!! How could you NOT have a great morning with a sunshine shadow?!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. haha, ja men visst=) du ska vara riktigt stolt;) det var super skojigt att nico vann i dag, det är roligt att få höra sådana lovo ord om sin hund. ha en fin kväll. kram

  6. Godzilla with a Cigarrette:
    the kid on a kick bike looks like Godzilla.

    You live in a beautiful neighborhood. Thanks for the tour. Good luck with your rehab.

  7. It's always a fun walk around your neighborhood, it seems the sun is always shining...have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Great series of shots! I like the two of the fence best :-)

  9. Vilka underbara skuggbilder Du bjuder på, fanatstiskt vad det finns många skuggor bara man öppnar ögonen!

    Hoppas Du har en skön kväll!



  10. Great shadow smiley in the bathroom. You moved around a lot and took great SSS photo's. Have a nice day!

  11. What a terrific series of shadow shots! I especially like the fences and benches. Nice play on repetitiveness.

  12. Hey Girl, love your shadow shots this week, especially the fences and your lavender. Thanks for sharing and the variety too. Great you are out and about. I would love to teach you crochet one day :) Have a great day and week ahead...To brighten your day even further, change the black background on your bloggy, something vibrant and full of color, will make you feel better each time you look... :)MoniikaRosE

  13. Love all your SS! The smiley is a great morning find! I especially like the textures in the outdoor fence shots too. Great job! I enjoyed browsing your blog too.

  14. Boy, you have been busy. I like the one with the fence.

  15. The boy on the scooter - his shadow resembles a dinosaur! So cool!

  16. A great collection of shadows from you again. Fun shots! I'm impressed that your lavender says 'g'day mate.' Must be an Aussie breed of lavender ;D Happy weekend to you!

  17. What a nice collection of shadows! I think the 4th and 5th are my favorites and the 7th... Nice variety.

  18. the fence shadow is great!
    and I love your shower smile :)

  19. So glad to read you are doing better. Trying to get the house in order and didn't blog much. Your shadows are all wonderful. Great job. Miss you, but once I get things in order will return.

  20. I love the way the fences look! Jen

  21. Tack sööööta du för hjälpen:)
    Hur har du lärt dig att skriva så bra engelska? jisses
    Roliga bilder du tagit och väldigt fint badrum ni har. Vi har såååå hemskt men gubben jobbar bara med en sak i taget...dåligt haha


  22. i was thinking to myself the first shadow looked like a smiley...then i read your entry! i was right! see you again!!!

  23. Heeej!
    Hoppas att du mår bättre nu. Så vacker bild med din lavendel.

    Må så gott.

  24. Great shots! I love the shower smile. :)

  25. What great shadows! I especially love the fences. Have a great week~

  26. This the next whole year's worth of shadow shots...what a great selection!!

  27. Hi wonderful shadows...I loved the bird flying and your husbands machine! Glad to hear you are back on your feet and making progress!

  28. Love the lavender on the front door. Wish it were mine! Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  29. many cool shadows! the Aussie lavender ;) and the lattice fence makes such a pretty shadow too!

  30. Hey girl, thanks for popping in, do not even get me started on that ladder and the wall... ;0)
    Been sitting there for a couple of months and the wall too and will be for a while.. hubby you know, works, no time not get me wrong, he is fantastic husband...anyways..have a fantastic day :) MOnikaROse

  31. many great shadows! I really like the one of the round top fences against the white wall. Very nice!

  32. Hi ya Richie, you have the nicest collection of Shadow shots..and yes, love that smiley in the toilet..and here's hoping you are much better after your op. love.....M

  33. Thanks for your visit and for your nice words! Your blog is very nice! Very original photos you show! Very clever!
    Nice to meet you!
    Warm greetings

  34. Many lovely pictures!
    Have a great week!

  35. You´re right Richie.. Mobilize is the word!!!!
    Your shadows shots are so wonderful, great all of them!
    Take care my friend♥♥♥
    A good week for you!!

  36. Such sweeping vistas of shadows - lovely. Thanks for visiting.

  37. Very nice shadow shots ... like the smiley in your bathroom :-)

  38. It was a great pleasure visiting your blog today. Thanks for visiting mine in Astoria, Oregon!

  39. You did get a whole lot of great shadows! They made a wonderful collection of pictures.

  40. So many fantastic shadow shots. I love the first one with the sunny smile :) and the skater duck shadow is very interesting too.


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